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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Yes lanabanana that's what was confusing me. Post said 6 pups, then 9. Maltese are tiny dogs & dont have litters that big. Have heard of strange matings with a big bitch & tiny male that did not seem possible due to male being unable to reach but big bitch may have been lying down & barely noticed little male tickling Other way round one would expect damage but little dogs don't produce so many pups. Maybe a scaled down cross breed of some sort. Anyones guess really.
  2. 9 pups for a tiny maltese ? Did I read it right ? Didn't think it possible. Guess it would have to be a big dog that got her somehow. A small bred would have produced 4 to 6 pups. Border collie or heeler x maybe. Whatever she is very cute & pretty.
  3. I also thought a dog had to be tested before any heart worm medications if started over a certain age. Can you explain more fully why the injection is ok without testing but daily isn't ?
  4. Obviously he didn't feel bad enough not to do it. I don't even know why you speak to this person anymore. How callous to chain a pregnant dog anywhere. Disgusted.
  5. No problems with mine eating them. They usually eat 2 & then after if they leave the afterbirth there for a few minutes I dispose of it, little dogs, full tummy, I assume. Never given them the runs. Its instinct.
  6. Its a bit of a worry, I would not. Problems start if the owner wants to sell, anyone complains, they put the rent up too much etc. Finding another rental with dogs is hard. My nephew has 1 older dog, great refs & working history & is having an awful time finding another place. Landlords have so many people to choose from. Renting rural property they tend to be more tolerant somewhat. Daggy places are obviously more dog tolerant than nice places in sought after areas. Risky. Who can you stay with in an emergency with a heap of dogs & possibly puppies if you need to ? Consider a back up plan just in case.
  7. a) Toy Poodles x 5 b) Not couch potatoes as some may think, active little dogs with high intelligence, get mad, silly moods. People orientated companion dogs & can get clingy. Being alone is one of the worse things for them. c) Lots of space outside for running & playing, lots of toys & frequent rotation/additions, walked & car rides individually, various stuff to chew on, lots of company, chucking toys/balls & cuddles, basic training, involve in all household goings on & live inside. Live well in a group & keep each other entertained but always want person interaction. Like other animal species too if used to them. Not destructive at all.
  8. Awww how sad is that. I love hearing how my pups are & keep in contact with the breeders of all my dogs, some regularly & some occasionally. Had a lovely visit last Sunday from one owner with a 2 year old of mine, hear from someone a lot with 2 of my 7 year olds & another has a video of her dog swimming on Facebook. Another has stayed with me for holidays. I hear from 1 of my dogs breeders around xmas & send her photos & photos of some of her puppies I have kept, she said I am the only person who has ever done this. How lovely is it to know they are happy & loved, which is also why I let my dogs breeders know occasionally. If you get no response it is their sad loss not yours.
  9. Oh I must be a bad mum, have to have a look at that site. I don't handle pups much for the 1st few days. I weigh & move them to change the bed daily but don't interfere with the mum & pups too much until they start opening their eyes preferring to leave them to bond. I do check hourly when home & talk to them but don't pick them up much. Pups know my voice & will often wriggle/wobble over to me between week 2 & 3 & then I handle them more & they are pretty spoiled & love their hugs & cuddles. New mums can be funny & protective if you mess too much I find but suppose each dog is different. Off to check the info now ETA mixed feelings re the article, suppose I will do what works for me, as I am sure everyone else does.
  10. A friend has a beagle x something pup, its a fair size for 16 weeks. From the pet shop Seems healthy & friendly but she said it seems to drink heaps. When I asked how much she said about a litre a day. Its outside a fair amount & its not hot in her house when its inside. That seems a lot, is this a normal amount ? I am only used to my little poodles who don't drink anything like that much so not sure.
  11. Everyone is different & depends on the breed. My tiny ones don't go out so young. About 6 weeks in winter for a few minutes or a walk around the garden carried if its awful, just so they get the change of scene & used to it, they can charge around the house. I would not leave young pups out in this weather. At 4.5 weeks they are fine inside for now.
  12. Only once with a cat. For some reason mum kept bringing this one kitten to the door & making a noise for me to come. It was a big litter & the kitten was perfectly healthy & normal size. Maybe she just felt there were too many I used to go in, pick kitten up & put back on mum. It fed ok & she would settle with it & cart it to the door again later. Happened about twice a day for a few days then stopped. Kitten grew to a healthy adult. Usually rejection does mean something wrong but who knows. All you can do now is keep an eye on it. Hope its ok.
  13. How upsetting & disillusioning for you. Unfortunately being registered does not always mean being ethical. You have your answers & thank goodness you did not end up with this particular puppy. If anyone did an 8 hour round trip to visit I would be offering them lunch & a rest I sincerely hope you find your puppy from someone really nice. They are out there.
  14. I don't know but there is nothing you can do. You have tried. They know & they want this. So utterly bloody frustrating isn't it. Even people who know better 100% still buy from pet shops & other dodgy places. If they want their labradoodle they will have it.
  15. Wouldn't bother me at all if the person explained why they were enquiring. Some people just find it all too unnerving approaching breeders. Then they go to the pet shop. I expect the people would contact & visit after you did the groundwork for them. Then the breeder can decide if they are the right home for their puppy & form an opinion. Sounds sensible if they can't do it themselves or haven't the confidence or know how.
  16. Yes. Someone who lives near me had a 5 year old malamute cross, moving & didn't know what to do with the dog. Never been outside the property, on a lead, house trained, visited a vet, lived inside or taught anything much. I got in touch with a lovely rescue person. The dog has new owners, is inside, started walking on a lead & is settling well according to the info the owner told me. He was non aggressive & used to small children. I would also try & split them up or keep them seperate as much as possible. They will bond better with people instead of each other & pack mentality has less chance. Dalmations are not the easiest dogs to train but as long as they are not aggressive its may work out fine.
  17. Its a nightmare at the moment. I always used ratsack under the house & in the roof & have never had a mouse inside but since my cats caught one in the run I was so scared of them being harmed I stopped using it. Never seen anything like it I used to see an odd one in the garden at dusk occasionally. Now they are running along my fence line in daylight, in the garage & in one day my cat caught 5 of them & put them all in her bed out in the run There doesn't seem any way to stop them, only catch or kill them & more just replace them. I am so worried that they may get inside although its never happened before. Block all holes, check behind cooker, under sink etc for gaps, use stick on draught excluder round any loose doors, if you have those air grid things low down on the outside of a brick house take them off & put metal fly screen wire under them & fix the grid back on. Funny thing is the gadgets that kill them are heaps cheaper than the no kill traps. Someone told me a cheap way to rig up a thing to drown them but its too horrid for me to do, would make me sick. Hope the plague ends soon, its so gross.
  18. Hyde Park is a nice place to live, central & many good facilities for everything you may need. Casowners shop is a short drive from there on Magill Rd, the monthly DOL meets are at a dog park not far from you & surrounding areas have dog parks, google them. There is also a thread on here somewhere this year about a doggy day care in or near the city, King William Road. Others will advise about the vet, not my area.
  19. Lenards are a franchise chain so it may be just the individual running that particular store. I have used them for 6 years & had no problems at all. It smells fresh unlike the yukky pet mince stuff, my cats & dogs do well on it & there is never anything mixed in it. Maybe try another branch.
  20. Great stuff, freshly minced daily. Their chicken portions are only $2.49 a kilo too so I get them & cut the chicken off after cooking for my small ones & cats. Nice for me to eat too, the portions I mean
  21. I get it locally for $32 & it lasts about 2 months so works out about $4 a week initially, after 3 months you cut it down, Well worth it.
  22. The post by Conztruct just about covers it all. Apart from shows & being able to register pups pedigree if you breed there is little point in membership. They don't appear to help with new or stupid laws/regulations or any other problems. I gave a newbie some advice/help for their 1st show. After 1 show she said never again, a most unpleasant experience. Not encouraging.
  23. Tried everything with my white boy, started at the vets, no infections, tear ducts not blocked but I had them flushed anyway, wiped with all sorts that just seems to irritate it & upset him. Then found the magic potion http://www.angelseyesqld.com.au/page1.aspx Worked like magic in less than a week. Some breeders won't use it but I have found it wonderful. Everyone I know that's tried said it is absolutely incredible for cats & dogs. Read about it & decide for yourself. Much better than drops, wiping & messing with their diet in vague hope.
  24. Thank you for caring. I hope something can be done for this girl
  25. Have a wonderful, happy birthday. You do so much for others. Today do something for yourself :rofl:
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