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Everything posted by RottnBullies

  1. This will be my first purchase In over a year, I think I'd be losing my hair too If I did that many! Ok well If that's the case I will certainly contact them, and see about a price matching deal Thanks
  2. lol, what one recommendation thru to purchase in a week isn't enough for you RnB - just wanted to clarify that if you buy overseas you can always post back if any problems, but I had to post a Tamrom back to B&H a few months back. They were great to deal with and no trouble getting an exchange after an AF failure, but the postage was $80! For the lens I just bought the saving advantage of buying from there would have been wiped out if I need to ship it back to NY Well It's killing me to have to wait, but I thought I'd better get a head start on what I actually want, seeing as I'm so indecisive! Thanks for the clarification, I'm really leaning towards DWI, but If I have a problem do I need to ship o/seas with them as well? I thought they took care of their warranties here? And If Sigma doesn't honor their warranty unless bought from a specific place, then who Is that 1yr warranty with? Sorry for the trillion questions lol
  3. I agree. BSL is train wreck without brakes. We are going to end up in a dogless society or a society where breeds are so dumbed down they will be unrecognisable. Ditto! No doubt this Is clearly a thread coming from OP dislike of the breed Fila Brasileiro In which now I see has been admitted
  4. Much appreciated guys, all taken on board. No doubt prices will change when I'm finally ready to order one, so will source out the best deal then
  5. Oh! So If I read that correctly they're not covered by Sigma warranties unless you purchase from Digital Camera Warehouse only? It clearly says 1yr warranty for Sigma @ DWI That's a bummer, there's a $200 diff, between them and DWI on the 20mm, will they match that ?
  6. I don't think the 24mm Is going to do It for me, so I've decided on the Sigma 20mm 1.8 If budget allows I'm pretty keen on the Sig 30mm 1.4 as well, or do you think they're too close to get both?? If I do I hope I get a good one as a few have had focusing Issues and have needed to send back for calibration but seems to be flawless on return! I think I'm going to be a prime junkie Coz I want the 85mm 1.8 from canon too! Good luck with your purchase CC I'm sure the wait will be a tad agonizing lol where did you purchase by the way? I'm thinking DWI as their prices seem really good atm I still need to wait for settlement though so a little longer for me to wait Oh and lovely pic Huga
  7. That Is so what I want,....... but oh so not far for posting It kja as It's well outta my reach Gorgeous pic :D
  8. I do prefer primes, but maybe I'll be better of with a zoom In this case then, thanks for those other suggestions I'll have a read on them.... and you're right I think the more I look Into It the more difficult It becomes In deciding, but hopefully I'll be learning more about more types of lenses beyond the 50mm 1.8 Thanks for link Linda I will have a sticky
  9. Sorry sometimes I'm not real good at explaining things when I write, but here's a few links to basically what I'm after. Wide Angle Dog Shots Another Dog I'm not keen on fisheye lens kind of distortion ETA: Can't really borrow, If I can't decide maybe I'll think of renting but would rather not due to limited funds I'd rather It went straight to a lens.
  10. I like shade, but also the blk/wht It's a great shot!
  11. I know, I thought It would be easy going for a second lens, but I can't believe how hard It's been Too many choices Is right!
  12. I was also looking at the canon 35mm F2, from what I've seen It does also give a nice background blur, but I kinda like a little distortion, It would be one of the main reasons I want to add a wide I think I'm going to give up on re composing as yes It's really not working for me, I can forget manual focus my eyesight Is too poor to do It that way Lol. I haven't had much luck with toggling outer points either but I was also re composing with those so that may be the main problem. Granted I probably haven't taken an enormous amount of shots, but I do have 1 where I've nailed the focus perfect and even managed catch lights in her eyes.....straight centre focus point with no re compose. That's what I aim for in every shot but finding It very difficult. So hard to tell If I'm the lemon or the lens Is! Would you mind explaining the back button focus as I have no idea on that one Also which lens would give the best kind of distortion, but also nice background blur, If that's possible, I've seen that many photos that I don't remember which lens does what now
  13. Ok thanks kja, I don't think I'll ever get It shooting wide open, that's why It's normally at the 2.2 mark But I will keep At It! Those 2 sigma's are looking really good, and price wise as well........... at least I may have narrowed It down to just 2 now Much appreciated
  14. I do seem to be having some focusing Issues with the 50mm 1.8 It's really hard to nail It where I want, and It's normally @ 2.2 or above and I rarely use @ 1.8. And If I focus and recompose which I often do I can forget It, the focus point moves after I recompose......yes I'm still keeping half shutter down while doing It. Just not sure what I'm doing wrong or If It Is indeed the lens. Just seems like there's too many misses than hits. I think the 1.4 also has some focusing Issues as well. So If I decide to upgrade I may look Into the Sigma version. As for the wide, I was looking at these all canons: 20mm 2.8 USM / 24mm 2.8 / 28mm 1.8 USM / 28mm 2.8 around the $600 except for the non USM which are well below that mark. Will have a look at those 2 Sigma's Thanks
  15. I may just be able to finally get a second lens or 2 in the coming weeks, and would really like a wide angle prime, problem Is I've been trying to research them on P.O.T.N and It's doing my head In, every time I think I've found It, something negative Is posted and It throws me off track again So any advice from those who own one would be much appreciated, It would be used for mainly dogs off course and maybe If I ever needed It for landscape. I have the canon 40d and the 50mm 1.8 and I'd prefer either a canon or sigma version price range roughly not too much more than maybe $600 If that's possible Also Is It worth upgrading from the 50 1.8 to the 1.4? Or would that money be better well spent on another lens like the 85mm 1.8 which I've had my eyes on forever Thanks ETA: I'm after a prime lens not zoom
  16. No flaming from me on that one! The best start I think would be More EDUCATION.. Education and more education! pure and simple. How about following everyone of those vicious dog attack articles with a piece on what not to do with your dogs, highlighting responsible dog ownership etc no matter the breed. Keeping your dogs safe and how to avoid attacks. Maybe the governments can use some of that money that they used and keep on using In enforcing BSL and killing Innocent dogs and trying so hard to wipe out a certain breed like that's going to be the answer to their dilemma??... to something like responsible dog ownership campaigns/adds on tv, schools and all other media forms out there. And most definitely harsher penalties for owners caught not doing the right thing by their animals Including cruelty cases. If they're not fit to own a dog hell ban them from owning them again. And please don't tell me there aren't the resources out there to do It. If council can employ their ACO's to go out and inspect for BSL purposes, In which some of them have been known to actually spend considerable amounts of time spying In on people's homes to see If they've got RB's! and trying to ID them among the many other dirty ways and things they do to notch up a killing!!!....They can most certainly police for these other things. Put some of that hard earned tax payers money to some better use. I'm sure these are all some of the ideas that have been mentioned before but yet really to be put In place. Also more proper Investigations following attacks not just pts and all attacks not just certain breeds because they're know for being lovable etc and It's so out of character for them to attack I would like to add that not all ACO's are as what I've mentioned, I know a lot of them do care as well The amount of Innocent dogs taken from people's back yards and killed for doing no wrong since BSL has been Introduced Is staggering and most of all heartbreaking These are the things I and many others will never forget or forgive And apologies for somewhat going OT
  17. IMHO I wouldn't be publicizing the fact on whether the "other" breeds are here or not. Not exactly something needed for the general public to hear and send them Into another frenzy so to speak In which would only make matters worse
  18. Belonging to 2 clubs Is not going to be a great representation of what you're claiming In your your statement! Given the number of actual training clubs around etc ETA: Yes too many bogans are attracted to the bull breeds for the wrong reasons I will not dispute that fact, but at the end of the day It shouldn't be the dogs that always pay the price In the end. I agree totally with you - I'm not in any way trying to say that all of the bully breeds are bad, because I know they are not. I was giving an observation from the two clubs I belong to and there is a high population where I live with bully breeds yet I rarely see any in the classes. Then I suppose the bogans out there attracted to these breeds are not going to do the responsible thing are they?? There are lots of gsds, rotties, dobes, crossbreeds in the clubs I belong to. It would be nice to see more people with bully breeds joining in. When I visit dog parks, the dogs that seem to have the issues are the bully breeds, not with people, but with other dogs, the dogs that are shown in the media as attacking people, are generally bully breeds. If the attack was from a rottie or dobe, then they would say it and report it as such, just as they did recently with a golden that attacked a member of its own family and neighbour. I understand what it is like to have a breed of dog that is often discriminated against due to poor understanding etc. However the general public doesn't care what type of dog it was really, they just want something done about it. I agree with you that it will always be the dog that pays the price due to its moronic owner not doing the right thing in the first place. But do you really know what It's like? One can only take so much when you come across comments that pretty much translate to "Shouldn't they all be dead by now?" Yes there are "problem" dogs but they're not human and they rely on us for guidance, when It isn't given and the dog reacts It's so much easier Isn't It to just kill the dog and move on...........Is that really solving the problem? Until this Is fixed nothing Is going to change. The general public does care about what type of dog It Is otherwise the media etc wouldn't be so hell bent on naming breeds even when they're so way off the mark on most and really haven't got a clue!, as It Is "they" the general public already been led to believe that they're safe now thanks to BSL In place! I will always blame the owner not the dog In pretty much most attack cases
  19. Belonging to 2 clubs Is not going to be a great representation of what you're claiming In your your statement! Given the number of actual training clubs around etc ETA: Yes too many bogans are attracted to the bull breeds for the wrong reasons I will not dispute that fact, but at the end of the day It shouldn't be the dogs that always pay the price In the end.
  20. Bull Terrier is mentioned in the news video on the orginal link at about 1:22 and onwards talking about "a 55 year old woman was attacked, AGAIN by a Bull Terrier" People seem to have the impression that only attacks featuring Bull breeds are sensationalised by the media but I don't agree that is the case. I think any attacks of enough severity to mentioned are reported by the media but just so happens that most of the more serious attacks are from Bull breeds of some description. They may not technically be APBT's or Staffords or Bull Terriers, but they are not GSD's or Dobermann they are calling Pitbulls, they are of Bull breed orientation, so if that's the type of dog involved in the attacks there is no other option than accepting it I guess? And you came to that conclusion how??...... Oh off course It's what media says so it must be true Breed discrimination at Its best, and NO I for one will not be accepting It! On second thoughts don't bother replying all dribble goes on my Ignore list
  21. Do reproductive organs create aggresive dogs? NO Do Idiot owners and equally stupid acts by the public cause dog attacks? YES I do not support a blanket killing of any dog that bites, some people ask to be bitten, every incident should be investigated. Dogs should not pay the ultimate price for what is often human stupidity. Totally agree
  22. That was the first thing that jumped out at me as well. Yep, It's not the first time this has happened either, and more than likely not the last... the sad fact Is headlines that read Pit Bull blah blah Is a money/attention spinner for the media Lord help the public try to come come to terms and deal with the fact that the Lab or another popular breed makes It through to the headlines! Because to them It's just not possible and It just doesn't get that same reaction does It.
  23. The import of them is banned, approx 15 years ago. So really how many 'pure bred' Pit Bulls are left? As even then many were not the real thing. That's a good question? I have seen quite a few dogs over the years people have claimed to be a genuine APBT and have also known BYB's to sell Staffy X's as APBT's? People who think they own an APBT, I wonder how many of those dogs are genuine? The last one I saw claimed to be an APBT by the owner had distictive Rotty colouring looked more like a Rotty/Stafford X The APBT comes In many different colours, such as a Black and Tan colouring, whom to people who don't know the breed can just as easily mistake as a Rotty x Staff The point I am making is, all the people I know with supposed APBT's except for one of these people, don't know the breed anyway and buy the dog because the seller/breeder says it's an APBT? I am thinking of you gathered together 100 supposed APBT's and examined them properly, how many real one's would surface, my guess is the majority would be cross breeds with APBT simliarity? And the point I was making was that you seem to have doubts about one being a pure because the fact of their colouring! I pointed out that they do come In blk/tan, I don't know If what you seen was pure or not I have no doubts that many are crosses/lookalikes, the fact on how many are really pure out there Is any ones guess apart from those who know their lines and know where their dogs came from But they do exist, and they will continue to exist among the long time fanciers and lovers of the breed
  24. There Is something not right about that last story, I feel the dog may have reacted from a domestic involved at the house
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