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Everything posted by Christina

  1. The royal family really do make some stuff ups. Not impressive really.
  2. Go to the vet. No one here can diagnose what the scabs are. Not likely to be life threatening but you do need to go there. Maybe on Monday & then you won't be so worried.
  3. What is the point of banning pets being displayed in the window ? One only has to step inside the door to buy them. People don't just buy what is in the window from shops. This won't achieve anything.
  4. Why does he need to be locked in a crate ? If he is good sleeping in there with the door open or on the mat I can't see the problem.
  5. Not my area of knowledge but go back to the vet & ask their advice on this. They are the ones to tell you if anything can be done & what's happening here. Meanwhile best to hang on to puppy & not let it go to new owner until you find out what is going on.
  6. Do registered breeders have to do it? Not many. I thought hip scores & PRA were compulsary for some breeds ? Not sure about what else.
  7. Thompsons beach, off Port Wakefield Rd, turn at Dublin. Quiet, usually only locals & not many of them. Off lead ok. Often deserted, no one there.
  8. Compulsary health testing, breed specific, for anyone who breeds dogs. Not just registered breeders. Meaning the puppy farmers,BYB hobby & cross breeders would have to have their breeds tested for common, testable issues known in their breed. eg, cavalier x poodle would have to have all health tests for all issues in both breed. shepherd x retriever, hip Xrays & PRA etc. Probably not feasible but nice if it was. Would stop a lot of them in their tracks. If registered breeders have to do it all should have to do it.
  9. Nice gossip :p Phone enquiry. Told me they had been chatting with a judge & that they highly recommended me as an honest & ethical breeder. That was lovely. I don't know the judge very well. Bad gossip ;) People came for a puppy & asked to see my canine breeder membership card. Said certainly I was going to show you that anyway, when we got to paperwork. Then told me that another registered breeder had informed them I was not a registered breeder. Mad because I had actually been referring people to this breeder when I did not have any puppies myself. Not anymore. Silly gossip Someone chatting about some friends, in a not nice way, & I realised I knew the people. Turned out they were friends of my sister. When the person realised who I was they said Oh you're that sister, the one running around with all those men & leaving your children with the babysitter all the time. Tactful or what I said I had only 1 boyfriend for 7 years. Only saw him once a week for the 1st year & my sister or their adult brother were the only ones who babysat. I did not even let him meet my children for the first 18 months. Oh I was such a tart. Could have all been worse I suppose.
  10. Never drag or pull a puppy. A walk isn't supposed to be a nightmare. Lead on in their own yard waste of time too as they are used to charging around there. Mine do not respond to treats so this works every time When puppy sits down or refuses to move try the usual come on, silly noise thing for 30 seconds & if useless totally ignore your puppy & stand still. The puppy will not sit there forever. It gets bored & starts to move, then its lots of praise. You will get bored too, but persist, they don't stay there for more than a few minutes. Patience. If you have another dog taking the 2 out together can work but its a bit difficult, tangled leads & watching them instead of where you are going. Usually does the trick though.
  11. Big responsibility as its not your dog. Feed seperate, not worth the risk. Mine all feed together fine, sit & wait & are so good but Bone, pigs ear or chicken wing & the fight is on with a couple, so I seperate for those. Common problem.
  12. What about a card theme The Real Deal Aces High Lucky Shuffle Poker Dot Jokers Wild Wild card Diamond Lil Queen something or other. brain drain but you get the drift
  13. Why? Always been led to believe it helps with contractions ??/correct me if i am ill informed Doesn't do a thing & can upset the bitches natural calcium production if given before or during labour.. It is not the same as a vet giving an injection of oxytocin. Opinion has changed on calcium use now. After the birth is finished is fine. Re the Nutrigel. For those that have had children themselves Did you want food during labour ? Last thing on your mind.
  14. Fact is the choice for this dog is to be kept by OP or surrendered to one of the 2 main animal pounds in SA, according to some posters legal beliefs. This dog will not be claimed by the owners. Obviously. Fact is not many dogs who go in those 2 places abandoned come out again. Not in this state. Poor bloody dog. It may not even be pregnant. Could be just fat belly with worms or something. Everyone assumes an awful lot. May all be wrong.
  15. christina the OP has no idea about the sire of the pups and i think there is a huge health risk to the bitch not knowing this when the bitch is a small dog. The OP has a fair idea it was one of the other small dogs owned by the people. The OP is going to do what they want, despite the post here. The OP is going to have to learn the hard way if things go wrong. I hope the OP will desex whatever dogs survive. At least then this cycle will not repeat itself.
  16. Just seen the floods in QLD & NSW on the news. Never realised how bad it all actually was. Keep safe everyone. Scary weather.
  17. Bet your sorry you asked now. All I will advise is that if the dog has the puppies please desex them before they leave you ( & the mother ) & charge a small fee to the new homes. Any idiot will take a freebie & maybe breed from them. There are several vets in SA that will desex at around 8 weeks & over a kilo weight. Simple & safe.
  18. No you haven't. As a child growing up in England everyone I knew had an inside dog & when parents said off to bed with you kids the dog came with us. Dominance, social & bad behaviour & catching something nasty from the dog were seldom a problem. Your dog, your bed & I think you are very nice letting Max sleep on your bed. Nothing to so with his being unwell. Hope he is fine now
  19. :D :D Just a bit of fun I think too however seriously I have had longer relationships with many of my cats & dogs than I did with my husbands. ;) Maybe I should have married my pets
  20. Was as above but new vaccine out now. One single vaccine at 10 weeks & that's it for 12 months. Can't see the need for the protocol change. Needs the money ? Maybe phone a few other vets, play dumb & ask.
  21. Well done. I think I would have puked doing that course
  22. Thinking like a true pack leader Gayle. The russian fox breeding experiment was fascinating but horrid the way they were kept & one has to wonder how many were killed over the 50 years. They must have been for some parts of it.
  23. Totally agree with you on this point and will add they also disregard to the breeds detrement any health issues and so continue to breed and supply unhealthy pets and thus the breed as a whole is seen in a bad light A completely opposite opinion to mine. This is what I meant when I said, as part of my post, A question that is greatly open to interpretation according to the view of the particular breeder. 2 of the cats I bred got their champion titles this year. Cats I got from other breeders are on the condition that all kittens, except those I keep, are to be desexed before leaving me. I honour this agreement always. I know the standard well for my breeds of cats & toy poodles & will not breed from any with even a small health issue or fault. Recently & sadly desexing my pick of the litter/show prospect puppy for a small fault that may have self corrected. Interesting how views vary.
  24. A question that is greatly open to interpretation according to the particular view of the breeder. The show/ conformation standard is not all there is to it. I show cats & recently looking at a male kitten for stud apart from noting the overall body for good muscular structure, apart from the extreme head type that the breeder focused on, I asked did they know the lifespan of any others in the pedigree. Whelping history of the females & of any kidney issues. This was more important to me than the rest. The fact there there were some champions in the pedigree told me enough about type & temperament, as obviously they couldn't be shown with bad temperament or type. I am not sure what the function of the toy poodle is. A companion to be loved I guess but I do know that apart from breeding to standard for looks, which is desirable, there are many other issues that make up betterment of the breed. A dog that leads a long, healthy & trouble free life is highly desirable too. Not always easy to achieve, one can only try.
  25. Go & have a blood test at the doctors to check if it is dog allergy. Results back in a few days. Allergy to anything can start at any age even if no previous history. It may be coincidence that you have developed allergy & it is not the dog. Do not take any anti allergy, anti histamine meds before the test. Go asap. Other thought bath the dog. I got a kitten from interstate once. Got home, sat on lounge with my son & took the kitten out of the carrier. My son had an asthma attack & I got huge welts, all in a minute or so. It wasn't the kitten in itself. breeder had sprayed her with Frontline before putting her on the plane. It was that.
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