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Everything posted by RottnBullies

  1. Did I ruffle your feathers wiseguy??? How very noble of you to drag the Pit Bull In this when It has nothing to do with It what so ever Yes unfortunately the nanny dog Is also capable of doing harm, but off course you find a way to try and turn the tables. And you say the Pit Bull folks are their worst enemies? Maybe you need to look In your own backyard and stop blaming the Pitty for your woes Terrible. But it could have been worse
  2. Link Sorry I'm having problems with copy and pasting article here, If someone else can, much appreciated
  3. Oh my goodness, that picture Is just too adorable What a beatiful story, and a refresshing change to the norm
  4. Am Staff comes from the APBT, yet the Am Staff Is the real Pit Bull Me thinks someones got one too many pink elephants floating around In his head! Another red herring. The American Staffordshire Terrier is the APBT. It isn't a product of it. A name change & bona fide standard was necessary to enable it to be accepted onto the AKC pure breed registry.. An act of love, an act of breed preservation. Job done. Although its situation is looking decidedly shaky the more the APBT is put under scrutiny. G.B. has declared them to be APBTs, the Queensland judiciary has declared them to be the same breed, Ontario Canada has declared them to be the same (along with the SBT I hasten to add) Banned the three of them. A hypothetical for you, assuming you have a genuine passion for pure breeds in general, Rottweilers in particular. Would you really consider 40lb Rottweilers types, pure bred, to be the same breed as 100lb Rottweilers types, also pure bred, simply because a privately owned company without pure breed registry accreditation said they were? I am not saying APBT are not pure breeds. Many are. Every different type & style of them. It's the figuring out which one is the genuine APBT that is problem. Is it the 35 pounders or the 60+ pounders? The AST maybe? Now there's a thought. They are not declared the same breed In QLD, hence If they were they would be Included In the restriction list don't you think! That's what all the fuss was about, how they are not the same breed wasn't It? I know they are one and the same In some countries o/seas, but I am not going to debate that as I have formed my own opinion to It as have many others So what I don't understand Is you say the real APBT Is the Am Staff, but yet I'm betting you were one of the ones screaming for blood and blaming the APBT for putting the Am Staff In the recent QLD dilema You want It to be known who the real APBT Is, but yet you don't want them on the BSL list, how hypocritical Is that A bit like wanting the glory but not paying the price! As for your Rottweiler eg, well here's one for you, how different does the GSD show dog look compared to It's working dog? Here's another one for you the APBT has records of dogs linage etc dating back to the late 1700's, how much purer do you need or want! FACT: Pit bulls are actually one of the oldest and certainly one of the purest. Written pit bull pedigrees date into the late 1700's, something very few other breeds can boast of. Pit bulls have been a registered breed longer than most AKC breeds have been in existence. Louis Colby's father, John Colby, gave his son a handwritten pedigree of Colby's Blind Jack, an animal born in 1932. The pedigree stretches back more than 50 years, naming, in Louis Colby's words, "the best fighting dogs in England and America in the past fifty years." In the mid 1880's, the breed was already old. Please note that I have no malace towards the Am Staff In saying what I have said, just defending my breed like any other ETA: more Info
  5. Which rescue/pound? PM if you prefer
  6. Some really great expressive faces here lokelani love that Bosco decked up for X'mas :D I have to say these two would be my favs of my girl The extra serious look! And her smiley face
  7. Absolutely Geo Am Staff comes from the APBT, yet the Am Staff Is the real Pit Bull :D Me thinks someones got one too many pink elephants floating around In his head! wiseguy you sound awfully familiar to a reincarnated member from the past here
  8. Incorrect, the only faults In regards to eye color In a well bred APBT are both eyes not matching In color and blue eyes, Light eyes In Am Staffs however yes Is a fault That's interesting. Although it is does seem unusual to accept any colour except blue. Why bother. One in all in. And why not blue eyes for a blue dog?. Makes more sense than yellow. Doesn't it? Without predujice, the UKC standard really is a pakapoo ticket for this breed in any case. How can a genuine pure breed defining standard have a weight differential ranging from 35 to 60 pounds for the same breed & expected to be taken seriously? But wait, there's more, dogs that exceed that maximum are not to be penalised unless they are exceptionally heavily built or excessively rangy. So there is really no limit. Any amount of different breeds could be fitted under that description. (Maybe they should take a leaf from the Poodle breed & have miniatures, toys & standards ) Could this possibly be the reason the breed isn't considered to be a pure breed by other pure breed registries? It's certainly is a problem for other bull breeds have to contend with when dubious breed identications come to the fore. From smaller than a Staffordshire Bull Terrier to bigger than a Bull Mastiff, yet all the same breed? That really is ridiculous. I have been told previously on another forum why blue eyes were not acceptable, but I really don't remember, I personally though don't see this as being any different to any other breeds who have their own set of faults within their standards. I also much prefer the yellow/amber eyes on Pits than blue, but having said that I still enjoy seeing the blue eyes especially on the whites I'm not sure where you got that they can be bigger than a Bull Mastiff, sure they can be SBT size or smaller, I think the average weight Is around 30 - 35 lbs But a well bred true to type APBT Is meant to be a medium sized dog, where nothing Is exaggerated...... These larger low grounders wide and heavy so called dogs that are being called APBT that they're breeding now especially In the States Is certainly doing damage to the real APBT of old. I feel breeding them to 2 or 3 different size standars Is not the answer, and I would hate to see that happen. The reason why they can vary Is because to me they are bred for function rather than show, just as your other working breeds look so much different to their show versions
  9. Incorrect, the only faults In regards to eye color In a well bred APBT are both eyes not matching In color and blue eyes, Light eyes In Am Staffs however yes Is a fault
  10. Great fun shots guys Really love the all the flying ones!
  11. My Little Rasta Girl I couldn't get the focus right, my 50mm Is not auto focusing, but I still don't mind how It turned out!
  12. Kitislin mine Is the 1.8 I really didn't want to have to buy another 50mm as I have a few others In mind, but on the same hand I do like the 50 as anything else Is not going to cut It If used Indoors Dilemma Dilemma
  13. And another one bites the dust Took mine out today and It's not AF, It just sounds like the motor Is strugling to get focus It's only 7mths old with not real heavy usage either! Going In to get It fixed, but just wondering If others have had any problems with theirs once out of repairs?
  14. I'm not even going to dare ask how this tool Is being used to Identify a breed ;) What In the world are they going to come up with next And how many more of these sorts of silly Id'n contraptions have to be proven worthless In accuracy before they realize there Is simply no guarantee Of determining a dogs breed 100% unless It's papered/or parents of the dog In question are avaiable for DNA tests What a waste of time and money! Lucky for him he had devoted owners willing to fight, not many get that chance unfortunately....but seriously Incarcerating a senior dog with no agression Issues or any other Issues for that matter, haven't they got better things to do?? I can surely think of better use of all that money too! Sorry gone off topic, so dogs In question have been pts, what about the owners? Have they been dealt with I wonder
  15. Great shots! Jill Is so pretty Looks like she had loads of fun destroying that new ball! Particularly like the 5th one down too
  16. Thank you STD, my thoughts exactly Off course It does matter! To think otherwise Is just pure Ignorance What hope Is there ever for overturning BSL If these statistics were always Incorrect?? It will only serve to make It worse than It already Is I hope all Involved recover fully, and agree dogs need to be pts, and owners fined/prosecuted and banned from owning further dogs Without these harsh punishments, there Is never a hope In hell that these sorts of attacks will dwindle The dogs shouldn't be the only ones punished, In most cases It's the owners who have failed them
  17. Happy Birthday Bosco! You're a handsome boy
  18. Thanks for that Jeff What a waste really, don't get me wrong I love looking at a well bred Dobe, but I much prefer looking at a great working one In action. I hope some breeders out there are still trying to maintain the working lines and hopefully one day restore them back to their former glory ;)
  19. Well that's just sad So what happened In the last 20yrs or so :D How does a once bred working dog become not worthy so to speak anymore Just curious Is It just here or o/seas as well ETA: By not worthy I mean their working capabilities
  20. Wonderful update lilly With any luck no permanent damage done
  21. I forgot about those, what a great Idea, a definite one for next years one for the lovely comments
  22. Thanks Vickie, It does make a lovely card, but I'm biased
  23. My pretty little Valentine Feel free to add yours
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