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Everything posted by Kelly_Louise

  1. Oh no a month??? That is awful. Sashy's vet said the same thing that he is seeing dogs with upset tummy's very regularly lately. Hence the virus diagnosis. But thankfully the medication has worked for Sasha - we had a nice firm poo this morning Could it be the chicken or the rice that is causing or prolonging this tummy upset? I can boil the chicken breast and give it to Sasha, but if I gave it to her raw we'd have severe problems. Sounds like it may be a long haul (longer than it has already been) to find out your boys issues - I wish you luck with that. It's so frustrating and stressful.
  2. I don't think I've ever owned one... from pure breds, to mutts. I've had dogs that couldn't digest bones etc... why can't they be normal dogs??? I do know of a lab puppy that appears to have a cast iron stomach - but time will tell... I know with Sasha, for some reason raw meat is a trigger. I used to feed her a mostly raw (with some dry food) diet, but found that she had a consistently upset tummy whenever I fed her chicken necks/wings/frames, or raw beef (or if the bones I gave her were too meaty). So I started from scratch, started using Advance dry and canned food, and since then we've had very few problems. I've added fish and supplements to her food, and she is now doing really well. So I think I'm on the right track - although I don't like feeding her canned food, and it costs me a fortune. But it's worth it if she enjoys eating it, and it stops her from being sick. I haven't noticed any other triggers, but I like to think that I'm aware to this kind of thing - and so is OH now that we've become aware of the problem (to the point where he suggested her problem this time may have been caused by bird poo in her water - it is changed twice a day but the birds swim in one of her bowls). I've seen such an improvement though, so hopefully it will continue. Goodness your reaction to giardia sounds awful!!! I would assume that something like that would be really hard to detect what was causing it?
  3. Thanks Hesa, I hope so too - she's a bit of a sooky la-la!! I think she's milking it for all it's worth!! Oakway - thanks for the suggestion. She is wormed on the dot every month with Interceptor Spectrum - is there any way she could still be affected by hookworm? The only time it has been late is this month as I gave it to her on Saturday when it was due but she vomitted it straight back up. I gave her another one today along with her flea treatment and it stayed down. I've always suspected that Sasha has sensitive stomach issues, maybe IBS or pancreatitis or similar. I don't know an awful lot about them, but hopefully if we continue to adhere to a strict diet we will avoid further problems. When she came to us she was very skinny and was not a good eater at all, and her trainer thought she may have suffered from malnutrition at some stage of her life because of the way her muscles had developed. But as the vet is happy with his diagnosis and she is on the mend, we will keep fingers crossed that I am wrong.
  4. Just a follow up - after Sasha started passing what looked like blood, she was rushed to the vet last week. He thinks it is a dog tummy virus that is going around our area at the moment, and she was put on 2 different antibiotics and also given a shot. She has since improved - still not 100% but definitely a big improvement. If her stomach troubles persist though, we are to take her back and have it investigated. I am slowly re-introducing her regular food and doesn't seem to be having any ill effects. So fingers crossed it is just a bug and she will be back to her rogueish self again soon! I was out shopping when I saw a cute stuffed dog at a Valentine's day store - so I bought it for myself!! I had it on the table when I got home, and when I turned around, she had it hanging out her mouth, tail wagging frantically thinking I had bought her a new toy!! I didn't have the heart to take it off her - so I'm sure that cheered her up some!!
  5. VJB, we also stick to a strict diet. Very few extras and we generally stick to the same treats to use for training etc. She really has been doing well for a couple of years though, so I assume the Advance was doing the trick for us. Initially I avoided 'light' products because she was underweight and had eating issues, but I don't think it would be a drama to start using them now she's beefy. Will google tuckertime - I've not heard of it. I did also try Sasha on the VIP rolls at one stage, and that didn't cause any grief either - although she was inclined to eat it sometimes, and sometimes not. With Advance she never turns her nose up, eats every skerrick every time. I'm also very protective about if we have people/kids over and not giving her anything. In the last couple of years though, since her diet has stabilised - I have a BIL who will (against my wishes) sneak her some food (processed meats etc) and it hasn't had too much of a bad effect at all. But those times are few and far between and I always ensure that if anyone comes to my house and is eating that they know about her tummy issues and do not feed her (regardless of the starved dog expression). Hesa, I didn't think about the rice being a problem. The bones she ate from the park were cooked chicken bones, which gave us no end of problems... but I found through elimination that even raw chicken necks/wings/frames etc would set her off. Again, because it would unsettle her tummy - sometimes she would eat, sometimes not. But oh she loves raw meat... I give her tiny pieces (from our human food prep - skinless no fat) every now and then and she can handle that okay. Could be an issue with rice though, so I'll take that into consideration - thanks Hesa. Oakway, thanks for the suggestions. I am more than happy to keep Sasha on a very strict, consistent diet. I've been doing so for a while now and have seen the benefits and seen the results. May just need to cut the fat further. I try to keep any oils out, even with her sardines, I drain and wash them before I give them to her (even though I buy the ones in water with no added salt). Regarding her dry food, it definitely doesn't smell rancid - smells very normal and not suspicious at all. I can't imagine it's out of date, I've never had that problem before (and randomly check the dates), but will double check regardless. With the improvement we saw, I thought that the issues may have been rectified or were under control. But if I see no improvement I will definitely be taking her to the vet. I don't like her being uncomfortable at all, and am quite concerned about this outbreak for no apparent/obvious reason. thank you everyone for your advice and opinions. :rolleyes:
  6. Thanks for your replies guys! I will check the expiry, however I have used half the bag previously with no issues at all - so I can't imagine it would be that... but at this stage I'm not ruling anything out and will have a look. When I mentioned batch, I meant the second time I've filled up the container with food from the bag, but this batch was left in the unopened bag. Mrs RB, I have tried her on a few different dry foods during her time with us. I settled on Advance simply because it ceased her initial tummy problems, she is doing really well on it and I just stopped because I didn't want to upset again. It was such a relief to find a combo that agreed with her, that actually encouraged her to eat (she was previously a very finicky eater). Will have a look at Nutro though to see if it might be better for her, might buy a small bag (when she's feeling better) and see if she likes it. Funnily enough she won't eat the Advance for Large breed dogs (the bigger kibble) but enjoys the All Breed smaller kibble. Maybe she has a dainty mouth LOL. I put her on boiled chicken and rice last night. Had a few watery poos this morning (not as much as I was expecting to see though) and she had done 2 small vomits with rice in it. I'm hoping to see an improvement from here on in. If not, she will be off to the vet tomorrow morning. She still appears okay, but I noticed she was a little more quieter than usual yesterday. I've always suspected that she may have problems with her digestion/stomach - I was hoping it was just a sensitive stomach, especially seeing we've had about a good run for the last couple of years (keeping the diet consistent). So, we'll see how we go. We had a problem like this a couple of years back when she ate chicken bones that she found at the park, so could be something similar that she has found and picked up without my knowledge (although I am quite vigilant about that, and have worked hard training her not to pick up random food from the ground - but she is a dog after all). If I find it's any of the neighbours... boy there'll be hell to pay.
  7. ;) Then we hope to see many more pics of this special little one!! I'm positive your efforts will be well rewarded.
  8. No as yet we haven't. I did mention her tummy issues to the vet, but we really hadn't been having many problems at all until now. We've also had problems with her at the vet which are slowly improving - so is probably something we should look into further.
  9. Okay, thanks for that. I can rule that out then hopefully and start looking elsewhere for the culprit ;) Thanks for your advice!
  10. Hi all, just looking for some advice please! Sasha has always had an unpredictable stomach. We narrowed it down to raw meat that appears to set it off, and also if she isn't fed twice a day. So, unhappily, I put her on a diet of Advance canned and Advance dry food (I know, it's not ideal) with some added supplements and also sardines 3 times a week plus a minimally meated bone once every couple of weeks – and her tummy issues seemed to pretty much resolve, got nice firm poos consistently, and she started eating much more regularly and her apetite increased. The last few days though, she has had diahorrea – it's quite watery, but has a thicker consistency like mashed up dry food. Doesn't look suspicious in any way though, no blood etc. She is otherwise fine, still eating, energetic. She also has gas pretty bad, which is not usual for her. It's pretty foul smelling, and smells stomach turningly like the runny poo. I haven't introduced anything into her diet that could cause it, can't think of anything that might have triggered it. The only thing that I'm wondering – and would like advice on – is that I keep her dry food in a sealed container, and anything that won't fit gets kept in the bag (that has a seal on it). When I went to refill the container, I noticed the bag was open. It had probably been this way for about 2 or so weeks. It's kept under the sink in the kitchen area and doesn't appear to be infested with anything, seems to smell normal and looks normal… but could this be causing her upset tummy? It seems to have started around the same time I started using this batch of food. My husband thinks it can't be this – but I'm not so sure… Could it be a possibility? I'm doing boiled chicken breast and rice tonight, going back to basics and starting again slowly… but just basically wanted opinions on whether the dry dog food bag that I accidentally left open could cause this to happen? Thank you in advance for your help.
  11. This thread brought a tear to my eye. I love a little fighter - against the odds. And I love the fact that even though she is different, you haven't given up on her. They are so special.... I think she is divine There must be a reason she has come this far, I hope she continues for a long way to come yet, and brings you much joy.
  12. Here is my old girl, and my best friend of 13 years... can you believe she is 13 years old and has arthritis and Cushings disease? Still bounces like a puppy - albeit a bit more slowly I love her.
  13. I actually have my Mum or Dad come over every afternoon that it is too hot, and 'babysit' Sasha inside in the air con. And what does the ungrateful bugger do? Gets up and wants to go outside and lie in the sun... I also think of it as 'defrosting'... but I also think that she likes the freedom of being outside, whereas inside she is expected to behave She will however, come back and give sad eyes at the door when she's been out long enough and is hot again!! Chloe on the other hand, won't budge once she's inside... she's no fool.
  14. I'm pretty sure my two just go straight to the 'gimme gimme gimme' - couldn't care less where it's come from. All they know, is the sound of the bag, and food's on!!
  15. There are just no words... How can anyone - even a really stupid person - think that putting a pup in a postage box is okay? Air/food/water... the absolute essentials of life... even stupid people know that. And seriously, a pup is going to move, bark, cry etc - especially when being thrown around in a parcel box - so obviously someone at some stage would most likely notice... so... WHY? Even a stupid person isn't this stupid. It's definitely just plain cruelty, committed by a very uncaring and selfish person. To demand the postage back... WTF? I know where I'd jam that refund.
  16. Hey Man, I was just thinking of you and Dida the other day - and wondering how she was doing!! Very glad that you have posted an update - and extra glad that she is doing so well and her Addisons is being managed. Give her an extra big hug from us and keep up the great work in caring for her!!!
  17. That's half the fun of being a kid isn't it??? If my Mum had been a germaphobe, our childhood wouldn't have been nearly as fun!!!
  18. Couldn't agree more!!! We used to play with the dogs in the dirt, be covered in dog slobber, then go in and eat without washing our hands when we were kids - we crawled and frolicked around on the floor with the dog hair - we ate with the same hands that were feeding hungry dogs under the table... never hurt us any.
  19. Yes this is the problem that I have with Sasha too! Empty tummy episodes. If we don't feed her regularly, she will vomit bile. Usually you know it's coming when the tummy is making horrendous noises. At these times, I have to hand feed her to make sure her tummy is filled a little (even though she doesn't want to eat and probably doesn't feel like eating), and then she is 100% back to normal. I thought I was the only one with such a strange dog!!!
  20. Sigh… Sasha is very rarely inside with us when we eat. She is usually put outside with her own food until we have finished. But there are times when I can’t put her out, and I have been diligently trying to teach her to sit/stay/lie approximately 1 – 2 metres away from us and the table and not be scabby. At first, it’s hard work – but once she gets she isn’t getting any food and she is returned to her mat everytime she attempts to move, she is happy to do as she’s told (okay not happy, begrudgingly). HOWEVER, she knows how to work OH. She will creep around to his side of the table and stick her head under his elbow and look at him hungrily, drooling. He will tell her to go back – but usually gives her something off his plate too!!! I go nuts!!! She never does this to me cause I refuse to feed her anything, but she knows he will give in. Then he gets angry when she won’t do as she’s told and go back – and I tell him he has no one to blame but himself!!! So, it’s an ongoing process. Mostly she is pretty good and will sit away from the table on her mat, which I’m happy with – if we have guests and she is inside she will usually lie under the table and not bother anyone. But she does love to come up and stick her boofy head under your elbow – never touches your plate, just eyeballs you eating and will put her head on your lap or try to give you a kiss if you don’t seem to notice her big head there – so she’s not totally void of all manners. No to licking the plates or trying to sniff at anything on the table, but I think it's only fair that she is free to hoover up anything that's hit the floor.
  21. But if it helps turn even just a few people away from buying at a petshop, then it's a start. I agree, more education is needed. More attention to this issue needs to be shown to the public. They need to see the really sad side, and they need to get angry.
  22. OMG They are living creatures, not disposable commodities!! And what will happen to the 130 dogs that she needs to rid herself of? Does she care? Why is the world so full of heartless, selfish people????
  23. Both mine graze, however both do 2 types of grazing. There is the slow, lazy graze where i know they are fine, or occasionally the more frantic grazing which is usually a sign of tummy upsets - although they very rarely vomit. Chloe has Cushings disease so grass eating has to be reported to her specialist - who tells me that for some dogs, it's just a habit - and that habit should be discouraged. I've never really asked why - or if he just means we should discourage just Chloe from doing it. I believe it's quite common though. If there is vomitting, lethargy or runny poos along with it - I'd be more concerned.
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