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Everything posted by RottnBullies

  1. LINK Two dogs, countless sharks, and one priceless bite. A dog bites shark YouTube video is making its rounds on the Internet. In the video, an Australian man films two dogs paddling their way through bright blue waters surrounded by shadowy figures. As the Australian says, "you got two dogs swimming with the sharks, apparently they do it all the time." The video brings out your worst fears - am I about to watch the next bloody video to debut on Discovery Shark Week? Luckily, no. These dogs are equipped with their own set of teeth and go on the offensive for good measure, of course. "He's giving him a bite! The dog is biting the shark," the cameraman screams. "The dog is under the water with the shark, what the hell!? That is unbelievable. I've seen it all now. I just got that on film. Can you believe that?" Some on the web are taking offense to letting man's best friends even enter the water in the first place. The dogs don't appear to be the camera man's own pets, but that hasn't put a stop to some outraged YouTube commentators. "Try that to a great white poochy," said TEHTYMEKITTEH1. Others didn't find it so funny. "What a pathetic act of cruelty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!you need help seriously you so you can get a few hits on you tube .................its a shame you couldnt put yourself in the position of the dogs," said evilsouls13. ETA: (Watch sunrise thursday morning 21st July for the full story, cheers Russ) http://westaustralianfisherman.blogspot.com/
  2. The dog did not bite anyone as far as the all the reports say so far, I really think It was an over reaction because of breed unfortunately
  3. It was an 8mth old pup from what I've read. I have to agree I don't understand why a gun was needed when It seems the dog was being held and not attacking
  4. Wow some really pretty shots In here A couple from me from my 50mm
  5. If some of these animal rights orgs ever get their way, you can say goodbye to your companion dog, may as well replace It now with a hardy stuffed toy! I'm sure It can be a great companion for you and It's rights will never be violated! Take away a working dogs ability to work and you may as well kill them all, Is that what you want What do you suppose will happen if all these dogs were just companions? Sure some may very well adapt to a life of sleeping and eating, but I guarantee many won't! I've said It before every dog has a purpose, take away that purpose and you'll be left with nothing let alone a companion
  6. Known for his love and devotion for the breed and life-long dedication to the preservation of the American Pit Bull Terriers. Throughout the APBT history some of the greatest dogs were Colby dogs Louis Barton Colby March 14 1921 - July 10 2011 Will be sadly missed by many
  7. The dogs pick up on residual odour as well, so while they may not have anything on them while searched, they more than likely been In contact with It. IMO Bit In bold, Is what it's all about, not the rate of successful detections Absolutely! Yes and Yes
  8. Might be the best thing for him - sorry, I don't think DA dogs should be allowed to live Yes lets just kill the dog, leaving clueless owners to do it all over again with another dog! Blame the dog, kill the dog and move on, always the easiest solution Isn't It. While I agree a DA shouldn't be on the loose, but how about some owner responsibility here to
  9. It looks much better today with more light, I know I shouldn't do any editing when the light Is poor as my eyesight ain't that great either! Just a bad habit Lol
  10. Ooops not sure what happened, maybe when I replaced the edit on flickr It went missing, all fixed now
  11. Polar bear ......that's a new one for her Come to think of It, Imagine how hard a polar bear In the ice Is to photograph Thanks guys, I'm going to leave It as Is now
  12. Thanks guys, I've just done a re edit, my monitor Is not calibrated, so Is this one better? It looks too darkish for me here but that may be my monitor/lack of PP skills lol.... Arrgh white dogs are so darn hard much appreciated
  13. Thanks Kirisilin, I'm not going to clone them out, I just wished they were a little bigger and actually looked like highlights and not dots
  14. Another attempt today, I THINK lol It looks a little better than my previous one focus wise, but still heavily cropped... and now she's got 2 white dots In her eyes, which Is distracting, probably from the sun as I had It behind me. None of my f/8 turned out either, and again only one worth saving from the batch f/6.3 1/2000 ISO/400 I think I'll need to add a zoom to my ever growing wish list
  15. I much prefer the first shot as well kirisilin, I think It suits some shots but not all and may be over done at times You're really doing well with that 7D Was going to try again today, but I ran out of light by the time I was ready and I would have had to use a pretty high ISO which I don't really want.
  16. Thanks for your suggestions rubiton I will def try those settings as well I don't know much about a tele-converter CC but will look them up. Thanks
  17. Kirislin those shots are awesome! Unfortunately I only have the 50mm 1.8 so I have to try and do the best with what I've got, I will just keep trying Thanks
  18. Ok thanks guys, I will try again by upping everything. Yes I know white dogs are soooo hard! I try to keep her In the shade for pics Where do I focus though, on her face? or a spot she'll run through?
  19. Tried some action with one of my girls today, and still not quite able to nail any decent shots I'd really love some tips or maybe even some good links I can refer to. I've recently swapped over from shutter to back button focusing, and I much prefer It set this way, but I'm still getting the hang of It, anyway here Is the only shot that was the most In focus, but I really had to crop heavily. I focused on a point she would be running through, or should I be focusing on her? Also I can't get too close with my 50mm or we'd have a pretty bad clash as she's just way too fast Settings I used as follows on M: F/ 3.2 1/500 sec ISO 200 AI servo on high speed burst mode I think I know what I may have done wrong now that I'm thinking about It, I never held down the back button for continual focusing I think I'm meant to hold It down right? I'm hoping now that was the main problem, If not what am I doing wrong Thanks for any advice
  20. I couldn't agree more with all of what you've said here. All dogs have a purpose, which shouldn't be forgotten In the bigger scheme of things! And not all types of dogs are for everyone, lets not keep punishing certain breeds because they don't fit our ideal of what a dog should be
  21. Oooooh lucky you, looking forward to some pics On a downer our buyer backed out of settlement right at the end when It came to contract signing... looks like my lens is going to be back on my dream wish list
  22. LINK Two Metropolitan Police dogs - a German Shepherd puppy and a working Belgian Malinois - have died after being left in an unventilated private vehicle. Officers, who forced their way into the vehicle after being alerted, found both dogs collapsed on Sunday. They were taken from the dog training centre in south-east London to an emergency vets, where both later died. An inquiry into the incident has begun and the Independent Police Complaints Commission has been made aware. The RSPCA, also investigating the incident at Keston, near Bromley, where temperatures reached almost 30C on Sunday, advised people not to leave dogs in vehicles "for any length of time" during hot weather. 'Tip of iceberg' An RSPCA spokeswoman said: "Every year, the RSPCA receives about 6,000 calls from members of the public worried about dogs that have been left in cars during hot weather. "But this may only be the tip of the iceberg and many cases may be unreported. "Even when it is just 22C outside, the heat in a car can rise to 47C within 60 minutes," she said. The RSPCA reminded dog owners that leaving a window open or a bowl of water in the car makes little difference. The spokeswoman added: "All dogs will suffer although some are more prone to heatstroke than others. Those which are old, young, short-nosed, long-haired, overweight, heavily muscled or with certain health conditions are more at risk." LINK < More here
  23. I know Is It too much to ask OP to actually meet a few of these dogs before they Insist On condemning It OVER and OVER and OVER again! Seems very unfair and wrong to write of a breed without even having some experience with It
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