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Everything posted by ShesaLikeableBiBear

  1. Great to hear there has been more improvement Jed, today has been a cracker here for the last day of autumn. Started out with 12C with quite a chilly wind until around 10.00am, clear skies, and got to 21C. Managed to get five shelties groomed, bathed and blow-dried today, they have really blown their coats since last week when I took off to Bundy, Gin Gin and Maryborough with no. six, chasing points for his title. "Chilling out" now until this weekend when we have three 7 week old sheltie pups to look after until Wed 09, and then on count down for a litter due anywhere from 11-17 June, depending on when Bree "took" from her mating and taking into account 59 days, as she is a maiden. We have today popped a winter rug on Cedar, our 14 year old Arab gelding, he sure will appreciate it at night now
  3. It was lovely watching Sirena and Mary over the w/e, and seeing Sirena awarded Baby in Show.
  4. Are you sure GR? due home tommorow evening and will check Monday. Thanks for bumping the threads, on laptop with temporary keyboard driving me nuts Kitkat, $15.00 plus postage Running out of internet usage
  5. MM, will check your order Monday am away showing over the w/e. COME ON DOLERS NOT MANY TO GO
  6. Sounds as if Ashley had some fun If we are ever at a mutual show he is welcome to take Odin in We are not hard to find, he is the only bi-black sheltie Perhaps pm with shows you are entering
  7. We have 14 more to sell before reaching our target Any further pr-orders would be much appreciated
  8. Perhaps she has an intolerance to lamb necks/ flaps. One of our dogs can't digest bones be they chicken wings/chicken frames, beef or lamb. He is a house dog and sleeps on my bed at night so have learnt the hard way not to feed him bones.
  9. Something we all dread, please don't blame yourself, it could happen to any of us. ;) Condolences to all concerned.
  10. AMS, where in Brissy do you get your minced chicken frames from?.
  11. rajacadoo, do you have an idea of how many to expect. We too would love some support in the middle of the night, hoping against hope it doesn't come to that. Thanks for the reminder about Sway's site. ;)
  12. Thanks all who have put their hands up to purchase a cookbook/s. We will keep the threads open until the end of this month at which time either Golden Rules or myself will PM you all with payment details. Once we have received sufficient payment for the printing of the book all will be full steam ahead.
  13. We have been purchasing the minced chicken frames from LENARDS for a year now and have not had a problem. My boy Panda has a particularly sensitive tummy e.g. I can't feed him wings or whole frames as he doesn't digest the bone. He is a house dog and sleeps in my room at night, so from experience I don't feed him bones any more He is fine with the minced frames.
  14. We buy ours from LENARDS on the Sunshine Coast at $1.50/kg, buy one get one free. We purchase 20kg at a time. They bag it in 2kg lots which we then freeze. Until a month ago it was $1.25.kg buy one get one free.
  15. Thanks. We are now up to 334 sold, come-on DOL'ers, let's try for 350 by the end of the month.
  16. GoldenGirl85, we are at present taking pre orders for books to pay for the first print run so that no one is left out of pocket when the book goes to print. Once the first print run has been done the book will be advertised widely through websites, clubs etc. Thanks oakeydoak1
  17. Have you contacted your breeder for help?. This site gives a list of links to various breeds and how to try and overcome the problem.http://www.lowchensaustralia.com/health/eartaping.htm
  18. Thanks for your interest colliepaws. Lhok, we have two people bumping the thread
  19. We fed Nutro Natural Choice (the US brand) excusively for nearly 8 1/2 years until it was pulled from the market here. Since it has been made in Australia we continue to feed Nutro and have NO complaints. We do, however, now feed Nutro on a 1/3rd 2/3rds basis with a homemade diet. We have also fed Ziwipeak, but have found with 6 dogs it is a little expensive. PS We have weaned our litters on Nutro and will do so with our litter due in mid June.
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