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Everything posted by Christina

  1. To promote their breed would be the main aim among other things. There has been no poodle club in Adelaide for about 17 years & I used to love going to their fun days. It was a good day out for the dogs & me, lots of fun for pet & show people & many members of the public used to come & have a wander & ask questions as they were always held on an oval.
  2. In theory yes but when new regulations were brought in or proposed the government & RSPCA decided not to ban sales of puppies & kittens as it would be infringing on the rights of the sellers, something to do with freedom of trade & the pet industry association were prepared to battle this legally in court. Too hard so it got left alone.
  3. I don't think pups or kittens should be sold in pet shops at all but the remark that the pups are naughty & play with the water & tip it out isn't showing ignorance of puppies its his way of saying what many pups, including mine, do a lot. Some do it & some don't. Most pups don't need to be with their mother for 12 weeks either. Most bitches would get pretty fed up with a full litter, especially ones with large litters, running after her trying to feed & putting them all in their place. Who knows what happened. One word against another but sometimes even adult dogs & cats tip water bowls & owners may not notice for a short period of time, as in if they were in the bath or in the garden etc.
  4. Given the very large number of pets that were boarded there I wonder is it wise for this to be allowed by councils in high risk bush fire areas ? If evacuation is needed to be done quickly does anyone question if they have enough vehicles, crates, staff or nearby help to ensure that this can be done ? Were there sprinklers in the kennels ? Was there an efficient evacuation plan in place ? Questions to be thought about. I cannot imagine the organisation that would be need to get so many animals out but having nowhere to go is not an issue or excuse. AWL, RSPCA, SACA even a shopping centre car park in the metro area or even the side of the road would have been options until they could take advantage of the thousands of offers to help from the public too. They made an extremely bad judgement call by not taking up offers of help to evacuate when they were offered & now they must live with the horror & guilt but that is no consolation to all the pet owners so naturally most people are upset & being very judgemental. What does anyone expect. People get hated & judged for far less serious matters in life.
  5. If she is only on day 12 you will need to be waiting for the next 18 or so days to pass. Girl on day 19 here & the entire old boy is trying to hump the old desexed girls who are putting him right back in his place. He whinges & barks a lot too I have had a girl in the past who would only mate from about day 20. I always seperate for 4 weeks.
  6. Same here. I don't even take myself out in the car on a hot day unless I really have to. Cannot believe that some people are so stupid & idiotic they also leave babies & children in hot cars too. Unless its an emergency situation why take the dog.
  7. As above. A pomeranian would only weigh about 2 to 4 kilos max & couldn't possibly eat a large enough amount in one meal to meet its body needs. Maybe leave a little dry food out all day if you are working or out & then feed a meat meal when you get home. Most toy breeds don't overeat as long as you are not giving them silly treats. My toy poodles get a meat mix am meal & dry goes down about 5 pm if I am home & they never eat too much or get fat.
  8. I know the ordinary laminate flooring in Bunnings doesn't do well with lots of mopping like my ceramic tiles do. Had a chat with an assistant there as I was worried about puppy piddles when having litters & they were not recommended. They never mentioned the waterproof commercial though so I may take another look in there.
  9. Not unusual for such a young puppy that you have only just got. A little more time & patience & he will learn.
  10. I also use Fidos. I recently paid $65 for 100 tablets. I tablet per 10 kilo cat or dog. I split them for my little ones. Check expiry date as I usually give some to friends as I cant use them all over the use by date but it still works out very cheap.
  11. I used the clips you get in the stationary dept to hold papers together or sometimes just tie with a shoelace cut shorter. Some pups may chew it but some don't bother.
  12. For show or 'betterment of the breed' breeders that may be a valid argument but for breeds used as service dogs, drug, bomb, biosecurity and stock work dogs - IMO the brood bitch standard needs to be high. Ok I will put my suit on here & ask If you only breed for yourself & interpret this as for the betterment of the breed how on earth are pet people suppose to get a well bred, health tested pedigree dog ? Isn't it for the betterment of the breed to also promote your breed as pets as well as for show & breeding ? I am not talking here about breeding dogs to death, churning out 6 litters of 12 pups from a dog or over the given canine associations limits. Here in SA they are only about 6 registered toy poodle breeders so if we all had about 2 litters per dog producing 2 to 4 pups each over the dogs long life span from the small number of dogs we own as non are large kennel breeders it leaves a huge demand for puppy farming & no option but pet shop dogs, which is where many people go or they accept an "oodle" because of stupid marketing trends or because that is all they can get. Where else can people get a very popular breed ? The dog I bred 6 times produced excellent sound puppies & I kept track of the pet litters for years before letting a bitch go for breeding from the each of the last 2 litters to a trusted person. Myself & the breeder who has them has the gt grandparents from one side, well into old age, I have the sires, one age 12 now & have contact & knowledge of lifespans & health of the other lines. I wanted to be very sure about them & desexed all the other pups in the pet homes. I was not looking at what would get a title, the conformation of the dogs was good if anyone wanted to show a desexed dog,I was looking at health, temperament & longevity. So I think that I am breeding responsibly & for the betterment & promotion of the breed as are many others who do similar.
  13. Good point. Of course it depends on the individual dog & breed but the maximum here in SA is 6 litters. Leaving a bitch entire & hardly ever breeding her is not so good for her either. I have a 9 year old here who has had 6 litters. Last mating 5 days after her 8th birthday. She is desexed now naturally. Popping every litter out within the hour,3 or 4 pups, she was healthy, happy, trouble free with everything & is still in great shape, energetic as anything & has no saggy boobs. With a breed that has large litters or a shorter lifespan I wouldn't do 6 litters but 2 to 4 being the average litter size & a lifespan that often goes 15 years or more I think its down to breeders common sense & knowledge of their dogs. I don't consider her bred to death & she is probably in better health & shape than many who have never been bred at all. There is no exact right number & we do have a maximum allowed as a guideline.
  14. Well answered Steve I couldn't find the response to that. The aim for registered canine associated breeders is to breed healthy dogs that have a predictable outcome in looks, health & temperament & even with pedigrees & much shared knowledge its not always a perfect outcome because living things aren't always perfect. We still have so much more to learn. So I wonder when I see these mongrels that are deliberately & unpredictably bred & often look like various parts of dog breeds put together in an odd way how they can be considered hardier & healthier when they usually have over/undershot mouths, elbows that are out & crooked legs, roached backs, heads ,legs & bodies that are oddly proportioned & absolutely no records or history of health problems or issues that may be in the background, none of the available genetic testing done, that are often raised in appalling conditions & mass produced with profit being the sole aim why the hell do people want this & think it is all ok ? Mongrels & cross breeds used to be a few oops litters when peoples dogs were got to by accident. Now it is big business it makes it more difficult for small hobby pedigree breeders as we all get lumped in the same boat, more or less, when it comes to legislation.
  15. Sometimes I am scared of the lawnmower :laugh: Is there any reason why he has to deal with the lawnmower ? Can't he just stay inside while you mow ? Maybe it just the pitch of the noise. Try putting cotton wool in his ears before starting it up. Sometimes I do that with young dogs when I first use the noisy high velocity dog dryer on them until they get used to it slowly.
  16. You handled it better than I would have done. My temper would have completely gone out of control at the point where she went to kick the dog. Which would not have been wise. All I can say is have your mobile handy & call the police if ever in a situation like this & if you see a large number of people or gathering put your dog on a lead instantly. Sounds like they were having a xmas get together & were all drunk. Maybe report to the police anyway in case more idiots decide the beach is a good spot for such parties.
  17. The only solution is to catch mother cats & desex them. Trust me in saying the person who feeds them sometimes wont even notice Most feral kittens taken to AWL are pts. They often have cat flu & are not well handled either. There are private cat rescues that may take them. Internet search for them in your state.
  18. Normal reaction given the circumstances. Also normal to wriggle & mess about when groomed. He is only a baby with the attention span of a gnat. Takes time for them to stand like statues & even some adults aren't perfect every time no matter how used to it.
  19. There may be a theoretical age but the reality is that some dogs are silly & puppy like forever. My Angie at age 9 is a total twit at times & such fun.
  20. There cannot be a single body that suits all. There is no one fits all answer. You also cannot legislate value & responsibility as you have stated because everyones opinion including experts, legislators, welfare groups, pet owners is different There is focus on the negatives between groups & as far as I am concerned it is negative to breed dogs in cages on a large scale & this practise should not be legislated or permitted at all but its going to be & if it must be there is no possible way to legislate it in the same way (for example) as someone having 5 pedigree, breed specific health tested dogs that live in the house as family pets as well as for breed/show. Its not a competition its different circumstances & ethics.
  21. There is nothing said because there are no plans to shut down puppy farms. They will be allowed to flourish under any government & sell to pet shops to meet demand as long as they adhere to the current codes of practise that governments decree. Licensed by councils, registered as a business & kept in approved size cages as long as they obey the "rules" in theory they will be permitted. The animal cruelty laws do cover everything already, they are just either not caught out or the laws are not used or applied correctly. The deterrent is probably the $30 fee per dog which will not affect volume farming of dogs.
  22. It would make much more sense for them to ban anyone from owning or keeping more than 20 dogs at all. That is a big enough number to satisfy & meet anyones breeding needs & would help to stamp out breeding for commercial purposes only. It won't stop commercial puppy farms or neglect or medical issues but it may help.
  23. I don't know. I have squashed a few cockroaches & hoped they were revolting members of the human race that had come back but not really. However if there is such a thing I think your search was an omen :) Go & apply for Bella & if you don't get her fate may send you another dog to love from your application. Win win situation.
  24. Anything that lasts a few years can't be good for you, mean your dogs :laugh: yuk throw it away.
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