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  1. A big thankyou to everyone who offered their advice. My girl's problems seem to have "dried up" thankfully - although I am watching for any tell tale signs of pregnancy!! Cheers Ally In hot South Aus.
  2. Thanks to everyone for your help - really appreciate it! Bed time for me so will check again in the morning for any more updates! Cheers Ally
  3. Hi isaviz Our dog is a retired farm dog and has moved into town with us - and has never been made a fuss of and now she is part of the family. My husband generally took care of her so naturally wouldn't notice 'those' things!! I was surprised to read that dogs that age can still come on heat - we'll have to be careful!! Would you suggest we start her on worm treatment etc as she has never had any. If so any suggestions. Thanks Ally
  4. We have had her at least 10 years - and I'm not really aware when she has been on heat before as it hasn't been so obvious - she is really dripping! Ally
  5. Hi Everyone My dog (10 year old female - not desexed) has started bleeding. She has a bad case of fleas at the moment which I am having trouble tyring to clear up and I thought perhaps that her scratching had caused some bleeding from her paw/leg as there seemed to be lots of small spots of blood on the verandah. But I have discovered she is bleeding from what seems her vulva area! Her appetite is good and she seems her usual self. Any one got any ideas? Thankyou
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