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Everything posted by Kelly_Louise

  1. Thank you so much Loraine - let's hope Chloe is a little miracle waiting to happen!! And you're right, there are many diseases etc that I don't necessarily understand or have experienced with any of my dogs - but I feel the same feelings of worry, stress and sometimes helplessness that others go through. No matter the disease, we're all in it together! Tomorrow is the big day - I can't wait!!! Chloe is still doing exceptionally well, all signs are positive!!
  2. Oh Erny, that's lovely, thank you so much! I can't tell you guys how much your support means. Not many people understand these types of diseases and how complicated they can be - and of course, not all people understand why we do what we do to keep Chloe well. So thank you for everyone that comes on our long exhausting journey with us - it helps more than you know. To have Chloe react so well without her meds so far, is a massive weight off my shoulders for a little while. My parents dont really understand the disease, so they always assume that any change is a bad one (until they see for themselves what im talking about). It can be tough - but luckily after thorough explanation they are as committed to keeping Chloe well as I am (and of course not having her suffer in any way) - which is great. We wouldnt know our family without our Chloe. Thanks agian, and here's to another good day for Chloe!! Hooray!!
  3. Loraine, you are just an angel of good news - always giving hope and important info - thank you!!! I never knew that, and now that she is not being suppressed by the Trilostane perhaps she is just making a little more cortisol for her poor old legs Regardless of whether she needs to go back on meds or not (still not trying to get hopes up too high LOL), Im just happy that she is feeling so good right now. Yep we are monitoring her very closely (I can't tell you how happy my mum and dad are right now to see her so well - but I've warned them this may not be permanent and they understand this - back to measuring water levels etc LOL) and will continue to do so for as long as she is off any meds, and will certainly know those dreaded Cushing symptoms. Funny how it all seems not as draining when things are looking so positive - I never thought mum would look forward to measuring water etc. Mum did say, that she is so used to having her tablets now that she hides her nose when it's time to have them... she keeps doing this, then gives mum a big smile when she gets a treat but NO tablet now. Go Chloe GO!!!
  4. 48 hours without Trilostane - and Chloe is going great guns!! She is acting like a puppy again, stole mums slipper and raced outside with it, then went and buried some toys which is her favourite thing to do to p!ss my mum off LOL. I'm absolutely stoked!! I did notice that her movement seems very free, so perhaps she is now producing a more than normal amount of cortisol - which will mean back on the meds - however, never know, maybe she is just feeling really, really good? Let's hope so. All good news so far Couldnt be more pleased!!
  5. Oh Loraine, I was waiting for you to pop in and have something hopeful from experience to say!! And you did... I guess all we can do is hope that she goes into remission for some time - and of course, we will always know the symptoms if ever they rear their ugly heads!! That's just what I needed to hear - that there IS hope and it CAN happen. It may not be our turn yet, but then, it may be as well who knows. All we can do now is wait... Wednesday seems so far away!!! But to me it is very promising that so far she appears to be normal even without her Trilostane. My wallet is getting very excited that it MIGHT get a reprieval for a while
  6. All the very best wishes that you have finally found a vet that can help sort out your little girls issues. There is nothing worse than knowing something is wrong, but not being able to help because you are not getting enough guidance and information. Fingers and paws crossed they can identify Lizzy's problems, and set you on the right track to being able to manage her symptoms. Keep us updated, and best of luck with the new vet being just what the doctor ordered!!
  7. Thank you very much Lizzy06, that's lovely of you. Yes I do hope our miracle happens, and if any dog deserves it, it's my loyal old girl I can't wait for the results - and yet, I don't want to be disappointed. So far, over 24 hours without Trilostane and she is having no adverse affects, eating well, happy and as energetic as an old arthritic dog can be . They are all really good signs that hopefully her adrenals must be working to some extent, and she hasn't crashed into Addisons disease. I still feel like hyperventilating from excitement whenever i think of the word 'cure'
  8. I have been asking questions on a Cushings dogs forum I am a member of - and apparently - it is possible for a remission type state to occur in a small number of dogs. Some, stay off the drug for some time, even years and may have to go back on meds eventually in the future. Some only stay off for a few months before having to continue the meds again. Which would of course mean that the monitoring and testing would have to continue regularly. It is believed that it's possible some dogs can go into complete remission (I guess this would depend on the circumstances and type of Cushings). But hey, that means she has a chance of being 'cured'. Maybe only for half a year, maybe 3 years. But there is a chance. At the very least, her meds are working... just have to get them right if the miracle doesn't happen. Please keep everything you have crossed for my old girl.
  9. I have done alot of research - pretty much all of it says that Cushings can't be cured, only managed. However, there are a few references to 'remissions' and spontaneous remissions where for no real reason, dogs have been 'cured'. I was reading a story of one lady in Oz who had that happen, although the dog did have other issues so I'm not really convinced that the Cushings was an accurate diagnosis - although they had been referred to a specialist who diagnosed it. I guess, although I want to believe - my mind doesn't see the logic. But then, why would the specialist mention it if it wasn't a possibility? In all honesty, I'm just afraid to hope that it's a possibility she could be cured for no good logical reason. But miracles happen all the time right? And if anyone deserves a miracle, it's my beautiful Chloe.
  10. Does anyone know anything about so called Cushings 'remission'?
  11. Everything I've read says it can't be cured (unless it is Iatrogenic Cushings)... it was 'assumed' I guess that she had pituitary dependant Cushings as adrenals were all clear, but this was never confirmed as far as I know. Could a dog have Iatrogenic Cushings for a year before the meds worked? I thought it was cured quite quickly. Is there another circumstance that could have been causing her adrenal glands to go haywire and overproduce cortisol? It's just such a far reach to say she might be cured... and Trilostane meds are only for 'control' not cure, so I guess I want to hold onto my hope that she is cured - but trying to find reasons why that might be the case... or some kind of justification?
  12. Chloe went in for her ACTH stim test yesterday. I got the results today - feeling a bit mixed but kind of excited at the same time although I dont want to be in case it turns out to be false hope. Her levels are still very low. This could be caused by 2 possibilities - firstly that her adrenal glands are not functioning correctly and no long producing enough or as much cortisol - OR, and wait for it, she may have been CURED!!! Can you believe that? I can't, I don't dare to hope for so much - although I REALLY want to. I can only pray that my poor old baby is cured. When I think about it, I can hardly breathe from excitement. So, she's off Trilostane until next Wednesday when she will go in for retesting to see what her body is doing naturally. If she is still overproducing cortisol, then her dosage will be lowered to 10ish mg instead of 30mg. If she is underproducing, her meds will be changed to supplement her cortisol levels. IF, and only IF, she is CURED and her levels are fairly normal - well... we do NOTHING. Sweet glorious NOTHING. Could I possibly be so lucky? Could there be even a CHANCE that Trilostane has cured her???? Is it even heard of? I have heard of some cases but never really believed them... could we be one of those lucky few??? Please everyone, pray for my baby. Pray that she is cured. :rolleyes:
  13. Any forward progress is good news for our puppies!!! Exciting stuff.
  14. DW, you are very, very welcome - and you're right, we are all right there riding the highs and lows with you. I have been lucky enough to also have fantastic support, and made many good friends through my own girls health dilemmas on DOL - for which I can never truly be thankful enough. Now having been through similar things, I'm glad that you feel we have helped you in return in some small way. I also admire the dedication you have shown to Diesel and his recovery. It can be very rare these days with the 'it's just a dog' mentality. In a world where there is much cruelty and sadness, we all love to see a happy ending story... and we are all hoping to see one with Diesel. Any improvement is a huge milestone... so his reduction in seizures must be a sign that you are both winning this battle, and hopefully the war too. Hang in there a few more days little guy, we're all sending the very best wishes to you. What a trooper to deal with it all and not make a fuss!!
  15. Wow DW, that news is absolutely fantastic!! Sounds like he is doing much better within himself as well, and I'm assuming he hasn't had anymore seizures either? That's got to be a good sign. If it can also reverse the Cushings disease, that would be an absolute blessing. It will be a long 6 month wait, but if he's doing this well then you will just be glad that you have him for 6 months when the early prognosis wasn't that great. Congrats on the great news, really happy for you DW, and very glad that Diesel seems to be feeling better and is happy. Great work to everyone involved, including Diesel the little battler!!!
  16. DW, fantastic news!! I'm very glad that it's a case of 'so far, so good'. It was always a risk and it looks like it might even pay off for you guys. The month away from home will be more than worth it. I can only pray one day you will look back at this adventure and laugh. We will all anxiously be waiting for the big verdict about whether the tumour has shrunk or if the radiation has impacted on the tumour. All the signs, to me, point to it being favourable. Gotta keep positive!!! You know, even a silly thing like Diesel barking DOES mean alot. It's a milestone, and if it means something to you then embrace and celebrate it. I remember when Chloe had both her leg ops, she was confined for nearly a year... and the first day I saw her toddling off across the park on her first real walk after months of stress and worry - well to see her walk like it had never happened brought me to tears. Enjoy every good moment. You should be very proud not only of the courageous Diesel, but also of yourself for supporting his recovery the whole way. Can't wait for more good news!!
  17. I like Interceptor Spectrum personally - and Sasha will eat it right out of my hand. I use it in conjunction with Frontline Plus. Works for us :rolleyes:
  18. In my experience, the stinkier and more putrid the better apparently... My dogs will turn their noses up at fresh bones with meat... they have to be AT LEAST a day old, but seem to be best after 3 - 4 days when they are at their stinkiest. And then wonder why I dont want kisses :rolleyes:
  19. Run free at rainbow bridge Leo, may you be happy, healthy and never feel alone or afraid again lovely. Not sure how life was for you, but know that at the end you were cared for and loved by the angels who sent you on your journey, and released you from the fear and pain you felt in life because you were so special.
  20. Dave do you live with your parents? Can you create a small area (using anything you have around the house) that is safe and comfy, but will allow her to stop moving as much?
  21. And watch for bruising on the back of your leg, especially if she is a shadow LOL.
  22. If you dont have a crate (which I didnt when CHloe did her ligament), think about fencing off or using 'somthing' to confine her to a small, comfy area. She wont like it one bit (I have a cattle dog and these breeds arent happy about ordered rest), so you might have to sit with her to entertain her a bit, something to chew on, play some non moving games, teach her new tricks etc, and try to make the area somewhere where she can see everyone and what is going on so she doesnt feel too upset. Good job though Dave, its really great that you love her so much and were so persistent with your parents. Give us an update on her when you can... hope the rest is all that is required and she's back to normal soon.
  23. That is very sad... Dave are you able to take her on, or take responsibility for her care? You seem to care about her alot.
  24. I remember following Kal's story, and shedding a number of tears. Funny how a dog can touch us through their humans, and bring a tear from a stranger. Im hoping that you find a conclusion to your gut feeling on Mandela soon. Sounds like you have a very understanding, and thorough vet. I too am always theorizing about Chloe and all her numerous issues - her specialist must roll his eyes when he sees an email from me, but he does encourage me to discuss ANYTHING we notice or feel concerned about - it's the only way to help them get a more accurate understanding and diagnosis. And who knows them best? When we have that gut instinct that not all is well, we are usually right. Hugs to the very handsome Mandela!!
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