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Everything posted by Christina

  1. This is your only option if you want them all in the sun room. I knew someone who had them on her dogs. Did the trick but they look quite cumbersome on the small dogs.
  2. Registered breeder in an advert may mean they are registered with the council. This means they have permission for the said number of dogs on the property & have satisfied council requirements for kenneling & can breed anything with anything. Make sure they are registered with the canine association in the relevant state by asking their prefix & phoning to ask if they are currently registered.
  3. As most of the pups & dogs that end up in these places aren't pedigree dogs from registered breeders I don't think that is the reason. What the reason is I have no idea
  4. RSPCA won't let you have the dog if it ends up there, I asked & was told no its ours if it ends up here. Not sure about other pounds. I put myself as 2nd contact & write a note across the top of the form asking please do not PTS & to contact me. Can't think of anything else that could be done.
  5. These 2 parts of the quote really worry me. Who decides what is good for them, when its not something like nutrition, can be a can of worms. Like the RSPCA thing considered a dog must be walked for so long a day. You can't ask the dog. If you could a 15 year old dog may say no way, I hate it at my age. Some things should be common sense, not law. Dogs at work People already want employers to consider paid time off for their pets needs so I imagine that if they have to let owners bring them to work we will have a heap more businesses taking their work & money overseas. Australia will become a country too hard to function in. Our dogs are far too unwelcome in many places they could go in but work is not one of them.
  6. While it is true that the owner feeds them too much part of the problem is that many pets are desexed. Although this is good unfortunately desexed cats & dogs do get fatter & it is due to the desexing. They need about 40 % less food than entires, so I was told. That makes the owner feel very mean. I have had 2 young adult cats desexed in the last year & both have bulked up noticeably. Slowly decreasing their meals but can only go down to a certain degree. Its a worry. The woman in the quoted article is an idiot. That Pug is not merely a bit chubby. It s cruel for it to weigh 14 kilos. I wonder what percentage are under weight ?
  7. I understand where you are coming from. It can seem that dogs are confined & crated far more than they used to be years ago. People with one pet dog never owned a crate. I also thought it was awful & couldn't understand when I had various desexed pet dogs, usually between 2 & 5 dogs, that did get along then I started breeding & it's so different. As much as I dislike them they do have to be used. Mums with tiny pups need a safe space, among the goings on of the house after a couple of weeks too, so pens etc are vital. Male dogs need to be kept from females & this may involve a crate overnight or if you have to go out. Certainly to crate or pen a dog in a small space for many hours is not what I would do or approve of but many do it & don't think there is anything wrong with it. This is where I have concerns. Birds confined to tiny cages all their lives break my heart but people say they don't know any different. Opinions vary so much. You can only do what you feel is right & if you let puppies go only send them to where you would approve of the way they live & be treated.
  8. Really So it has been ok for humans to ingest it but not for dogs, until now. Guess I need to phone the company as my dogs have their dental biscuits daily. I wonder if all the other manufacturers will use it too now.
  9. There is nothing much you can do, she is going to get this dog. Too many questions & she will forget. Faced with cute puppy all sense goes out window. Stick to have the parents been hip scored & PRA tested. That's about as good as it gets & its pot luck about the rest.
  10. There is absolutely no way anyone on a forum could know what is wrong, they can only guess. I could guess Lymes disease from that list of symptoms & a google search could give you 20 things & possibilities, which may not be it. Unfortunately the process is a heap of tests to rule out by elimination & hope for an answer. This depends on the vet ordering the right tests & it is an expensive process. Meanwhile I would not be letting anyone manipulate or so any kind of chiro or physio on the dog until you know what exactly is wrong. It is sad & frustrating when we can't find what's wrong & they are suffering but try not to guess. It makes you worry more. Hope you find some answers soon & your dog gets well again.
  11. If you keep swapping & changing everything & giving medication & applying stuff as well you will never find out what is causing it. How can you. Keep on the same food for now. Stop using frontline or any chemical flea treatments if he hasn't got fleas. Wash him in baby shampoo only for a while. The same brand & no conditioner. Wash his bedding in washing soda only. Wait & see what happens.
  12. The sad reality is that the alternative for many of these cats & dogs is death. They will not keep them indefinetly if a home is not found. Homes are not found for all animals at the RSPCA. Taking them to the pet shop & putting them on display in a suitable manner is better than the other outcome for many. It does make people aware they are available & impulse will never be completely stopped but have faith in some people. My impulse to take dumped kitten from the abandoned house ended with him still be around for his 13th birthday soon :)
  13. Yes, its the same here however it still does not stop some doing it anyway. They just sell them to the pet shop without papers & hope no one will find out. Sometimes someone does find out but there is nothing to be done about it. Hard to prove. Some breeders don't care, others think there is nothing wrong with this. The pet shops will always source their animals from somewhere as long as they are allowed to sell them. My babies are always desexed before going to suitable selected pet homes.
  14. What a stupid woman. If the dogs had not been with him anything could have happened. They were the best protection he could have had. I would be so grateful to those dogs for staying with my boy if I was dumb enough to lose them all in the first place. Unreal ,callous & uncalled for. Why even think it let alone say it.
  15. Is it the same product as Protexin ? I've only used the powder form but assume the tube contents are the same thing ? If yes give it to them all. It won't do any harm. Its like a probiotic. Not a scourban/kaolin product. It doesn't constipate them just balances the gut.
  16. Only big enough to be in is not always best. One of my poodles stresses in a carry cage or anything small. She rarely has to be in one but when she does have to be crated like with very young pups I put her in a huge crate off the back of a ute & put a smaller bed in it. That way she is contained but not feeling trapped. Its 4.5 x4 feet & came from a salvage yard. Turned upside down on the floor & I made a door. Its so strong. They have some interesting things & often extra strong wire panels which can be joined/welded in salvage places. I would be hunting around.
  17. & I thought it was bad when one of my siamese cats on heat sprayed on my head when I was ignoring & pushing her away from smooching me. but only because it's you & wasn't me.
  18. Yes. You have to post photos on here the minute you get it :laugh: All puppies are cute but Yorkie puppies just ultra cute. May be because they are so very tiny. I am assuming you know or have researched care & taken advice already.
  19. There are quite a few rentals in Lewiston lately. Animal husbandry or animal friendly zone. Guess that may be too far out for you though although its not really much out of the metro area or far to the city.
  20. Sometimes dogs fight. Its not uncommon or abnormal. Pack order probably in this case. Its a fair size pack to manage. The owner does not seem to have the confidence or ability to deal with what have only been a couple of issues that were certainly not directed at humans or all the dogs. PTS is very drastic action for this at this point. This dog may be fine away from the other dog. I had 2 tiny girls that decided to hate each other after living together for years with no trouble. Maybe the dogs need to be split into 2 packs with Spud in one & Murphy in the other. If all 8 dogs decide to join in the fray it will be bedlam & out of control. Maybe 8 dogs is just too much for your family to own.
  21. They do learn to manage. I have heard of 2 that went blind young. Both were puppy enquirers who had previous poodles with PRA & lost them to old age. So they cope obviously. I agree to PTS a pup born blind but this dog is 6 months old, not in pain & its here & alive now. Hope something works out for it & someone kind takes him/her.
  22. Not at all. Its the best thing. Of course its scary to think about.
  23. Maybe I am a weird person but I don't expect the council to provide for dogs in such a big way or much of a way. They are not the dogs owner. Desexing is the owners/breeders responsibility, not the councils. I don't approve of dog parks & know so many people who don't feel safe to use them. I also think all dogs in public should be on a lead because people seem unable to control them loose. Dogs should be welcome everywhere, on a lead of course. It would be better for the dogs. As the council do take our money for dog ownership, which I do think is a waste of time, however I expect them to pick up strays & try & trace the owners, deal with roaming & aggressive loose dogs & have sincere re homing efforts & less euthanasia in the pounds. Places, poo bags, training, health, shade, water, events, vaccines etc are what a dog owner is supposed to deal with. The council will take over all aspects of dog everything & people will obtain & rear & own dogs according to councils rules. It would be interesting to see ahead, say in 50 years, who made the rules. If we own any dogs in the future at all.
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