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Everything posted by Kelly_Louise

  1. Hi guys... feeling really nervous about tomorrow. I will be devastated if the news is not so good, but I'm trying to stay positive. Please send my little girl all your best healing thoughts to get her through her xrays with flying colours tomorrow!!! Poor little baby I feel so worried for her. Will let you know as soon as I know anything although it may not be until a bit later in the afternoon... Hopefully it will be with good news!!! Antoinette is Mallee having xrays also this week? If so, what day? And Corine, how is poor baby Duncan doing? Any firm diagnosis yet for his weight loss? And Koza how is Stella doing? Is she improving satisfactorily? Take care all!
  2. Hi Antoinette! Wow isn't Mallee coming along well! What a smart girl. All point to one great fact: she must be feeling so much better. And yes, after all you guys have been through, it must be such a relief and the small things are what REALLY count!!! So you should be so proud of each of her little achievements. It's been such a long road for her and yourselves... and you should also be proud of yourselves for getting her successfully to this point. She's a really lucky girl. Well Chloe has her appt for xrays on Wednesday. I'm also really nervous. Unfortunately her surgeon is on holidays though, which means her other leg will probably not be done until after the 20th of March or so. Not that it matters, but it's just extra time that the poor bugger has to be restrained and we all just want it to be OVER!!! Another surgeon will take the xrays and give us the verdict, but I'm quite happy with that. I have told them I want to see the xrays this time and discuss her progress in detail. So hopefully it will all play out that way... Have a great day all!!!
  3. Oh poor Duncan, I so hope he's okay. Poor boy has been through enough already!!! The 'procedure' sounds like a bit of a nightmare, and I can now FULLY appreciate why he hates the vets... Give Duncan lots of hugs from us, and let us know the latest with his progress. Hoping that all is well soon. He's a tough boy so I'm sure he will pull through this as well.
  4. Thanks Koza... She is much happier and I think she looks and acts so much younger too! Of course it just makes me dread putting her through it all over again... but I guess it has to be done. Go Stella... bad leg and all and she still can scare a burgular!!! What a girl!!! I'm so glad they didn't get a chance to take anything though. Great news that Stella is still doing so well. Chloe pulled some of her stitches as well, which made the scar look a bit funny but I've noticed the bump has gone down (or is it just the hair growing back??? who knows!!).
  5. Hi Corine, lovely to hear from you! Poor Duncan, I really hope he's okay. When does he have his tests done? Please let us know how he is doing. I hope it's not serious. I can certainly understand why he doesn't like the vets. Chloe used to be a once a year vaccs only type of girl she was so healthy, but the last year or so it has been so constant. She is going to absolutely hate going to have her other leg operated on... but this time I will not go and visit her during her stay in the surgery. It only upsets both of us way too much. I will just rely on the phone calls to monitor her progress. I hope that little Mallee heals as well as Duncan has and can enjoy her puppy life as well. I think Chloe has done really well to adapt to all these changes so late in her life. And you know, she's starting to get her puppy energy back !!!!!!! Let us know how you go with Duncan Corine...
  6. Hi Antoinette... sooooo glad to hear the Mallee is doing so well. I think the next drama will be letting go a little bit each day until she can be a normal pup again without you worrying at every step!!! Chloe is going in for her xrays next week. I am hoping if I leave it 5 full weeks that the results will be better. I am really excited, but so nervous. I hope all is well. I guess it also means that her other leg is getting closer to being operated on too, which is good, but it just seems like going back to square one... you know? Chloe is going really well as well. I was horrified yesterday when I had some food in my hands and she was so excited that she jumped... yes jumped up with her front legs onto me. I nearly died and gently lowered her down. She did it again today, and while it makes me feel fantastic to see her able to do it again, I am just afraid that she will hurt herself somehow and stuff up the xrays... So like you I know what you mean about Mallee trying to do so much now and us worrying like anything!!! We are preparing for Chloe's next operation. The area her pen is in has become a little dusty, so we have bought rolls of artificial grass so our spoilt girl doesn't get herself dirty or muddy!!! hahahaha!!! I can't believe how spoilt she really is sometimes. And even though she has so many toys than she knows what to do with (and has even started burying them), I just had 2 more new toys delivered for her today... I sit at work looking for toys or similar to buy online to make her happy!!! I'm looking for the perfect, very special lead and collar set as well for when she is healed and goes on her very first walk... cause I will be so proud of my brave girl. I wish someone would spoil me so much!!! So has Mallee been swimming again yet? Or just walking more and more (with or without sling)? So we will probably get the results of the xrays at similar times, so we can only hope for the best now. I'm really glad that she is doing so well Antoinette. Almost there now. I have some gorgeous pics of Chloe that I will upload. I showed them to everyone at work that laughed at the expense I have gone to on her operation/s and asked who would not give their last penny to save such a cutie... or maybe I'm just biased??? Heheehe. Take care and keep me updated on little Mallee! And some more... here she is in action on her leg... look at her go! More... Look at her best "sit up straight and smile" pic for Mum!!! ... ... Sitting and smiling... ... ....
  7. What a lovely and beautiful girl Karma is!!! Best of luck with her treatments.
  8. Hahahaha, silly computer!!! It's one of those days Antoinette!!! Not sure about Koza, but I don't know of any doggy swimming pools around our area (and not sure if Chloe would go for that!!). Chloe has built up fantastic muscle tone from just walking and pottering around. Not going for official 'walks' but just around the yard. We have been building up since around week 6, very slowly... just letting her walk around a little bit longer at a time. Now she is at the point where she is left to walk around freely (under supervision) and is only penned when someone can not be out with her. So if she wants to get up and move around we let her, as long as it's done sensibly (which isn't always possible ). She has even started to play alot more with her toys (no balls of course), but she gives her Bunny a good shake and toss and the squeaker a work out. This morning on my way off to work I let her out of her pen and she came to warm up the car with me, then went for a walk out in the front yard to see Mama watering the garden and to check out her 'territory'. She just potters around of her own accord. Really the only time she is on lead now is if the neighbours are working near the fence (she hates our neighbours) or any other time when she is in danger of perhaps becoming silly and doing herself damage. So I guess it was just a natural progression to walking a little bit more and more all the time, so the muscle has built up with natural use. Not sure if it's possible to do with Mallee though as her op was much more severe and delicate. Maybe Chloe has also built up muscle faster because of the pressure from her unoperated leg as well??? But I'm really amazed at how quickly she built it up and how solid the muscle is now. Poor Mallee will build it up in no time I'm sure... I guess the key is to just build it all up slowly and not to let her overdo it which I know you guys are doing well. Give Mallee a big kiss from us!!!
  9. Oh I'm really sorry... I think we were all hoping that perhaps the vets were wrong. I guess the positive thing now is that you do know for sure and can make sure poor Karma gets the very best care and treatment until her time comes. And I'm sure she will be lavished with much love to make her shortened time here as happy as possible. I truly feel for you the pain you must be in.
  10. Yaay, go Stella! It's great that she is building some muscle tone... she must be getting confident to use it more now!!!
  11. Wow thanks Koza and Antoinette. I really didn't worry about it until yesterday when I accidently brushed my nail along it and she snapped at me and I was concerned that maybe something had been wrong all along and needed to be fixed etc. She doesn't really have much scar at all... it is barely visible except for that part where the stitches were gapped too far apart and it became a bit inflamed. The redness went down but it was always raised when it healed. I just hope it's not hurting her and poking her from the inside. But now that you guys have shared your experiences with similar things I feel much better. Especially since it really doesn't seem to bother her unless it is directly touched in that small area. Thanks for the reassurance... I surely will make sure I speak to the surgeon about it (although both of them never mentioned it when checking her out). And yes Antoinette, I am going to make sure I definitely see the surgeon this time and see the actual xrays and have them explained to me so that I can see for myself and ensure that I have time to ask all the questions that will put my mind at ease!!! Thanks again for the support guys... I really needed it... geez so many weeks post op and I still go into panic mode so easily!!!
  12. I have a bit of a concern... not sure if I should be or not... On Chloe's operated leg, she has a raised part of the skin where part of the leg was opened up. When healing from her op, she either licked, or there was a bit of a gap between the stitches that raised up and looked reddish (not infected though). The surgeon looked at it and said that it was fine 10 days after op. Now it has healed, there is a bit of a bump that runs along that part of the scar that is raised and feels REALLY hard underneath. If I press it, Chloe seems a bit uncomfortable and may even snap at me. She shows no other signs that it may be hurting her. It actually feels so hard that it could be metal. Nothing was picked up on the xray a couple of weeks ago, but could this by any chance be part of the metal implant sticking out underneath her skin? I know this all sounds really silly, but it just feels really hard and it's raised a bit where there was the original gap in the stitches. Or could it just be scar tissue build up from where the stitches were gapped and she maybe licked at it? Could this cause some discomfort if touched so long after the operation? I may sound a bit all over the place and I hope I've described it as accurately as possible. I'm just hoping that it's not the metal implant sticking out and poking at her skin. It might sound dumb but I'm not sure exactly how the implant is placed on the leg etc... Any ideas? It's sort of on the inside of her leg down near her hock??? And it looks normal other than it's slightly raised like a bit of scar, but just REALLY hard.
  13. Hi Karma, what terrible news. I'm so sorry to hear this. I am no expert on bone cancer, so I can not offer any useful advice. But you strike me as a very humane person, so my only advice to you would be this: do whatever you have to (eg more xrays, tests, specialists) before you make any decision. Otherwise, you will always have some regrets and wonder whether you did the right thing. A second opinion doesn't hurt, and a definite conclusion, whether hopeful or painful, will at least ease your mind that you are doing the best thing for your baby. I can only hope that your gut feeling is correct. Best wishes to you all and let us know how you go. Many hugs sent your way and to your girl...
  14. Oops missed your post Antoinette... also fantastic news about Mallee. Glad it was nothing too serious and she is on the mend. You're right it's almost impossible from keeping them from the zoomies... but I take it as a good sign cause Chloe must be feeling really good to have her energy and enthusiasm back. And I think the same goes for Mallee. I'm sure she will love to be back in the swim, but yes, like you said just take it easy and build it up. She will probably be so excited that she could go forever!!! I know what you mean about the disappointment. Especially when it's such a big step such as being let out of her cage full time. And when you're so close, you want it soooo bad. I'm sure you guys would love some time to yourselves etc as well. But Mallee has been through soooo much in her short time that it's natural to just want to see all the hard work pay off. I honestly can't wait to see her running around like a real puppy. But you're almost there, so hopefully the next lot of xrays will give the all clear. Give Mallee a big hug for me!!!
  15. It's great news to hear that Stella is so well in herself. Yes Chloe is also doing really well. I am so surprised at how well it's all gone. She is getting around like a young girl again, just a little limpy on the unoperated leg if she tries to do too much. But her pain killers are only given few and far between now, and the 'new' leg is really starting to pull it's weight so the focus is off the other poor leg now. She is really building up big muscle in her operated leg and it's getting much stronger. The other leg is wasting away a bit, but soon it will all be over when she has it operated on. Hopefully after the next lot of xrays in the next couple of weeks she will have her other leg done. I just can't wait. I know it will be a long slow process again, but I am so thrilled with the results that I'm so excited. To see her getting around like her old self is really just priceless. That's great about the post op and 3rd operation being free... probably wouldn't get that at too many other places. Lucky!! But I guess it's such a delicate operation, especially seeing that it's just so hard to keep a dog from using it. I'm so glad that the news is all good from your end and hopefully you will give us some good news next week after her check up. Will keep everything crossed!!!
  16. Poor poor Murray... hope he is on the mend by now? Look forward to some positive news on the old boy.
  17. Hi Koza, glad to hear that all is well with Stella so far. I know what you mean, you never feel really confident... So far so good though, so fingers crossed that this implant will be a success. I tend to judge how Chloe is going with the way she uses and walks on it, so if Stella is using it well and improving then that can only be a good sign. I remember at around week 6 I started to feel a little less pressure, but with the operation Stella had I guess it's hard to feel confident until it's 100% healed and given clearance. Such a worry. I'm now also preparing myself to go through it all over again with Chloe's unoperated leg, but feel so much more informed and confident that she will handle it all so well. She is such a good girl. It amazes me how resilient they are sometimes!!! All our girls have been so brave. Keeping fingers crossed that all continues to go well for Stella. When does she have to go back for a check up? Sending lots of healing thoughts Stella's way!!!
  18. Hey guys!!! Just wanted to see how Mallee is doing Antoinette? Have you had any further problems? Is she back swimming or anything just yet? Well Chloe was so naughty over the weekend. It seemed that the only pace she would travel at is a run. She tried to run everywhere, and it was the silly zoomie runs too... even to get a drink. Hopefully this means she is feeling so much better... She is back to the surgeons for more xrays in about 1 - 1.5 weeks and I'm really nervous all over again. The first time I was expecting all good news and didn't totally get it, so this time I am expecting the worst just so I don't get disappointed... Although the results I see in her with my own eyes tell the real story!!! Hope that things are going well for you anyways!!! Just wanted to touch base and see how you're doing!!!
  19. Rest in peace dear, sweet Jenna. MSJ, we all understand that you are feeling so emotional now. The hole in your heart will take some time to heal, but there will always be a special place for your special girl. But rest easy knowing that poor Jenna is now running and jumping and happily playing over the bridge. There is no more pain or suffering, only puppy smiles and happiness! I'm sure if she could thank you, she would. And I'm sure she is missing you as much as you do her. There is nothing that will take away the pain, but please know that you showed the ultimate kindness and love to Jenna and her glorious life with you ended on a good note. Big hugs to you at this heartwrenching time. We all share a piece of it with you.
  20. And it's 8 years to the day on Valentine's day that I let my old girl Pepper go. I remember it like it was yesterday and will never forget the hurt I felt. We will all share your pain today MSJ... as I think most of us here dread the thought of that day for our own special friends... and we will all be sending our warmest thoughts to you and farewells to Jenna. It might sound strange, but I hope you both have a lovely day to remember and hold in your hearts forever...
  21. I'm so sorry. The hardest decision you have ever made, but also the bravest and kindest. It will be so hard to say goodbye. But as you farewell her off give her all the love you can and know that you are doing the very best thing for old Jenna. She will live on in your heart, memories and thoughts. I will think of you at this time and send all the comfort and hugs I can. Although it feels like the darkest time ever, it is time for you to rejoice the long years that you have spent together and all the love she has given you. You are truly lucky to have had her loyalty and devotion for so many years, and she yours. You have given her a wonderful life, so take some comfort that she has had a very good innings and really couldn't ask for much more. Best wishes to you to get you through this sad time. I hope that Jenna's last day is a happy one to take with her to the bridge.
  22. I'm so glad that Mallee is doing better. Hopefully it won't give her any further problems. Maybe you could continue the swimming but just cut it back a bit and take her for short swims only? That way she could slowly start to build some muscle and support back without over doing it. I know how worried you must be, but the surgeons have told you that she is healing well and you know that you have done everything to ensure this. I know that I too was afraid of the unknown with Chloe. I was afraid of letting her out of her pen etc. But now she gets around so well and we let her off the lead most of the time as long as she has supervision. Every now and then she gets a tiny jog going, but nothing strenuous. And she has fantastic muscle tone and use of her leg. And she is happier that she is not always being restricted. I know that Mallee's operation was much more significant and there is more danger, so maybe just take it very slowly and let her do a little bit more gradually until you feel more confident. But it's been such a looooong road for you guys that I know it's hard to not be so cautious. I bet you are counting the seconds to the next lot of xrays... as I am with Chloe. But I think we both know that we will still be worry warts even with the all clear. I was telling Chloe the other day that she would be back to her old self in no time and even my Mum commented that even with both legs healed we will always be cautious every time she gets a fast run up and said that we will probably never be confident enough to play a vigorous running and jumping ball game with her. Just throw and standing catch stuff. Which is sad cause she loves her ball, but that's life and she has a whole huge toy box full of other squeaky, fluffy, chewable toys etc to keep her entertained. And she will be able to go for her beloved walks again to check out what's going on in the world... which I'm sure she will love. My dad has even started to take her for little 50m walks out in the front yard and a short way along the foot path. She loves being part of the big wide world again. But she can't wait to get back across the road to the big park we live opposite off. She gives a woof if she sees any other dog walking in 'her' park!!! How dare they when she can not!!! But I notice that I am always analysing the way she is walking, whether it's bending properly, whether she is limping etc etc etc... So don't feel alone in being such a worry wart... I'm right up there with you in the OCD stakes when it comes to our girls!!! You're right, it's hard to know the right thing to do. But we've done everything humanly possible to ensure they come back to good health, and I have full faith that they will. But we'll never stop worrying I don't think... well not for a loooooong time anyway!!!
  23. Oh Antoinette, I've just caught up on the news and I'm so sorry. I truly hope that Mallee is showing some signs of improvement. What a worry. Believe me, I think anyone who has been through the surgery and the post op understands how stressful it is. It's a loooooong drawn out process that can cut the nerves. I can understand how it can affect relationships and life in general. I guess you've just got to keep the end results in mind. Still though, it's damn tough. But like Corine said, if you don't feel comfortable, keep contacting the surgeons. A dog does not let out a yelping cry for nothing... especially after all the pain she has experienced in her life so far. Perhaps it is a nerve or something similar, but still you need to put your mind completely at rest. Otherwise, you will both worry yourselves sick. And remember, little Mallee hasn't used her legs very much at all for a long time and is now starting to use them more effectively, so it could be only a minor problem, but you will not rest easy until you know for sure. So do whatever you have to do to ensure that all is well. It's not pestering or anything even close... you've paid good money and spent many long hours caring for her and the least that the surgeons can do is put your mind at rest that things are still on track. And don't ever apologise for rambling on here... we've all done it enough and need to let it out somewhere don't we? Or else we will explode. Please give us an update as soon as you can. I will be hoping for some positive news. Thinking of you and sending lots of love and hugs your way... for you to share with Brock too!!! Will keep checking for an update...
  24. Oh I'm so terribly sorry New Age Outlaw. That's the worst news ever. A very brave decision, but at least Ernie will no longer be in any pain. I am just speechless as I really wasn't expecting such sad news... I'm so sorry. RIP Ernie :rolleyes: I'm sure he will have plenty of friends to frolick with over the bridge. No pain, no worries.
  25. Wow Ernie is a bit of a spunk New Age Outlaw!!! He's gorgeous. I truly hope everything goes well and the operation is a success. It's a looooooong hard road post op, but the effort is well worth it when you finally see some results. Please keep us updated and of course, I will have all fingers and toes crossed, and I will ensure Chloe has all paws crossed (even bad ones!!) for a great outcome for Ernie and for you to avoid stressing out too much!!! It's a really tough time now, so please feel free to come and vent all you like!!! Best of luck! hope Ernie is back up and about in no time. Look forward to some good news... :D
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