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Everything posted by Christina

  1. There is absolutely no way of knowing, could be a mix of 10 breeds that have all got jumbled along the way. He is a mongrel. You can put JRTx on his council reg. Nice to rescue a dog from the pound Enjoy your new boy & be happy together, don't worry about breed, impossible question.
  2. It does not matter if a customer is spending 50 cents or $500 every customer deserves treating with courtesy & politeness, a smile is bonus & costs nothing. The 50cent customer may be the one who comes back & spends $500 one day & tells other people how nice you are. Word of mouth is the biggest advertising for small businesses. There is a shop I used to go in that undercuts the one 2 doors away. Many people have stopped going in there due to their rude & surly manner, despite the cheaper prices. You can find another butcher.
  3. I understand what you are concerned about. Matter of personal opinion really. I would not do this. I like mine to have it stress free, have their own safe & familiar birthing place & be left there in peace to care for their puppies, not ferried from state to state especially after a ceasarian. Lesson learned the hard way. Everyone has different standards of care & what they consider right & wrong. I would think that when you had your agreement initially you never thought this particular scenario would crop up. More care to detail needed for future. Contracts are tricky.
  4. sorry, my mind must be in the gutter today or is it the way you worded it ?
  5. Multiple dog household for 20 years. Sex makes no difference, depends on the dog. Some entire, some desexed. Only 1 problem with an entire male. Became top dog & got too bossy apart from that mine have all mixed fine regardless of sex or age.
  6. Me too ;) Obvious it was a language barrier problem. They also may have thought he was a nutcase/weirdo asking to bring a gay dog in There are some very strange people around. The fine was a bit stiff for what was a misunderstanding.
  7. It seems everyone has forgot that this is about the RSPCA in the UK. It is not run the same as here in Australia. Cultural differences on animal keeping & welfare are different. Maybe this topic needs posting on the UK DOL forum, just for a comparison of responses.
  8. Does anyone know the cost of having a litter DNA tested for PRA. I recall there is a reduction in cost for this if both parents are already tested. A & B result, damn ! So considering the mating & testing all pups. The genetic services website won't load up.
  9. Ridiculous I agree. A dog does need need grabbing roughly & to be yelled at right in its face. Its not deaf. I would make sure the dogs understands NO & Leave it first then put the dog on a lead & get someone to come in with a dog & approach. Then verbal command & reward. praise, treat, whatever. Friend needs to ask advice elsewhere.
  10. Having just seen this thread via the other one on RSPCA I can hardly believe this. No one lives in a mansion like that & loses everything in 1 day with no prior warning. As a successful cat breeder, if true, she would be well known & have many contacts in the cat world. Plenty of time to ask for help & make arrangements for her cats & dogs. She must have known this was coming even an eviction order takes a few weeks & can be stalled with appeals & dragged out for any flimsy excuse. I agree the fine was a useless & impractical penalty given the circumstances. I hope they banned her from owning any animals for some period. This is not love of your pets, it was sheer stupidity, neglect & very irresponsible. I have sympathy for her losing her home & assets but not her cats & dogs. She had time to do better than this for them & should have done so.
  11. Chocolatelover. What is this you refer to ? From your post. But then again, most people on this forum stood up for a breeder that treated her animals like crap and made them live in cages in her car without food, shelter or water. No knowledge of this & most suprised. Have you a link to this ? I need to see it for myself. Bit off topic but I am curious & skeptical I admit.
  12. but it can hardly be disputed that the majority of animals that go through those doors do not walk out the other door with a brand new owner. If you have other evidence to show that that is not the case, please post it. Souff The part of Souffs quote above is the crucial point for me. The way they are run, their temp testing & staff & volunteers having to sign confidentially agreements does not make me think that resources are put where needed. Silly public thinks most DO walk out with a new owner. Euthanasia rate is appalling. Maybe the unwanted & neglected animals would be better with private rescue & that will leave them free to deal with the extreme cruelty part for all animals. The others have more chance of life without them.
  13. In a weird sort of way I can see the logic in this. RSPCA in the UK is a bit different than here. It is run in a totally different way. The euthanasia rate although still higher than desirable is no where near as high, per ratio of the population, as it is here in Australia. They also have more private rescue, lost dogs homes etc. Maybe by saying they will not be the dumping ground & focus resources on animal cruelty it may make people think twice before they actually get a dog. Not so easy to say Oh its not worked out we can just take it to the RSPCA & they can deal with it. For once there may actually be a method in their madness.
  14. well, being a Pom this is what I find normal. It doesn't matter how house proud a Pom is, they will have the pets in the bed, on the settee, share a plate etc. Growing up everyone I know was like Vera, and still had all the pets in bed. I was amazed when I became good friends with non poms and found they thought pets in the house dirty?? and disease carrying. Same here. Didn't come to Australia until I was 35. Never knew any outside only dogs except guard dogs. My mum used to say to us Off to bed everyone & up the stairs we went, including the dog. We thought dirty & disease carrying meant people or rodents & cockroaches not pets.
  15. Apart from 1 dog (changed when he become top dog after the older dogs died) I have always run all my dogs together, males, females & desexed ones. My girls don't fight even when in season. Males apart when girls in season. Depends on the dogs personalities & how many you have. Big numbers are not really safe to run together if pack mentality takes over re a little spat. Could be hard to seperate. I have had between 5 & 8 together with no problems but I put them in small groups when I go out.
  16. See other post on long lived dogs. Owners choice & beliefs I guess.
  17. Pot luck for sure. My childhood dog friend, who was a mutt that walked in & stayed lived 19 years, not sure of age when he appeared. He got chum or pal, nothing else then, or mum dished up the dinner & he got the same. Yes stew with onions, potatoes, bones etc He also shared my ice cream & chocolate My many pedigree dogs have lived from 10 to 16 years fed on premium dry, fresh meat/chicken & vegies & some of what we eat. Who knows.
  18. I breed/show siamese, balinese & oriental cats so no problem here with them & my poodles. Cats & dogs will share beds or sleep in a pile together. Obviously common sense & supervision is used with kittens & mums & new litters.
  19. Same thing here last week with my cats outside in the run. So scary, I rang the emergency vet too as I found a mouse with no head Ratsack at front of property but not the back. Rural living makes it necessary to use some. Advice was too late for induced vomit, 3 cats in there so didn't know which one did the deed. Vitamin K injection needed if they vomited with blood in it. Never slept all night checking them hourly. They were fine. My country raised friend smelled the mouse :D then proceeded to rip it open, found stomach & said there was no poison pellet in it. No way could I have done that. To add insult to injury I had a tray ready with 3 cups of dry cat food & 2 cups of chicken pellets ready to do the last feeds. By the time I had finished on the phone etc it was going dark. Did feeds. Next morning I found some had not eaten, food untouched. Freaking out in case they were sick too I discovered that 4 cats had bowls of chicken pellets & the chickens got cat food. Not something I would want to go through again. I understand your panic for sure.
  20. Another thing that may put them off is to say that both the dogs should be health tested before breeding. Ask how they would feel if their 2 cute babies developed something nasty later & would they want to give people the upset of having their puppies the same. They are nice people aren't they ? Find whatever the cross breeds are thought to be then find every remotely related health test in the 2/3 breeds. Tell them to take them to the vet before breeding & have patellas checked, heart test, cm, anything, pra, von willebrands, Legge Perthes, vaginal swabs. Just pile on the list they won't know if its all needed. Costs may scare them off.
  21. How else would a poodle sleep but on your bed under the blankets with its head on the pillow
  22. Because he has been lost, hungry, cold, disorientated & doesn't know what is going on. What a tiny little cutie. Good luck. Dogs surrendered don't usually come to a good end going by the statistics. for taking care of him.
  23. I got some just before xmas. Gone up to $25.99. Still a great buy. Checked out salvage, metal, bargain places etc for panels & can't find anything better or a better price than the ones from Bunnings.
  24. Little dogs have little tummies, so I feed twice a day. Big feed in the morning is best. Gives them the energy to last the day, they run it off more & don't get fat. Toilet shortly after the meal. Little snack at night so no toilet & not sitting in sleepy tummies.
  25. I would bring him inside but if you don't what about trying to get him used to wearing a coat or some doggy Pj's. Hard to rip up what he's wearing.
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