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Everything posted by Kelly_Louise

  1. Hi New Age Outlaw and welcome! I am so glad that you have found this thread helpful. It's such a stressful time, so the more info you have the better chance you have at making a decision you feel really comfortable with. I know that even though I was scared witless, when the surgeon explained all our options the one thing that I didn't worry about was which decision I wanted to make. All I needed to know was whether surgery would be beneficial, and I was off. I had already picked the type of surgery through all the research. And although I have had moments of doubt, in my eyes it has really paid off and all the stress, worry and sacrifice have all been worth it. The small rewards mean so much to all of us going through these things. I just can't wait to see my little girl going for her first walk over the park again. It's something I dream about. And I know when she does I will cry like a baby. So good luck for your appt with the surgeon, I hope they can give you some really encouraging news. Please let us know how you go. Antoinette, I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURVED the pics. Doesn't she look like the happiest thing ever!!! I'm so glad that she enjoyed herself, a tiny bit more pressure and stress relieved right? She will build those muscles back as soon as you know it and look like Arnie dog!!! She is just the most adorable thing and you must be so proud of her and so happy that she's all on her way to a brand new puppy again!!! Can't wait to see more pics... I was going to take some of Chloe this weekend, she is always posing... but I've been really busy with hair and make up trials for my friends wedding. Will add some asap. So happy for you Antoinette... :D for Mallee for being such a smart girl!!!
  2. I have a horse that does this occasionally... nothing wrong with him he just does it to annoy us I think. We like to think he is environmentally friendly and likes to recycle??? :p
  3. Chloe absolutely hates baths and has to be carried or else she jams herself in bed and won't come out. I don't know why, the water is always at a lovely temperature... so in saying that, she only gets bathed twice a year if she's lucky... or like mentioned before, if she rolls in something whilst on a walk. But she never smells. Maybe because her bedding is washed religiously? Not sure, but she rarely needs to be bathed which is a good thing for both parties!!! ;)
  4. :D POOR FROGGY!!! I can only imagine the chaos!!! I'll bet it would have been hard to get her back into the cage with all that excitement going on!!! Maybe they could have been good friends and could have kept her company in her cage??? heheheeh!!! See all the good things she has to look forward to when she is all better!!! And you're right, I'm sure it will all be fine, but I just wish SOONER!!! :D I see you have also been through the same probs with the veterinary hospitals. I actually spoke to the receptionist who spoke to the emergency night vet who said they would get back to me... but nothing. I have spoken to the night nurses a few times, but whenever I do I feel slightly uneasy because of the vague answers... they are just not confident enough for me to feel good about it. You know? It's always "I'm sure that should be okay..." etc - but I want to hear "Yes that's okay" or "No that's not good". If I wanted half a$$ed answers I'd ask my mum!!! I did get to speak to a lovely emergency night vet once who called me back in the middle of her consultations and had reviewed Chloe's case before calling back and was very helpful and spent alot of time on the phone answering some of my concerns. So it hasn't been ALL bad, I just was upset that no one got back to me last night (which meant Chloe didn't get a pain killer) and the fact that I can never seem to see the surgeon. And when I do get to speak to him he just wants to tell us the news and then get rid of us (it seems). Like there is no time for questions or queries. I know these guys are really busy, but when your little one has had major surgery that you've paid thousands for, surely they must understand our concerns. I mean, many of us have never had to go through these things so don't really know whether we are headed in the right direction or not. For me personally, the letter he gave me after the surgery (that was the only after care info we got) I actually misread it totally and missed one of her appts - I felt dreadful, but it was only a consultation and I felt relieved that her legs were doing well so I knew I didn't mess up too badly - but still I panicked big time. So it's easy to do. And geez, it's not like they don't charge for the consultations etc!!! I don't know, it's just a whinge and I guess it becomes more prevalent when I am nervous about how she is really going... I would have changed hospitals had they not done a damn good job with the surgery and the results hadn't been so great. Ah, what do you do? I can't believe that the night nurses at your surgery yelled at you. How rude. Luckily at our hospital the nurses are so kind and sympathetic and encourage people to come visit or call etc. But I think they only hire them for a month at a time or something like that so it's always someone new. I always remember when a lady was sitting in the waiting room crying (she must have had bad news about her pet) and they came out with some tissues and sat and comforted her and held her while she walked out the back to see her pet. I thought that was nice. Well I certainly will wish you well with Mallee's first swimming adventure. How is she around water in general? Don't worry about it too much anyway, it might take her a while to get used to, but I'm sure she will take to it eventually once she gives it a try. I'd love to see pics!!! Are you taking her to a doggie pool? If so, I'm sure the people there will give advice on how to get her going if she is hesitant. Okay I've been typing forever so better get on and do some work!!! I might give a quick call home and see if my little girl has picked up any today.
  5. Thanks so much for the reassurance Corine, it really helps me. When I spoke to the surgeon over the phone he didn't seem overly concerned, so it just means a few more weeks of keeping her quiet. It's just so disappointing when you don't get the news you are looking for, especially after all the hard work and acceptance she has shown. So it's a little bit depressing today, even Chloe looked thoroughly depressed this morning. She barely acknowledged my kisses and cuddles this morning. :D She is really quiet. Maybe it does have something to do with her age, just like older humans. As for the vet hospital, they didn't even call me back to answer my questions last night. I'm really upset. It just seems that the surgeon was only interested in suggesting the surgery, but after that has avoided us like the plague and left letters etc for our info or just given us phone results. I'd like to see the xrays too, not that I would know much about them, but it would be nice to see them and have it explained. There are so many questions and concerns, and it would be nice to have some support. To not even ring me back last night (which is the first time it's happened) was really upsetting It was only a simple question about her pain killers too. I can see it's going to be one of those days... Thanks guys for all of YOUR support!!!
  6. Well my little girl is home and sleeping it off. Poor bugger had no idea where she was - big space cadet!!! I didn't get to see the surgeon, as he had already left, which is something that I really don't like about the place... but I've stocked up on pain killers to get her poor other leg through the next 4 weeks. I was really hoping that we could have that leg operated on soon, but he said to wait. I am just afraid that I have done something wrong for it not to heal properly, but the report he gave me did say that there had been significant healing so far, but still not 100%, so I feel okay about it. He wrote that he was really pleased with the way she was using it. So I figure it can't be too bad... but you know what the worry is like... :rolleyes: All the research I did said about 10 - 12 weeks, so I guess we are on track seeing it's only week 8. And your saga with Mallee has helped to relieve much of my anxiety Antoinette. Cause I know how careful you guys have been and I know that Mallee has been crated, so really what more can you do??? So now it's just another wait... but hey, we've made it this far!!! Thanks for the support Antoinette. It means alot. Well I'm off to give Chloe some more cuddles and kisses. Gee I'd be lost without her. Hopefully I can give her a pain killer too cause she is limping quite badly on her unoperated leg, but I'm just waiting for the okay from the vet hospital... MORE WAITING!!! Give little Mallee a big kiss for me and tell her that she is our mascot and something to aim for!!
  7. Okay just spoke to the surgeon. He said he is really pleased with the way she is walking. However, the bone still has some healing to do, as it has not fully bridged over yet. Which means another 4 - 5 weeks until another set of xrays. He said he would also prefer her to wait until this leg is given the all clear before he does the other leg... also because she is not doing so badly at the moment. So a mixture of news... I would have loved the all clear, but I guess it's only been 8 weeks and nothing major is wrong. Do you think I should worry that the bone hasn't completely healed yet? Or is that fairly normal? *biting nails.....*
  8. Thanks Antoinette... Oh I see a new Mallee pic in your avatar... isn't she just too delightful!!! Especially when she's not behind bars!!!
  9. No not on my way yet, but thanks so much for the thoughts... I will update as soon as I can, so hopefully first thing tomorrow you will see my good news!!! I have just had another bit of good news... I have a new niece!!! My bf's sister just had a little girl, so I now have a nephew and niece!!! I am so excited and hope the good news keeps coming!!! :rolleyes:
  10. Grrrrr, she's only just having them done now so we can't pick her up until after 5pm :rolleyes: The suspense is killing me!!!
  11. Hey guys, well she is there... do any of you feel the same way... can you believe i cry just to leave her there for xrays? I think I am insane. After many kisses, cuddles and sad puppy eyes she is off to have her xrays. I'm hoping I don't start ringing them every 15 minutes or so to ask if she is ready or not. I just can't wait to get the results. Although I'm nervous, I have a really good feeling that it will be good news. I guess it comes from how well her leg has been, especially in the last 2 weeks or so. She is using it to fully bend to sit down and get back up, which although it doesn't sound exciting, after months of seeing her throw it straight under her and lower herself with her front legs, it's now just the most amazing sight!!! I am so proud of her, cause it can't be easy for an older dog to have all these changes. I will keep you guys updated and give you the verdict asap!!! Antoinette, i'm glad to see that you had the same anxiety problems... I don't feel so insane now!!! How is Mallee doing with her new found freedom? Has she started her swimming lessons yet?!!!! I can only imagine how much she is loving it all, being able to be a normal puppy again - but I fully agree that getting her back into her cage would be pretty tough - she's not silly!!! Has your surgeon mentioned anything about the earlier onset of arthritis or degenerative joint disease for Mallee? If so, what sort of time frame did they think it would likely rear it's ugly head? Well, expect the good (fingers crossed) news sometime today!!!
  12. Oh we have an appointment to have xrays done on Wednesday. I am sooooo nervous. Fingers crossed everyone that it will all go okay for my little girl. She's been doing really well on her operated leg so hopefully that's a good sign that all will be well!!!
  13. Hi Antoinette, I didn't see your post before.... but what GREAT NEWS!!! I can't believe how exciting it must be for you and Brock. I am sure that Mallee will not have too many problems seeing that she has been locked up for so long. ANY chance at freedom would be greatly welcomed don't you think??? Hehehehe!!! But to be able to go on little walks as well, how fantastic. Yep, the light is certainly getting closer now... Let us know how little Mallee enjoys her newfound piece of freedom... and action shots are a must!!! Hi Karen, thanks for your support also. I can tell you it's a great relief. Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world on my shoulders, but we've certainly all been there haven't we???!!! Chloe is going okay. She has limpy days on her unoperated leg, but the past couple of days have been good. I will make an appointment with her surgeon next week and get the verdict. I am excited, but also so very, very nervous. I am afraid of any type of bad news, but she walks so well on it that it can't be all bad. Please direct all crossed fingers, paws and prayers Chloe's way. I'm also a little nervous about having to go through it all again with the other leg, but the sooner the better and she will be back to health again. I keep telling my homesick friend in Cambodia that by the time she is back in Oz in late March, we will both be celebrating not only her return, but Chloe's return to somewhat normality. I can't wait. All I can say is it's been worth every cent, every argument, every bit of stress and every emotion felt. And I'm sure Antoinette will certainly agree with me, especially when it's starting to pay off so well for her and little Mallee. I'm sorry to hear that Wags is still having good/bad days. Same with Chloe before her op. I couldn't bear it at all. Good days of happiness, then bad days of tears having to help her up and down. It's been a very emotional ride, you're absolutely right. But when the day comes that she can go over to the park across the road and be able to enjoy her walk instead of being in pain and lagging behind... well that's all the repayment I will ever need. Even now to see her trying to get back to normal makes me well with tears. People have laughed in my face for the amount of money that I, and many others have paid for their furry friends, but I'd do it again in a second and they do not get the rewards of being so loved and seeing our friends eyes light up with hope and life again. Karen, have you had Wags evaluated by a vet or surgeon for his injury? If so, what is the verdict? Okay for a laugh, I thought I would surprise Chloe with a gift of a new ramp to help her up any stairs/into cars when both of her legs are better. Well, all excitedly I set it up and tried to convince her to have a go. She was excited, but wouldn't have a bar of it. Then I started crawling up and down to show her how it's done... and the cheeky thing sat at the bottom half barking, half laughing at me. We've had several goes at trying to convince her, but she just doesn't think it's for her so far... She either barks/laughs hysterically at us, or just walks far enough away to be out of the firing line and watches us making fools of ourselves!!! Naughty thing!!! Anyway, sorry for the long post... just wanted to say hi to everyone and celebrate the good, comiserate the not so good news. Keep in touch all!!!
  14. What a heartbreaking time for you MSJ. I truly feel your pain, it really is such a hard decision. You have received some wonderful advice though, and you know Jenna better than anyone. So believe me, you will know. I remember with my Blue cattle dog, she just didn't seem herself anymore. My parents went to take her to the vet (I was young then) and before they even left I knew she would not come back. My Pepper just wasn't in there anymore. She was gone. Her eyes were void and lifeless and looked as if they were looking far, far away into the distance. And I believe whatever she was seeing in the distance gave her eyes a flicker of hope or relief from the pain she was in. She probably saw rainbow bridge in the distance. She was seeing something that I couldn't. She knew it was her time, and so did I. Luckily, although I didn't want to believe it, I said my goodbyes (still hoping she would come back from the vet). But she didn't. I was devastated, but knew it was right and felt some relief. Cause my girl had gone, and it was her eyes mainly that told the story. I was only young, but I could see it... and so will you. And I will never forget that look or the story her eyes told me for as long as I live. Give Jenna lots of love until that time comes. Best wishes to you in this terrible time.
  15. Thanks for the support Antoinette... it really is just the best news I could have had. You know I was thinking about what you said about Mallee seeming to know what you say. I know what you mean. Last night I was feeding Chloe and she was limping around on her bad leg. I started to rub it for her and she kept looking from me, to her leg. I told her that I knew it was sore and that I would get it fixed for her as soon as possible, just like I promised. And she gave me a big lick up the side of the face. Sometimes they are too human for their own good!!! Don't let the "give me a hug eyes" fool you... she does the "bugger off would you?" eyes just as well!!! Mallee is a lucky girl to have such a great mum as you looking out for her!!!
  16. Another one for good measure... she's checking to make sure no one is sneaking up on her or her food!!!
  17. And cause I'm soooo happy, here's another portrait of Chloe... to make you go "awwwwwww"!!!
  18. Well guys, a little bit off track, but I'm so pleased to be able to say that my Grandma went to the specialist today and they DO NOT think she has cancer!!! I am so happy I can't even describe it!!! Just digestion problems due to her age!!! Yaay!!! Thanks Antoinette for the kind words... looks like they came true!!! So it's back to worrying about Chloe only again, and let me tell you, when you've had a scare like this, it makes me glad that Chloe is the only thing I have to worry about. Perspective is a great thing sometimes. Forgot to mention that Chloe is also back on painkillers for her other leg, it's so bad. But the light is there and I see a spark of her former self, so I have hope. And as long as there's hope, my girl will be okay cause I'll do whatever it takes. Koza, I'm keeping fingers crossed for Stella. I think it's wise to consider the osteotomy if it does not take this time. Hopefully it doesn't have to come to that, but at least you have that option there, just in case. How is Stella going with the crating? Hopefully not eating it like Mallee!!! I'm anxious about parting with my next $4000, but the results are so worth it, that I couldn't not do it. I have loved all of my dogs and would have done the same thing, but Chloe just has that special place. I melt when I see her and can't bear to think that she is in pain, and yet can't bear to part with her just yet either... so there was really no other choice for me!!! Just wanted to share my great news with you guys. At the moment, nothing can bring me down!!!
  19. Oh Antoinette, I know your feelings exactly. Everyone at home (even Chloe) is tired and worn out after supervising her, toileting her, entertaining her and keeping her company ALL day. It's exhausting, but I'm lucky that mum and dad are home to help me out so much. Couple that with all the stress and worry, well it can take alot out of you. Don't be too hard on OH, because we all feel it but we just have to carry on. We have no choice do we - it's just that we don't complain as much and obviously you deal with it much better!!? There have been many an argument at home due to worry, tiredness, stress and money issues. Then more with my OH cause I can't just drop everything and run whenever I want. But we do it for a very good reason, and to have happy and healthy pups again... well that will make all the negatives so worth bearing hey? It's all so much to deal with, but we do for the love of our pups!!! We have another worry now... my grandma, who I have lived with my whole life and is 87, now has to see a specialist cause they think she may have bowel cancer. It has hit us hard cause she has always been healthy and active. It doesn't rain but pours at our house... Yes, I also know about the "looks". Toilet break for Chloe and I get the "Geez can't i even pee in peace yet?" look. When she tries to run or heads for the stairs, the "not you again" look. Sometimes I wonder if they can't understand us!!! I can hardly remember what it's like not to worry about Chloe... but the light the end of this damn tunnel is getting ever so closer slooooowly for us all... so you hang in there Antoinette and keep your chin up. And when you feel about to boil just remember how great things will be in your lives when little Mallee is running around like a real puppy again!!! And you and OH can have actual LIVES??? Yaay!!!
  20. Hello! I have the same problem with my red cattle dog. She also went for 2 walks a day, played ball constantly in the back yard (and we have a very large backyard!!) and she was fed once a day good quality foods, many home made with veggies and fresh meats. However, she just couldn't budge her weight. She has since been on Hills Science Diet (mixed with a little fresh meat), and she has lost quite a bit of weight. She is probably stagnant right now, but because of her operation she is not active at all, so it's not too bad. Still I'd like her to be losing more, so we cut down her portions constantly. But your lab sounds like she is getting plenty of exercise, so the only thing I could recommend is trying the Hills Science Diet food (mixed with a little of normal diet - but cut down portions) for a while to see if it makes a difference like it did in my instance? And maybe extend the walks (not sure if that's possible - I know for my girl it wasn't otherwise she'd never be home!!). Good luck!
  21. Ooops, forgot to mention that I loved the pics of little Mallee. She is just too cute. And the xray pic is great!!! Falgall, thanks for the pics of your clan too!!! They are gorgeous too!!!
  22. Oh my goodness, I am away for a bit and look at all that is going on!!! Firstly to Antoinette... bit of a mixed feeling hey? Great that Mallee's front legs are fine, but still a worry about her back leg. Still, I'm sure it will all be fine. And you know that you have done the best for her. It's lucky that she has had this happen when she is young, cause at least she doesn't really know much different, you know? And when she is all healed up, she will forget about this time in the cage and live a pain free life. Poor baby though. It seems it will never end hey? But you have 75% of her legs good, just the last one to go. The end is in sight... I will keep my fingers crossed for little Mallee that her last leg will heal well. The operation that Mallee has had is probably a bit more complicated than the ones our dogs have had, so I hope it is not as dire as it all sounds. And I send you lots of hugs cause I know the stress it must be causing you and hubby. Koza, oh my goodness. Poor Stella. What's the latest on her condition? I just can't imagine your disappointment. What is happening, and seeing that Stella is having so many problems are the vets starting to look at any other options? Falgall, the cruciate op for my girl (for one leg) cost me ball park just under $4000. She had the tibial wedge osteotomy. The osteotomy's are recommended for larger dogs, and I have to say that I couldn't be happier with the results. It's expensive, but less riskier (so I've been told - especially for larger dogs) and if I had the choice again, I'd do the same thing. Actually Chloe will be going in for her second leg very soon. If you have any questions, please let me know and I'd be glad to try to answer them from my own experience. Well, Chloe hasn't gone back for her xrays yet. Not for another 2 - 4 weeks. I can't wait, but am trying not to get too excited... just in case it turns out like little Mallee's check up. But I feel confident. Her operated leg seems very good and stable. Sometimes if I bend it she snaps at me, but she has always been that way with her legs so I'm hoping it's just habit and not because it's sore. She hasn't been very good on her back legs lately and I was very afraid it may have been her operated leg. But last night feeding her, she uses the operated leg to get up and down and was holding her poor other leg up. So fingers crossed, this is a good sign for the operated leg. Not so good for her other leg, just means that she will have to have the other op sooner rather than later. That actually suits me fine as I don't want her to go back to her old lifestyle and then have to be cooped up again. It's better to do it while she has already gotten used to that lifestyle. I find that she has lost a bit of patience, and she is way more snappy than she used to be. But she still has her lovely personality, so I'm not too concerned. She stays off lead a bit more now, which makes her happy. If she attempts to run though, we just yell "Stop" and she stops in her tracks (although not happy about it). She walks a tiny bit further than she used to, so hopefully it's all good. Well it's nice to hear from everyone, although the news is not all good. But yet we keep hanging in there... so no one can say that our girls are not loved and the best things haven't been done for them. Best wishes to everyone... give us all regular updates. The countdown is now on for Chloe and Leg No 1 verdict!!!
  23. Hey Antoinette, hope you had a good holiday break as well... Happy New Year! It's great that Mallee is doing so well. She now seems to have the confidence to get up and walk for a fair distance, which is good. I always think that if it was so uncomfortable for them, they wouldn't do it. It's a big change from the last time we heard from you, so you should be very happy! But I'm still a nervous wreck, so I'm assuming you must be twice as bad!!! No Chloe hasn't been back to the vet yet. In a couple of more weeks she will go and have her first lot of x-rays. Here's hoping that they will be good. She is going well except that her other unoperated leg is getting pretty bad, although she is still determinedly using it. But she's struggling getting up and down again and is now relying alot on her unproven 'good' leg. The surgeon told us that this would happen around about at this point in time, so I'm not worrying too much. Just trying to keep her quiet and not use it too much, with painkillers if necessary. She is having a bit more exercise now. She wanders around slowly after my Mum in the mornings. She is out of her pen on lead with my parents most of the day, and they allow her to get up and move around slowly as she likes... they just follow her. When she has had enough, she packs herself up and takes herself back to her pen. So it's only in the backyard, but she's allowed to move around a bit more of her own accord under supervision. Unfortunately she has a bout of diarrohea (SP?) at the moment. She also had one about a week and a half ago. Lasted a day and then went away. We are trying to figure out what the triggers are. But this morning she is alot brighter. Corine (Happy New Year to you also!), you make me laugh so much... I am sitting at work imagining Duncan with his un-fluffy pants on!!! It's too funny!!! :rolleyes: It's great that you stop by and give us a bit of encouragement every now and then!!! Talk soon guys! PS. Antoinette, anymore pics of Mallee?
  24. Hmmm, can't help you with the Rescue Remedy Loraine, but that's really bizarre. Have you been able to figure out what sets him off? Obviously he doesn't like thunder, but have you noticed any other reoccuring instances that set him off? Maybe something happened to him as a younger boy and the fears are ingrained. My friend is giving me some rescue remedy drops for when Chloe has her second operation. She said that it doesn't seem to work for her dog at all... My red cattle dog Chloe has some bizarre behaviours as well. She has an issue if any sort of door or gate is left slightly ajar or if she doesn't hear the click of a door closing properly... then she's off like a shot. I'm not sure what started this behaviour (she is 7.5 yrs now and only had this issue for a couple of years), but perhaps when a door was left a bit open one day she may have tried to get through and it has shut on her or something? I don't know, but at first it was really strange and we had no idea why she was behaving so weird... I have no idea how to get her out of this habit. If we see her getting scared (even if the door is shut) we have to tell her "door is closed Chloe" before she will stop, or else open the door and shut it again so she can hear it. WEIRD... Well good luck with it anyway... hope you can help little Zedley overcome his fears!!!
  25. Sorry for the loss of Pip Corine. When I was a little girl we had a budgie called Patch that lived for goodness knows how long. He must have been somewhere in the vacinity of about 12-15 years old. He had just been with us forever and was such a character... he was just another member of our family. After a few vet visits (which he always perked up for) we found him on the bottom of his cage one morning. It was a sad day indeed. That was many years ago, but I still think fondly of Patch, he was our pretty boy... and none of our subsequent budgies have come close to him. So I'm sure my old Patch will welcome Pip and keep him company. He was like that... RIP Pip.
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