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Everything posted by Kelly_Louise

  1. That's just awful... I occasionally find food in our yard (biscuits, chips etc) and it makes me REALLY angry. Plus, very worried about the stuff that's already been consumed and I haven't seen... I think it is the ultimate insult and display of disrespect for someone to feed your dog anything without your permission. Last time it happened from a party next door I went straight in to have a word with them... it's something that I just will not ever tolerate, and ensure my neighbours know this. Sasha has a very weak stomach, and one wrong thing can have her vomitting and runny poos for days. Raw meat doesn't agree with her... and once a cooked bone was thrown over (which we tried to wrestle from her at 3am in the morning but she ate it)... That could have killed her, but luckily it didn't seem to have any affect. But the thought that some UNthinking, irresponsible person could kill my dog by throwing over food that I HAVEN'T given them permission to do is just intolerable... I just see red. After all, it's MY dog, in MY yard... I'd definitely visit the neighbours just to ask them nicely if it was them, and if so to not do so anymore please (use health reasons or similar as an excuse).
  2. OH's german sheppie was diagnosed with lymphoma and a mammary tumour... she only lived a couple of months afterwards from memory (and at least 2 weeks longer than she should have). I would have had her pts much sooner, I believe she did suffer the last couple of weeks. I can honestly say I only felt relief when she was given her wings - relief for her that she didn't have to battle it any longer I'm sorry about your old family dog... coming from being a pound pooch to becoming such a loved family member and get to a good old age, sounds like he's had a cracker of a life. I hope he gets lots of love while he is still as well as can be.
  3. My old girl has Cushings (pituitary dependant though) and is treated by the ARH at Strathfield… I can’t recommend them highly enough as specialists. I think it’s a very hard decision to make at 14 years old – and of course it depends on his overall health and ability to pull through surgeries. The decision can be affected by many things… what his prognosis/lifespan would be without treatment/surgery, whether the progression of the mass and any related symptoms can be slowed down with medication (and therefore giving you both time to enjoy life for a while longer), and if surgery was performed and he survived the surgery – whether the aftercare and the trauma of going through it all in the later stage of his life will be worth the time it will give him. I hope you hear some positive news from the vet. It’s such a hard thing, knowing what the right thing to do is… but I agree with Erny, only we who know our dogs best and what they are capable of can make the tough calls. Best of luck.
  4. Last night, my best friends sheltie Whisky passed away very unexpectedly. He was 11.5 years old, and has always been a happy and healthy boy. It has come as a shock to everyone who knew and loved him. His family is particularly devastated. He has a link to DOL - a few years back he went missing on NYE, and Sheltie breeders near and far all pitched in to help in the search for Whisky. Bush was scoured, pamphlets were dropped in letter boxes, notices were posted on forums... and finally a lead was given of someone who had been in the area, seen Whisky, liked him and took him many miles to their home. I can't tell you how relieved everyone was when he came home after a few weeks - needing a good scrub and brush! He was a funny little guy... he was just a dog... but he had a family who loved him dearly, and are very sad at his loss and the emptiness they feel. I hope he knows just how much he was loved, and how much his family miss him already. So this is my tribute to Whisky, a happy, gorgeous natured little guy who didn't have a mean bone in his body - and loved everyone and life. Your family and friends send you lots of love. Rest in peace, sweet Whisky - I pray that you didn't suffer and your passing was quick and painless, and you are happy over at rainbow bridge. This picture was taken not long after he'd been returned home - he was happy to be back with his family (although a little worse for wear) and had just had a bath.
  5. I'm fairly sure Ive seen it before... so I won't dare watch it again. That's how powerful it was, but I'm very aware of the reality and I deal with it. This is the stuff everyone needs to see. Everyone. I always say... if you couldn't euth a dog yourself with your own bare hands, if you can't look it in the eye while you take it's life - don't contribute by byb'ing, buying from pet shops, have your animals desexed - BE RESPONSIBLE - they are not disposible. I thank God that there are caring people who do this job, because I certainly couldn't. The fact is, too many people turn a blind eye - they know dogs are put to sleep - but as long as they are not confronted with it they can pretend it's not a real problem, they can pretend that it's only ever the old, the sick, the injured. They don't want to know it's puppies, cute puppies that haven't even had a life yet, they don't want to know it's someone's best friend who they've given years of loyal service and have now outlived their use or cuteness, they don't want to know that it's good, brave, loyal dogs with good hearts who just need a chance. And I agree it's time the blinkers were taken off. Just like they have those visual quit smoking ads and drink driving/speeding ads (that made me stop smoking)... we should also have videos like these. To make people see what really goes on, force them to deal with their own actions. I agree Dogmad... when will it ever end?
  6. Great photos!!! Why can't I get my two to sit nicely and look at the camera like that??? I have a million photos of a rescue mutt... she's been in a magazine I'm sure some people love mutts!
  7. When my friend had this problem (her dog - not her ) I was advised to tell her to put something foul tasting on the... turds... and then once eaten they will start to associate the... turds... with a foul taste and break the habit? Might be worth a try. BTW - congrats on your new dog - I didn't know you'd gotten one! Is there pics somewhere? I hope Chilli is helping to mend your broken heart
  8. And I'm sure there is many, many more that we don't hear about... but should. The general community only hear one side of the story - and not generally the good side.
  9. That's just disgraceful... there are no words... VERY unfair, and I hope someone higher than the council has the balls to step in soon and put an end to this absolute MADNESS.
  10. Exactly - this is what the public need to see. A labelled 'dangerous dog' being a good community citizen and helping the public.
  11. Oh no, warm and fuzzy DO sell papers... but warm and fuzzy PITBULL stories do not - and it goes against the media hype they love to generate when there is a random dog attack with a dog that might look vaguely like a pit bull.
  12. At the moment, she's going really well - we're all very happy with her. She's got the energy and spark of a young dog, eating well, happy and wanting to walk and visit her friends... which is fantastic to see. She hasn't been back to the vet since February, and at the moment - I see no reason that she needs to go... however, because we like to keep a close eye on her Cushings she will most likely go in for testing in early May - just to make sure she's on track. Her weight is still fluctuating all over the place - but that's been an ongoing battle for years, and with the amount of fur she has (I've never seen such long fur on a cattle dog :D - some of it is longer than 2 inches) it's hard to tell what is weight gain and what is just a massive amount of fur!!! But she is as well as I could ever hope for right now, especially after the bad start to the year we had with her, thanks for asking :D She may just make it to the magical 13 year mark yet
  13. Just goes to show they aren't born bad... it's what people make them, and what we can also make a dog when they are treated right.
  14. http://www.peoplepets.com/news/heart-warmi...service-award/1 Why don't we see these kinds of stories splashed all over the news? Two years ago, life wasn't looking so good for Hector. A former Michael Vick pit bull, the then-4-year-old was safe from the footballer's vicious dogfighting ring, but still in need of a forever home. Luckily for Hector, pit bull lover Roo Yori was in the market for a new pup, and ended up taking the gentle giant home from the BAD RAP shelter in San Francisco. "I fell in love with him as a dog," Yori tells PEOPLEPets.com. "It was so obvious that he had scars that show what he's been through, but they were completely external. Inside, he was just like any other dog — he impressed me." We first introduced you to Hector in December, telling the story of his new life with Yori as a certified therapy dog in Minnesota. Now, the perky pup (who just turned 6!) has been recognized for his efforts in his new home of New York, and received a Community Service in Humane Education Award from the Brooklyn Law School Student Animal Legal Defense Fund on Wednesday. Yori, currently director of care and enrichment for the Animal Farm Foundation, takes Hector around to organizations in the northeast to educate children about pet care. "We use Hector's story to teach children what he went through," Yori says. "It hurt him, he didn't need to go through it, and it was wrong." He feels their visits have made quite an impact — particularly because of Hector. "He speaks through his actions," Yori shares. "Once people meet him, they see what a good dog he is, and it says more than I ever could." Yori says he intends to continue humane education programs with Hector for as long as he can — awards or no awards. The Animal Farm Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to restoring the image of the pit bull terrier, and protecting all dogs from discrimination and cruelty. In addition to their on-site shelter in upstate New York, they provide spay/neuter services, educational programs and more.
  15. I love the vicious ACD puppy pics - made me giggle. Gotta love an ACD's tenacity (or am I just biased)
  16. Thank you! Sasha is divine isn't she... can you believe she was left at the pound and was in rescue waiting for a new home??? The best part is, she has a deliciously wicked and loving personality too... she's turned out an outstanding dog. And my Chloe... oh goodness, my best friend and constant companion for 12 years... what would I do without her? She's the love of my family's life. Chloe is the best example of unwavering loyalty and trust I've ever known. I'm very lucky to have been blessed with these two... even when they are both being rather naughty
  17. Sounds like it was a match made in Heaven for everyone - great photos - he looks SO happy... well done!
  18. Sasha - also known as 'Running Wolf' - hence the feather
  19. I am the luckiest person to share my life with these two lovelies
  20. Some of my two gorgeous girls at the lake on Sunday
  21. Chloe - still as gorgeous as ever
  22. Tybrax - just wondering if you had received some good data for this as yet? I'm very interested in this, and can only hope that something good can come out of it? Or am I just dreaming...
  23. Mr Coulter was forced blackmailed Into 1- de sexing his dog, regardless of him being 13yrs old which could have run Into complications. And 2 - Building an enclosure, or else his dog would not be returned to him.... before the dog was even assessed. As It Is now that was all a waste of time and money which the pensioner clearly didn't have. Not to mention the heartache and distress this has put them both through! This Is certainly a case of Bullying tactics I only hope Mr Coulter takes this further, but more than likely he's just happy to have Royce back home and won't pursue It I hope he takes it further too... it's absolutely disgraceful behaviour. I also hope he seeks some kind of compensation for the costs he's incurred, and also the emotional trauma of thinking he was going to lose his best friend. What's gone wrong... how can this happen in Australia? Those involved should be totally ASHAMED of themselves. I'm absolutely appalled.
  24. I do the same for Sasha I usually change them weekly or every second week (and give her breaks). As Chloe can't eat too many bones and she is older now, I regularly brush her teeth with toothbrush and doggy toothpaste. She doesn't like it, and still doesn't, but she deals with it because I've always been persistent with her, it's part of her regular routine and regardless how much fuss she makes it's going to happen... so she puts up with it for a good while now - and then gets a treat at the end
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