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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Lost cause. The ad is simple to find. They are breeding Parti Miniatures as well. DOL listed so have probably read this whole thread by now.
  2. Just read that again. It does not state that the dog is available for stud to unregistered bitches. It can be interpreted as higher price for mating to titled bitch & lower price to untitled bitch. There is nothing in the code of ethics that says a dog may not be bred to an untitled bitch or that price for mating is fixed. Only that the bitch must be main registered. Pet, as such, can be a main reg dog. One has to tread carefully when making a complaint & be sure the facts can be proven. Otherwise its all a waste of time regardless of what you suspect.
  3. Not right at all but this happens all the time. I saw one ad offering a registered dog at stud to same breed for one price & to other breeds, to breed DD's, for another price. I sent a message via someone who knew the dogs original breeder personally & the ad was removed, but they probably still used the dog for stud anyway. No point in contacting ANCK. IMO they wouldn't have done much & couldn't stop it being done. Bloody infuriating isn't it. All you can do is get on with your own thing & put this person on your Do not ever deal with list.
  4. I would get some tranquil paste from a fodder store or rescue remedy & start her on it a few days beforehand & then put her on a lead & take her to the train station. Then she can see what it is that makes the big scary sound. I would work up to a couple of times a day for a visit & see if this helps her. Worth a try & not an expensive matter. May work. Re the glass, mine do this when they want to come in. Only solution is to stick something over it or learn to like scratched glass.
  5. Bugger of a problem. The pup can't be left like this. I would suggest that they bring the dog to your vet, the price they have is excessive & does not need to be a specialist vet as long as the vet chosen is experienced in doing this operation. If they don't want to return pup to you for full refund I would offer to pay the full cost of the puppy to the vet who is doing the surgery towards the bill, so you are 100% sure it does get done. Despite all checks possible I do believe the problem to be hereditary & it can crop up out of the blue despite skipping generations. Not your fault or the new owners so I would meet them half way by a full refund.
  6. Ok so pet lovers keep out of Logan. They may as well put up a big sign. Glad I don't live there. Ridiculous & pointless.
  7. Just heaps. As well as whats posted add on for all the extra heating, washing bedding, cleaning stuff, toys, its suprisingly a lot with pups, dew claws if need doing by vet, puppy check, vaccs, microchip. If it goes wrong just absolutely mega heaps
  8. I bred cats as well as dogs. My dogs are cat friendly however I never just stick a cat or kitten in loose with them. Seperate rooms to start with or dog in a pen in living area while kittens are around to start with. Good suggestions in last post. When you can trust your dog & remember that the kittens may instigate the dog by tomenting/playing make sure the kittens have a high place to escape to if needed like bed on top of fridge/cupboard etc. Never leave alone unsupervised or go out & leave in the same room until 6 months old. Lots of info on internet to help. Hopefully lots of fun & laughs coming your way. Kittens are so entertaining.
  9. Politicians jumping on the bandwagon for popularity or not we have enough laws & the RSPCA have enough power to enter, seize & prosecute these places every time. So why isn't it being done ? More laws are not the answer if they can't enforce the ones we already have to cover this. Reminds me of the plain package idiot idea for cigarettes. The government want the huge tax from them, know it won't make any difference but it makes them look good. Pockets are being lined to someones convenience (& I don't mean just the owners) that's why puppy farms are allowed to operate. Makes me sick the whole thing.
  10. Vet now. If eclampsia it doesn't wait or get better on its own. If not there is still something wrong & breeder or forum cannot diagnose it. If you are not happy with the vet that has seen her so far go to another one. Hope she is ok.
  11. Cute baby The breeder is having a problem letting go & you feel probably feel like someone is trying to take over your new baby. Its reasonable to expect contact after a day or so to know that all is going well & pup is happy but it is your puppy now. Change of diet is your choice, it is your dog, there is no exact right one, its what the dog does well on. Everyone has their own best diet opinion. Advice on a gradual change is valid or tummy upsets can start but it shouldn't take a month. Mixing a little of the new in with the regular is the way to start & gradually increase the new phasing out the old. The only thing I don't like about crating is trusting that a person gives the dog enough freedom however some form of containment, crate, larger puppy pen, puppy proof room etc, is best. You would not leave a young child to roam the house alone for safety issues, same applies to a puppy. Try & have less contact & maybe a few white lies may help if the contact & questions get too persistent, frequent & intrusive. Sounds like all is ok, pup is happy & you are being kind & sensible, so no feeling bad. All is well
  12. Good post. As long as you go into into it prepared, with knowledge & with eyes wide open. Good luck. No one starts off knowing everything & mistakes/ the unexpected can occur no matter how experienced a breeder is.
  13. Dogs have survived along side man eating rubbish for centuries. Some dogs can be fed rubbish & have no allergies & others can get the best & most careful of everything & get them. It comes from the dogs immune system. I would not breed from a dog with allergies. Having 4 children with various degrees of allergy, 2 moderate, 1 high & 1 severe life threatening I had no idea this would happen as allergy did not seem to run in the families. Fast forward to over 50 & big stress periods & the current living generation are all getting them. I would have knocked us both out of the breeding programme if we were animals knowing what I know now. Not what I would be doing at all.
  14. Never even thought of having a suction bulb, didn't know you could even get them for dogs. You can swing the puppy if it is congested. Ask breeder or vet how to do it. No need to intervene if she is managing fine. Watch like a hawk & stay with her. Break sac if she doesn't do it quickly. Cut cord if she doesn't do it. You will need to move each puppy out of the way as she has the next one as she may crush or roll on any she has had. Otherwise just see how she goes. She may do it all perfectly on her own. Best of luck !st time is scary.
  15. 1st time owners are like 1st time parents. Some are sensible & aware of needs & others are hopeless. Likewise some dogs are hard & some are easy, regardless of breed. Obviously the bigger the dog the more risk if it gets out of control. As long as the person is really fully aware of the breed & its needs & characteristics I can't see a problem with any. People not breeds are the problem. Couch potato laid back dog would never have suited me from childhood. Suprised to see Danes on that list too, my best ever dog. Worst was a Chihuahua, absolute little bugger. Westies can also be very stubborn. Depends on the individual dog really & the person.
  16. Breeder is best option. I doubt that the vet or anywhere else would put your cat & dog in a pen together. It would upset other dogs housed there. Also to consider is that even though they are friends at home cats stress & act it out in different ways to dogs. In a strange place & caged with your dog the cat may take any stress induced aggression out on your dog. If you leave a dog for long it will greet you enthusiastically but cats sometimes go very off hand even though they are glad you're back, its a common reaction. Cat in its own environment with someone coming in daily is best if you can trust anyone implicitly.
  17. I don't know how they had the nerve to even apply given their reputation already. Thank goodness they were refused.
  18. Throughout my childhood & adult life my dogs have been mostly pure breed from various places. Some unwanted, some literally dumped in my yard, some in very bad states, from marriage break ups, some found, owners couldn't be found, & from breeders. Never from the pet shop. To be honest the young dog that came home with my sister & the owner couldn't be found was the best. Big mongrel. Not one health issue & died at 19 years old. Had pups from less than reputable breeders too but didn't realise at the time. No one, no matter how reputable can guarantee that a dog won't have any health issues, nature & genes don't work that way but a reputable breeder will do as much as they can to produce happy, healthy dogs, do whatever health tests they can & care for their dogs well & give pups the best start in life. That's a good start & a better prospect. Many byb pups, rescues etc are great & live long healthy lives but its more of a gamble, good job someone loves them & gives them a home though. Re the pet shops whenever someone buys a pup its just giving them more money to continue the cycle & they don't care where they source the pups from or who they sell too. Puppy farms will thrive while pet shops sell pups.
  19. Not good to take water away from an animal of any age. More so the young. Dehydration risk especially in hot environment. If they are thirsty they need to drink no matter what time it is. If pups are sleeping let them.
  20. Separation is the only foolproof way. Apart from the dog constantly trying to get at her imagine if he did somehow & they got tangled up in the thing if it didn't come right off. Could cause damage to either one. Some dogs can half strangle themselves with dog coats.
  21. Same here. Lots of praise & I use one word for any toileting. Piddles in the word. When they come out of the pen in the lounge to play I put a piece of newspaper on the floor & place them on it if I see them start to go & say piddles. Also don't move the paper when its just a little bit wet as the smell encourages them & the others to go in that spot. Move solids instantly though as they will get in a mess in it. By the time they are old enough to play outside they know the piddle word, so big fuss & praise when they go out there too. Not perfect when ready for homes but they have a clue to start them off.
  22. Not used boarding since the 70's but here is a link to a place I have recommended to a couple who loved it. Bit different from the usual http://www.bedbiscuit.com.au/index.html
  23. If I were an 8 week old puppy I would cry too out in the back yard alone for 3 hours. Its bloody freezing, the back yard is a big unknown place & he is not used to being alone. Not the safest place either. Haven't you got a room you can puppy proof to leave him in while you are at work.
  24. Who knows but do let us know if they turn black. Maybe wrong but can't see it happening however they won't stay pink. All my blacks have black noses. Browns have black or brown noses & when I bred apricot they always had black or brown noses. Not had whites. Poodles that is. Sometimes the brown nose is a little lighter, sort of pinky tone but still definately brown at birth then it darkens but not that much.
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