Little Pixie you are correct. Advantage only treats fleas! Advocate is the competing product for Revolution. The price difference between Revolution and Advocate is Minimal $2 or$3 i think.
They all work just in different ways so it just depends where you live. I have been selling vet products for years and I have found that people living in the suburbs prefer Frontline and where i am now is quite sandy and they find Advantage and Advocate work better!! It also depends where your dog sleeps, does it have acsess to under the house, and do you own an outside cat. All of these factors will affect the amount of fleas you have and there for the effectiveness of the product you are using.
First thing DO NOT let your dog under the house, That is where fleas breed and it is just to big of a burdon for the flea product. As quick as the product is killing the fleas more are just replacing them. And make sure you treat you cat for fleas as well. Chances are that your cat is who is bringing the fleas into your house.
Best thing to do is ask your local Vet nurse what works best in that area. They sell these products every day and they are who hears if the products dont work. And last but not least dont be scabby, if you find your dog is getting fleas before the month is out then treat them a week or two early.
Hope this is a little heplful???