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Everything posted by dekaffe

  1. Hello there! Thanks guys for the info, and Liana next time I will surely contact you for more serious matters such as this, completely slipped my mind. Hows Spyder doing? It would great for the two to meet up some time in the future. re: diet, if not brisket bones than what bones do you suggest i feed him? if any at all? I know Bonnie used to feed the pups Hills dry food + mince, but when we bought the little fella home he would seperate all the mince from the dry food and eat only the mince! I was advised that the Hills diet is extremely nutritional and that I should try keeping him on a solely Hills diet until he learns to eat all his meals. Is this still the way to go? Thanks eveyrone (and Liana) for your help. P.s. no signs of weakness, lost appetite, and he is still actively biting my hand so hopefully Juggy will be fine
  2. hey there, where did u get the puppy from? pound? breeder? if he loses his appetite and becomes lethargic get him to the vet str8 away Hi, We got him from a breeder near Newcastle. We can't tell yet if he has lost his appetite - He had his dinner than within 5-10 minutes through it back up. Then went looking for his bone. The bone was given to him during lunch though, not dinner. Also today, we did take him to the park where others were walking their dogs. Is it possible he has picked up a disease :S He has another vaccination due at 12 weeks...
  3. Hi Guys My mum was home alone with our little Juggy when I got a call that he had just vomited. He's 10 weeks old and we only adopted him last week. She said that he ate half of his vomit straight after throwing up, and this has gotten me very worried A friend suggested that it could be a change of diet - well we fed him a brisket bone today covered in meat + fat which we havn't given to him before. Infact we have limited h is meat instake and have been feeding him Hills Puppy Original. Could the brisket be the cause? If somebody could please shed some light that would be greatly appreciated.... Regards Sameer
  4. Hi Guys Any other useful tips regarding toilet training? Anything at all would be appreciated, seriously. He has only so far crapped inside the house. While I am training him to crap outside, is the best place a grassy area or concrete? Cheers Sameer
  5. (11pm: I just went to the laundry and transferred him from the container-bed to a laundry basket in which I have modified and cut but removed sharp edges so that he can easily walk in and out of it. blankets ofcourse!)
  6. Hi ShepHead! Thanks for the detailed advice. I think though I'm a bit confused about the crate training. What exactly is crate training? I've obviously got it a bit mixed up re: the sleeping thing. If you or somebody else could expand that would be great! Cheers
  7. Hello all! We made our way up to Kurri Kurri from Sydney on saturday to adopt our 9 week old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He's the most adorable thing! However, as all new puppy owners will experience, we have run into a few problems which I am sure are not uncommon. I have read through the forum and used the Search function but perhaps a few answers more specific to my questions would be appropriate now And thankyou so much in advance for taking the time to help me and Juggy out. 1) Eating Juggy's diet currently consists of half a cup of Hills dry puppy food + 1/4 cup of mince mixed well with a bit of hot water. During breakfast I also give him some lactose free milk. However I am finding that Juggy seperates all the meat from the dry food and eats up all the meat while leaving a bit of dry food. Is this normal - perhaps I am giving him too much? Apart from that, what kind of variations do you suggest for the little boy in terms of his diet? I can iamgine that what he is getting at the moment could be quite boring. He seems to like vege's aswell. 2) Toilet!! Probably one of the hardest things to train a dog to do! So far Juggy has only pooped inside the house! We feed him his 3 meals a day and find that no matter how long we stand outside with him after the meal, he usually wont poop. Instead it is some time later on that we find a little surprise inside. What's going on there? 3) Sleeping His current sleeping arrangements are as follows; We have a plastic see-through storage container (no lid ofcourse!) - about 80cm long x 40cm wide x 20 cm high (obviously padded with blankets). Since he is a corgi and at that only a pup, he has alot of trouble getting out of the container with his very short legs - is this a similar principle to the crate? The only problem I can see with this is if he needs to goto the toilet he will end up going it in his little bed. Do you guys have any better suggestions (well obviously you do - your all pro's!)? 4) Training I know dogs prefer to be rewarded rather than reprimanded, but where exactly do we draw the line between how often we should be reprimanding him? I am a bit worried that I am overwhelming and expecting too much of the poor bugger on only his second day in his new house, but I really want this baby to be very well trained and figure I should start asap. Is this the right approach - or is it best to let him settle in and perhaps on the first or second week start again? When he bites my finger, i give him a firm "NO" with the pointed finger. I am sure with time he will figure outwhat I am saying. Sometimes if he is persistent on biting I grab a bit of his loose skin above his neck and give it a little ring until I can see he is a little uncomfortable. Thanks so much if anyone can offer me and my little friend some help Cheers Sameer
  8. dekaffe


    Hi People! Tomorrow is the big day - we are heading off for a 2 hour drive to pick up our pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy :D He will be 8 weeks old. Just a few last minute questions which I am sure the breeder will be helpful in guiding.... but anyway; 1) What kind of bed/sleeping area is best for the pup - newspaper/basket + blanket? 2) Suggestions on diet in these early stages? 3) I was told by a friend who has owned many dogs to have the pup desexed around 5 months rather than at 6 months. This way the boost in testosterone which kicks in at 6 months is avoided and the dog will not pick up some of those nasty male habits... Old wives tale Thanks for your help in advance. And if you have any more advice please do let me know as this is our first dog :D Cheers Sameer
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