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Everything posted by rottmanozzie

  1. Thanks for the advice, but we know he was bashed. He still sometime's close's his eye's and drops his head when you go to pat his head. One of the trainers told me the first couple of days he had him for training, he had trouble putting on and taking off his collar. He trusts me 100% and i can do anything, be it take the tennis ball off him, take a bone out of his mouth, check his teeth, whatever but we know he was bashed. The original owner's drove up from Sydney with him and when they arrived in Brisbane, they warned my friend ( breeder ) not to remove his muzzle as he was too aggressive and would attack her or her 4 year old daughter. The first thing she did was take off the muzzle and didn't need it again. Also, he would have drunk the whole bucket of water if we hadn't stopped him, so it shows the type of owner's they were......He wasn't used to other dogs or had any obedience training at all............Four weeks after he arrived in Brisbane, i took him on. So i'm real keen to see it through, but it's not easy. A lot of frustration, time and $$$..........I need to ring the current trainer i have used and see if we can improve him when he's out in public. There has been improvement but not enough..............If this trainer doesn't work, i'll almost give up.......
  2. I have a very similar problem with my 3 year old male Rottweiler. I got him at age 18 months after his original owner's couldn't handle him. But it was clear he had been severely bashed and mistreated. The breeder took him back and i took him on from her......He has shown a lot of animal agression when out in public and even in the back of my ute. I have taken him to various trainers, private lessons but had very little success. He has improved but still needs a lot more work. It's been one hell of a time looking after him, more $$$ than i ever thought but i'm not giving up now.........
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