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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Not suprised. Even more interesting with kittens. They sit & bat the things on TV & sit there sometimes with their heads going from side to side watching. Its very cute & funny & starts at an early age.
  2. Anywhere they want. Mostly on mink blankets on the lounges but they have beds all over the place too. Turns each on my bed. One entire boy gets crated inside when girls are on heat as he pees everywhere & scratches the door going nuts. Other times where ever he wants.
  3. Not posted so far on this huge thread. Just kind wishes & thoughts to you from the bottom of my heart. You will need & have so much courage.
  4. I use Equinade kennel disinfectant from the fodder store. I like the fruity smell but it comes in Lavender too. Not a strong bleachy chemical smell which makes my head spin. No kennels here but I use it on the pavers in my cat runs, stud cat pee is potent, also mop my tiled floors inside the house with it. Comes in 5 litres, about $25 or cheaper for the 20 litres, if you can lift it.
  5. No love, no cuddles, no training, no inside time, no comfort, no vet care, no grooming, no socialising, no health testing. over breeding, cross breeding, living in pens or crates, inadequate diet, inadequate bedding, inadequate care overall. Interbreeding. Sole purpose profit. Sell to anyone. No contact, aftercare, support once sold. Best I can do in 50 words.
  6. No love, no cuddles, no training, no inside time, no comfort, no vet care, no grooming, no socialising, no health testing. over breeding, cross breeding, living in pens or crates, inadequate diet, inadequate bedding, inadequate care overall. Interbreeding. Sole purpose profit. Sell to anyone. No contact, aftercare, support once sold. Best I can do in 50 words.
  7. Docking is illegal in SA however a vet may legally dock if there is a problem, for example injury or deformity that will affect the dog adversely.
  8. Price is cheap. Try www.dealsdirect.com.au Large wire crates are cheap on there. reliable & fast delivery, I use them a lot.
  9. Usually 2, 48 hours apart but I have had 1 bitch who would only allow the dog 1 mating & another silent heat girl slip mating for seconds only, no sign the dog had even ejaculated. Never made any difference to litter size, usual 3 to 4 pups, with one having 6,rare for a toy poodle. Had 1 singleton litter of huge pup after 2 matings & the slip mating produced 4, no rhyme or reason really.
  10. I was under the impression after asking a vet ( way back so maybe opinions have changed now) that giving calcium orally to assist a bitches contractions once they have started is of no use at all. They need the oxytocin injection for it to have any effect in time. The idea of giving calcium during in pregnancy is outdated now as it seems it interferes with the natural production & causes problems. I suppose its one of things where you have to do the research & decide for yourself. Rather confusing debate really.
  11. Not illegal as far as I understand but they may be some criteria that has to be followed first. I know breeders here with debarked dogs & they are not the type to break the law, mind you that changes all the time anyway
  12. good one, easy to remember too.
  13. Let him sleep with you problem solved. Otherwise try a heat pad, its absolutely freezing & he will have been used to sleeping with the body warmth of the litter. Leave the radio off at night, it may keep him awake, save it for if he is alone in the day. There is a little toy thing you can buy that replicates a heartbeat noise, may help, search some dog supply places on the net or someone may post where they are obtainable.
  14. Barking is variable within the same breed depending on several things however I think the Italian Greyhound is a very sweet little dog, easy care & generally on the quiet side. Shouldn't imagine they tolerate the cold too well though, so indoor pampered pet Maybe ask some of the breeders about them in general, if you like them.
  15. Not an experience I have ever had but it does happen. If another dies I would be asking the vet for an autopsy, also have the ones left vet checked. Heartbreaking thing, how distressing.
  16. So kind & caring, you are an Sounds like you are doing everything right. Lots of rescue links on here for you to contact have a browse, best option & they will let you know what has happened to your puppies which I am sure is what you would like. The world needs more people like you
  17. All of mine always have a yearly check up for life. Patellas are always checked & results noted in writing. Even though I groom my own dogs, clean/pluck ears & check teeth, feel for lumps etc I still prefer a vet check yearly. Heart, a look down the ears with the scope. Prevention is better then cure & we can miss things so just as I go for a yearly check for myself, blood tests, blood pressure, mammograms & the usual my dogs get the same.
  18. The DNA test for PRA is for the gene carrying early onset blindness. There are other forms of PRA . It is worth having the test done especially for breeding dogs, its a must. This one is the most devastating form of PRA. Link for you for more info http://www.animalnetwork.com.au/dnatesting/
  19. Unfortyunately they have just bought a house together, so that isn't going to be easy, she needed to dump him before that. She also wants a pet pig & pythom, that isn't going to happen, this guy doesn't even want to have kids. Be very pleased & relieved that he does not want kids. How would he be with them & how trapped would your daughter be then ? If she did leave him she would have hassles & have to associated with him forever if children were involved. There is nothing you can do except encourage your daughters self esteem & sense of self in a subtle way, if possible, be there for her & hope the light dawns & she gets out at some stage. This has to be the hardest thing for parents.
  20. That's a new one to me, :) seriously said ?
  21. A friend who recently got a puppy asked me what to feed it. When I said some raw meat (& other stuff of course) the same as your cats she also said this. I just
  22. That's interesting. So an oversized toy, is still a toy even if it's the size of a miniature poodle? Correct, & must be registered as a toy. In Europe they have Dwarf size, which is in between toy & miniature size, which is a sensible way to go as a toy thats over size by say 1 inch is hardly a miniature size anyway. Funny how the rules are variable according to the breed of dog. The cats I breed are siamese, oriental & balinese. All 3 can be interbred & registered. It makes it very interesting. Outcome of variety in litters is somewhat predictatable for colour & coat according to & depending on pedigree but still throws some suprises.
  23. This is awful, I had my 1st experience of this last year, you really don't know what to do. Something is wrong but finding out what is so hard. My puppy had 3 vet checks & nothing could be found. Didn't get to the blood tests etc as puppy just died on day 17. Choice is to persist in keeping alive any way you can & hope for the best or pts. Hard decision.
  24. OMG what a dismal & tragic place. Not in NSW myself but I sincerely hope there is plenty of support & input at this meeting. Its a breeders dread that any of the animals they breed end up somewhere like this, unlikely as it may seem it can happen. So not only for this reason obviously but for all of them. Animals deserve a better chance of life than this. :D
  25. I also think it is good that all dog owners, regardless of whether they have a pedigree or mongrel, visit here. It will make them aware of why this site promotes purebred dogs, maybe make them think twice in future about their next pet shop or BYB pup or dog, make them aware of the risks & hazards of breeding as well as educate them in many aspects of caring for their dog from health to training. Hopefully. Isn't this what we want ? The what cross dog is this is a bit silly, its a mongrel. With all this designer dog fad trend people seem to want to know & it is anyones guess really, maybe we should all just reply its a mongrel, problem solved
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