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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Good point asal. People not only want instant gratification they also want instant love. Expecting it with no time or effort. I have re homed a few adult cats. 2 were having problems & I did a home visit to both & found a few snags which were soon sorted out & they settled & were happy. Another was in a new home for 24 hours & the person asked me to collect him as he had hissed at her & she got scared. I had visited this home first & it seemed ideal. This wonderful cat is now with someone else. I have a calender full of photos of him & reports of him being the best cat that I have ever had in my life. These may have all been PTS if they had left from a pound & returned. Its all a business thing & about time, money & convenience really.
  2. I have just watched this programme. Same old comments & various views depending on their own agenda or belief of whoever is speaking at the time. I just cannot comprehend how the huge legal & licensed puppy farm that has over 300 breeding dogs & produces puppies constantly as a business can be allowed while small hobby breeders whose handful of dogs living as loved family is penalised. What the bloody answer is to all this I have absolutely no idea. Just shoot people
  3. I had one child, 4 cats & a dog for the 1st 7 years. No problems. I had them on the bed, everywhere & all was well. Fast forward. Child number 2 was allergic to the world. Very severely. We lived an abnormal totally allergy free life for 5 years after the solution was discovered at age 17 months old. So many hospital admissions & near death panics, The animals were all re homed with much love & heartbreak. We had some animals under very careful conditions after the age of about 8, starting with a pet duck outside. As adults now My 1st child who had no allergies developed severe cats & dog allergy in his mid 30's 2nd child has no tolerance at all & has to take 2 phenergan in advance to visit an outdoor zoo. 3rd child has slight cat allergy, slight tolerance but some asthma & sore eyes. She has a cat but he affects her. 13 years old, not sure she would replace when he is gone. 4th child has moderate cat allergy, no dog allergy. I breed/show cats now they are adults & gone(long wait)& developed a moderate allergy 4 years ago. Tested last year & it has gone to low allergy now I have changed things at home. We have all had several allergy tests lifelong, been part of research at some stage & have other allergies too. No easy answer. Mine were re homed as it was life or death. The child comes first. If they made them ill & I was sure it was the animals & it couldn't be controlled I would not let my child suffer. It can be dangerous for some. I grew up with cats & dogs all over, no problem, neither did their father have any problem either. Complete mystery. I think we have polluted the planet & wrecked the next generations immune systems. See what happens at the time. You can't always predict with accuracy. I didn't expect it all. Big shock.
  4. Seems we may view success very differently. You want the pup to love you but reading this makes me wonder if you love the pup. Forced isolation after leaving mum & siblings when there is so much company & love next door. Some people actually pay for doggy day care so pups aren't isolated. When there is no choice, as often happens, pups do get used to being alone & indeed they need to be some of the time. Handled differently this could have been a way for you to bond with & become friends with MIL too. Like her or not she is an important part of your partners life. Your choice obviously but it does not seem a wise one.
  5. Exactly. There is no point in making several contacts if you find the puppy is out of your price range. I would think anyone was silly not to ask fairly soon. I expect people to ask but I don't expect them to phone & start the conversation by saying how much is a pup. Many people have absolutely no idea of price.
  6. Eating well, active, cool & sleeping with you. This dog sound fine & happy to me. Strange place, dog in his face. Don't worry. All normal. He would be cautious in a new environment if you had just moved state let alone countries & a flight. Sounds like all is ok in his world. Now you have to relax :)
  7. Give them all a worming tablet. it will make them get rid of some of it. Funny I think I could leave the dry food bag there & they would only eat what they needed & not gorge. Can't say the same if it was steak though.
  8. As above. Pin brush is useless for under arms, near the bum & right near feet, especially on little dogs. Brush first then comb through paying particular attention to under arms, back of ears. Use scissors to trim hair around the bum & corner of eyes & around mouth/face. Always keeping the points in the direction away from the eye in case the dog moves obviously. I always check a new brush on my arm & the heat of the clippers frequently. If it hurts or burns me it does the same to my dog.
  9. I would understand you being angry, sad embarrassed & disgusted if a person did this but its a dog. A normal one. Teach your dog to obey the command Leave it. Also sit & stay. That's as good as it gets. Stop being disgusted & punishing your dog with your attitude. The dog does not understand it. You can also keep the dog on a lead if it makes you feel better.
  10. Me too. I can love any dog. Wish I could be that way with people :laugh:
  11. Our family cat went missing when I was 17. We went overseas for a holiday & my uncle who was minding the cat lost him. 7 years later he was just sitting in the tree in the back garden. Wild & feral we never got to handle him again but he lived there for some years. Wouldn't come in the house, just came for food & drinks. He traveled about 15 kilometres in the metro area to get home. Goodness knows how he ever found us.
  12. Advertise in your local paper, whichever one has pet ads in, if you want a home close by. Do a home visit with the dog just once before you send him to his new home. Meaning take him there & home again & then if you are happy with the people, conditions etc, take him back to them in a few days for a trial. Genuine people are happy with this & the dog is not taken from your home by total strangers. Also local shops if they have an advertising board.
  13. No use crating him if he is not used to it, he may damage himself, rip paws etc trying to get out. He will become Houdini. Desex him now anyway. Vets can give desexed male cats a hormone shot that settles them quicker after the operation. maybe they can give them to dogs too ? Ask. Meanwhile get some Tranquil Paste from a fodder store. This is harmless & can help a lot in settling them but it won't take the drive away. Just calms them somewhat. I use it on my male poodle when the girls are in heat & it works well.
  14. Exactly as above. Some older pups & adults mongrels even settle & bond with no issues too. Training a dog the way you want it does not always mean you are fixing a mistake & training is possible at any age. I have found a 6 month old puppy will often get something quicker than an 8 week old, not quite as silly. Breed related too. I think bonding issues are often the owners problem not the dogs. Some people can only bond if they have the puppy. Some dogs have a more independent personality no matter what age you get them but most dogs respond to kindness, attention & the person who feeds them no matter what age. No ideal age for me. I have taken dogs from 8 weeks to 5 years with no problems however while I expect reasonable behaviour & obedience & to be in charge I don't expect the dog to be trained to jump through hoops. Personal choice really.
  15. These so called findings annoy me so much. I had 4 cats, a dog & one child when my 2nd child was born. Allergic to the world & eggs, & other foods, almost kill him. Having an allergic family is more to do with with our chemical pollution of the world & our food IMO. We are the problem. However that will never be admitted because it will lose businesses & countries money & can't be fixed. We cannot go backwards. Our immune systems & DNA have been altered & its basically survival of the fittest or who has access to medication best. I hate these stupid studies.
  16. For his age your puppy is doing really well with everything & has learned a lot. He knows you are the boss. He is obeying you & obviously trying to please. The toy breeds although intelligent are so silly as babies compared with the working breeds. He sounds great to me & you are doing a good job. He doesn't have to like going in a room with 3 strange pups & being instant friends for the first time. They are living beings, not clones. There is no need to be aloof to be boss. Don't go back there. Some people have strange ideas & you will find your confidence is knocked. All kinds of things work for training dogs. There were actually trained & socialised dogs before puppy schools existed :laugh: Carry on as you are & believe in yourself. Teddy is very cute.
  17. Once a dog has left your ownership you have little control on it being bred from or not, if it is not desexed. Many pedigree dogs with champion lines are sold on limited register & still bred from. The litter cannot be registered but some people do give a copy of the pedigree out with the pups. Its unethical but not illegal. If there is a contract signed & witnessed by a JP or lawyer I would imagine it could hold more weight legally but would be interested to see the outcome if such an agreement ever went to court. Things can be a bit different here than in America.
  18. Agree with above & lavendergirls post, except I wouldn't be telling MIL to take the dog. I suspect the problem is more than the dog & the whole relationship with his parents is too close for comfort for you. Keep the dog inside when you are home & relax. The dog may be picking up your mood too, we give out signals too subtle for humans but dogs get them. It is better that they love your dog than complain, as many do. You can share & its good for the dog to be so loved.
  19. Any pups I breed don't leave here until 10 to 12 weeks. It is a normal thing for pups to play/fight roughly to a degree. They all do it. My tiny ones too. Dogs are a pack animal & this is how they sort out who is boss. As long as no real damage is done & they learn to stop when you, the boss, order it I consider this is natural & will sort itself out soon. Allow a certain amount of it however if it looks to be getting too rough order them to stop by the same verbal command each time & clap hands/ blow whistle/bang or something to draw their attention & then seperate briefly. On the rare occasions when a couple of my adults start I clap & say enough. That does it. 2 litter mates or 2 from different litters may act the same anyway. You have them now so have to deal with it however this is not abnormal behaviour for puppies. Train & be a strong leader.
  20. I think it does depend on the attitude of who is hearing the complaint really. The best thing to do is to wait & see what happens & if there is any legal action go straight to a lawyer. The legalities can vary or be interpreted differently from place to place too. One would think for an adult to enter when warned not to, on private property & knowing about the dog as they did, that it is their own fault. However that is logical not legal. It could go either way.
  21. Can you alternate the dogs & give them a day each in the pen instead of one in there every day ? I would not leave them together yet.
  22. Maybe his bladder is playing up. Watch if he seems to pee more or tries to.
  23. I always think that if a fee is asked, even if its only $50 that if the dog doesn't settle they may bring it back & ask for their money back. I have heard of some people taking 2 or 3 freebies & placing each one in the pound as not suitable when it wasn't perfect quickly. They were free so what There is also the fact that if no value is placed on the dog by its owner then it may be psychologically so for others. As in if its free its no good. Its the mongrels & all the cats that I feel more sorry for. Pure breeds get a home quicker usually. So many cats on there I can't even look any more
  24. Burricane Heliever. You won;t find another dog with that name :laugh:
  25. When I was a child in the 50's people didn't desex their pets so much. It was not so readily & cheaply available as it is now. Not the same education about it all either. It was accepted that some dogs got loose by accident & had a mongrel litter. These pups were usually given away. Sometimes they may have gone to an obliging pet shop & sold for a small cost but there were not many pups in pet shops. Some were drowned at birth by horrid people. There was no mass breeding mongrels for profit. Now it is big business. Every dog that comes into this world deserves a good & loving home. The only dogs that should be PTS are those that are suffering from severe illness/health conditions or aggressive temperament IMO. Not all carelessly bred dogs have issues either. Genetics are not always obedient & predictable as much as we wish it were so. However I do sometimes live in dreamland.
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