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Everything posted by Christina

  1. The programme was put on about puppy farms, DD's & where pet shop puppies come from. This is what it did. Better than nothing & good for raising public awareness. Shame that they did not promote registered breeders & mention health testing & vet care etc. Overall despite the puppy farmer saying it was ok if done properly etc, which I doubt would really impress the public anyway, it was not exactly a luxury setting, it got the point across, showed enough horror stuff & was better presented than most of these type of things. Its a start. I hope it made many people think about this more. Poor bloody dogs though. What is wrong with some people.
  2. No rule for it in SA,as far as I know but I can't see whats wrong with it. Good idea. There is a clause for exemption with a recommendation from the vet so that covers those who would be too old or not up to surgery & the larger breeds that would benefit from waiting the extra couple of months. Registered breeders are exempt. There is also vasectomies etc, as posted. This may help solve a lot of problems & reduce the number of puppy farmers, dogs PTS & unwanted dogs.
  3. Neighbour is an idiot, but you already know that. If he will listen the vets for 2 injections to abort is easy to do it now. Then desex of course. Good luck.
  4. Not clear on what the problem is. Is it a) She stands but won't let him actually mate her. b) She stands but he does not want to mate her c) She mates with him but does not get pregnant. A tie is not needed for the bitch to get pregnant. As long as he gets in her & ejaculates that does the trick. Its just easier for us to know if we see them tie.
  5. The ** is interesting. I thought it was 50-50 for sure So is the reality that a clear to carrier mating may produce say 25 % carrier + 75 % clear ?
  6. Correct me please if I am wrong I thought if you do a carrier to clear mating & wish to breed from a puppy resulting from this mating The puppy would be an A clear or B carrier. Therefore as long as the pup, when adult, is bred to an A clear dog there is no need to test. You already know resulting pups will be 50% A & 50% B but none C affected. Obviously if wanting to breed to a B carrier dog the test for PRA would have to be done. To ensure the dog is an A clear. I have desexed all pups from an A to B mating in the past so does the new code mean that if I did the mating again any desexed pups would have to be tested anyway ?
  7. I would not risk it for the sake of my bitch. If you have to breed her again I would have the vet on standby. Run her in if she was pushing for an hour & no pup was born or be totally safe & book an elective ceaser. Dogs can die giving birth & that would be my biggest concern given her history.
  8. I don't think VCA allows this but even if it did Why would anyone be so stupid ? A carrier can be mated to an A clear dog so can stay in the breeding pool & be bred safely. The affected pups would have to be PTS from such a mating as posted. Deliberate cruelty for the sake of keeping a line IMO.
  9. This is cruel. Both the breeds are indoor companion dogs. Shoved in the yard neglected is not good for any dog but this one will just keep getting into trouble, pine & get depressed. It is young enough to respond to training & a new life. 6 month old pups get up to mischief even when training is taking place. Still a pup, playing, active & learning boundries. What is it going to learn shoved in the yard ? The best thing your friend can do is to find this pup, which I hope is desexed, a loving indoor companion home & tell her stupid husband too bad. If they let it go desexed it may be conned out of them to a puppy farmer. Popular designer dog nightmare, they look such pretty puppies that fools buy them without further thought.
  10. 11 months old & only 1 testicle dropped ? Forget the shows & book him in the vet asap. The other testicle needs to be found & it is not going to drop now. Retained inside the body it will be too warm & so the problem, sometimes cancer, can start. Needs sorting out more than pee stains for sure. The testicle may be anywhere inside the body if you can't feel it where it should be.
  11. Shave the hair short. You wont notice it missing under the belly. Trim the feathers on his front legs to about an inch & blend the back of him in to match. May help a bit.
  12. Ah Monah you must have read my mind As you have only been together for 3 months you are finding out each others values & attitudes so this is good what is happening with the dogs. In a weird sort of way. Get out now girl this relationship is not going to work long term Unless of course you can totally retrain him. The boyfriend that is, not the dog. Thing is Would you still like him if he were different ? The boyfriend, not the dog ? Give the dog a flea bath & treat your house & carpets. I would not stand for an animal with fleas in my home. The rest is see how you go. Good luck.
  13. Aww don't feel too stupid. I have fell over in public a few times too. While not walking any dogs You are all ok, that's the main thing.
  14. It would be very interesting to see a detailed breakdown of what is done with the funds they have. How much actually goes on rescue, keeping the animals & shelters in good order & finding homes compared with Salaries (remember they get lots of volunteers), TV & media advertising, administration, euthanasia & body disposal etc ? What ratio of animals do they actually find a home for compared to what is spent overall ? In dreamland, I guess. A good independant audit & some re arranging of spending & management, with the priority being on the animals, could make a big difference & help. Won't happen though.
  15. Guess the answer would be one of the 3 options you have put in your post, depending on which one was most suitable. After consultation with their vet & my vet of course. Bigger issue I think is how the condition would affect the dogs quality of life & if you & the owner have varying opinions on what & how much should/could be done. If you both disagree it gets complicated. Also it is their dog now, not yours. Interesting question really.
  16. If the dog has survived on cans & dry for 12 years & is in good health I would not be changing it now. What is the point at that age ? Maybe just give her a small amount of something different for a treat sometimes. Her diet obviously has worked fine so far.
  17. New laws not needed. RSPCA have enough power already to seize ill treated/neglected animals. also to prosecute if desired. Many are seized that are ok & others are left when they should be seized, as in the recent disgusting raid in Victoria. Hard to figure out the logic isn't it ? Its not about more useless dog laws that do not discriminate between good & bad owners/breeders etc. Its about the above & getting the message into the heads of people who won't see the reality or don't want to know that you buy a puppy from a good home, with the relevant info on breed/background, care, health & environment. People buy a puppy like a loaf of bread often. Bread from bread shop/baker Puppy from puppy shop/farm Education not more laws that make no difference.
  18. Just curious what a seperate group would be expected to do ? Pedigrees would really still have to be registered to ANKC. There are some seperate groups already MDBA for registered breeders. Some other australian dog breeders group where you don't have to be registered & can breed crosses. We need the ANKC to stand up for their members in all relevant areas, which this is, & we should be asking for this.
  19. Does this mean that all non pedigree dogs, the designer dogs that come from 2 breeds crossed with no pedigrees, the well it looks like a something or other cross & the we don't know breed Are all healthy & free of all these problems ? I don't think so but the public will. Very misleading & totally biased. People believe what they are told & just don't think about or figure out what they are not told. Our canine societies need to make more efforts at educating & promoting. Maybe they should run some T V advertising from our membership funds too.
  20. Looks great but there is no info on the site about what, if any, experience they have with dogs in general or if their staff have any ?
  21. If you don't mind say yes. If you do mind say no. You do realise that this will be a repeated request so think carefully & set the rules now. I don't see why both dogs can't go. They are used to being together, the active dog has to get used to it, unless you dog sit every trip & she has all the time in the world to give the dog exercise. Your choice really.
  22. No, you can't do anything. Book in at the vets. This happened with 1 of my cats. The tooth was fine but that was lucky. Toothache is horrid so get it checked asap.
  23. A week to 10 days is not long enough. Had them mate at day 21. I also think crating next to each other would be awful, especially for the male. I have seperate rooms & the garden sectioned, alternating them with time in & out & turns each in the lounge for one on one company. The boys are naughty though & do try & mark territory when the girls are on heat, if I don't watch like a hawk. My 2 boys hate each other but they both love all the girls
  24. Cant believe it, after only 5 days of use. This is the stuff from USA for tear staining. My white boy had this staining, despite having the eye ducts checked & flushed at the vets. It has stopped completely already. Miracle. One is always skeptical but I am so impressed. The main ingredient is sweet potato, followed by rice, so quite safe.
  25. Styptic pencil is handy to have around. If desperate make a bar of soap soggy in some hot water & stick the bleeding nail into it. That works.
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