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Everything posted by Christina

  1. All my puppies are desexed before leaving here. Boys at 10 weeks + & girls about 11 to 12 weeks depending on size & weight. They must be a kilo minimum. I also breed siamese cats & all kittens are done too. They are only knocked out for a very short time, especially the boys, it a quick job. When they come home it is like nothing has been done to them. They eat/play as normal & show no signs of discomfort or pain like older ones can. They are fasted from 8 pm & water taken away at midnight. In the vets at 9.30 am the next day & usually ready to pick up around 1 to 3 depending how busy they have been. If sometimes they are being dropped off around lunchtime they only need fasting for 12 hours before surgery. The only thing I do is put them in a pen so they don't jump & run around after surgery for 24 hours for the boys & a day longer for the girls. Just my preference. They are kept clean. No soil or mess outside for pups to get on their tiny one or 2 stitch wound. Kittens don't go outside at all. Been doing this for about 8 years. Good feedback on all kittens & puppies & no toilet issues. The only difference I have found is that I have peace of mind that they won't ever be puppy/kitten farmed, bred inappropriately or passed around. A very experienced vet gives me complete confidence in doing this.
  2. Aww cute little chubbies. So different from my 125 gram babies born on the 28th.
  3. The dog was in there for 3 hours, not left on the table for that time. It only takes a minute for someone to get distracted & a dog can choke if its on a choke chain or ordinary collar tether. Its happened to others. This is an awful tragedy & you must be in terrible shock. I always advise my puppy buyers to stay with their dog while it is groomed or use a mobile if a salon won't let them. All sorts goes on behind closed doors. I am sure you have a good chance of suing but that really won't be much consolation. I can only imagine your pain & distress.
  4. Vet asap. Pup could be heading for mega colon. That is when it gets completely blocked & can't go at all & a big lump of poo forms inside, too big to come out. Maybe make add extra water to feed & stimulate more with warm cotton wool but only for a day & then it needs to go to the vet. They go down fast at this young age.
  5. Ignore him. He is an idiot. He is not suing you. There is nothing he can sue you for.
  6. Unless you want to & can maintain a long coat get her clipped now. As she has never been done before she may freak out at the clippers. Maybe not but many do first time. I would advise a mobile groomer & stay with your dog while it is done. If the dog gets too stressed or the groomer gets rough or impatient stop the session immediately. Its not supposed to be a nightmare or have harsh discipline however allow some verbal & firm handling to a degree. Ask if the mobile can clip before booking as some can only wash dogs. Your dog really should have been clipped from being a few weeks old to be trained however it wasn't so don't leave it any longer. She will feel so much more comfortable without heaps of hair in this heat.
  7. Why on earth not ? Many of my puppies are in happy homes in pairs. They love it having a litter mate with them & new owners are delighted in how quickly they settle together. Most of my pups go to people who have already had poodles so are familiar with the breed & have had some dog experience.
  8. Best not to post the business name until they see if they can sort it out. Maybe pm those who want to know, if you like. Not impressive though especially as they were told not to let him with other dogs.
  9. Fantastic. Now you can relax, hopefully. Keep an eye on them regularly in that horrid heat we will have tomorrow.
  10. That is how I felt too however for people looking for a pet puppy this may not bother them & they would probably not care or the pedigree may be meaningless to them. I don't like websites that are too longwinded, it gets boring with too much info. I like nice clear, close up photos of the dogs too. Old & out of date doesn't appeal either. I swear some have dogs on that are long dead. I always put when mine was last updated right on the front page.
  11. Every dog is different. Panting is always a sign that they are close, unless they are really hot. Digging paper & a nest is not, they may do this spasmodically for days beforehand. Some go off food, other will eat anyway, some are clingy, some not. They may hunt for places & not settle a few days in advance or just beforehand. One of mine never showed any signs until she was ready, then hopped in the bed & had them in an hour, every litter. Another causes so much fuss, won't leave me or let me leave, digs & all sorts for days in advance. Go by your dates, within a day or 2 & watch her carefully & go outside with her every time. Temperature is a guide but I never bother, the dogs would hate it. I would also not be doing internal exams to see how dilated she is during the birth. You don't need to know. The birth will occur unless there is no labour or pushing for an hour & no puppy. Then you get to the vet. Heaps of dogs have pups with little intervention or fuss. When she is ready sit by her & let her get on with it. Pats & chats if she likes them & see if she copes, if not then you know what to do I am sure. Good luck & hope to see photos soon :)
  12. Inside in the air con. Always. The cats too. I can't catch the 2 chickens, thank goodness don't know where I would put them. The heat here is cruel. Always goes over the forecast here by 5 to 8 degrees. Nothing is out in extreme heat.
  13. You cannot just steal the cat because it is a menace. That is not the way to deal with this. Maybe the people do not know or realise what the cat is doing. Cats don't just attack people normally so I would guess it has been traumatised in some way. Has anyone ever actually spoke to the people about this ? If not that seems the way to start or if everyone isn't brave enough or can't approach because of the cat a letter in their mailbox explaining the problem & that you all hope they will keep the cat indoors or accompany it if outside or you will have to contact the council. Give them a week to act & if they don't call the council & tell others to do the same. One call they may ignore, lots they won't.
  14. Yes. If it cries let it sleep with you. Problem solved instantly :laugh: Enjoy.
  15. An entire bitch & 2 desexed bitches shouldn't be a problem. If it is its more likely to be a personality clash than due to sex. I have always kept multiple bitches & only ever had 2 who hated each other, long time ago, & that wasn't until they were 3 years old. Both had pups the same day & thought each had the others pups too as they could hear them. My girls all run fine together but I find I cannot keep 2 entire males together. Maybe because of the entire girls, probably fine if both are desexed.
  16. Try soaking some puppy dry in boiling water & leave it until it goes really soft & then mash it in with the meat. More calories in the dry. Also get some Nutrigel. Have you wormed her ? She will bounce back when the pups are weaned but its a worry.
  17. 12 hours, many years ago. Also had kittens born 36 hours apart. All fine.
  18. Not all dogs that are submitted or re homed by other means have problems. There can be other reasons for them being in that situation. The best dog I have ever had was a 5 year old Great Dane. The man came home to find the dog & his 3 children in an empty house. His wife had cleaned him out & gone Moved in with his mother. He said the dog had been his wife's dog really & he couldn't keep it there anyway & if no one took it the pound was the last resort. The dog was amazing Often it is the luck of the draw. Rescue is fine but best if you can get some sort of history on the dog at least to know if it has met or is used to children. Your choice really. You do have to be more careful with children than if its a home of adults.
  19. If the mating has only just happened no injections are needed. My Tara had a silent heat & her son tied with her right in front of me. I thought they were playing & bent down to move him for playing like that Too late. The vet told me to bring her in the next morning & he gave her one tablet & another to be taken a week later. She was fine. If it has been longer since the mating I would not be aborting the litter. Your girl will be fine as you are a home where she is well fed & cared for. :) The litter rule is man made & not infallible & right for every dog. What you do about registering the litter is up to you however I also think that you will have to revise how you keep your boy. My girls season anywhere from 4 to 6 months. She may not be pregnant anyway. If she is she will need a good long rest after this litter though. Good luck.
  20. I honestly think the demise of this breed in popularity is completely due to the celebrity & media promoting the designer dog/cross breed hybrid vigour crap over so many years. Love the Maltese as a breed but would be so scared where a pup may end up with it being one of those in big demand. Well was, hardly any left now. This is so sad. There won't be any of this gorgeous breed left soon The breed clubs are great, so miss the poodle club in SA. We don't have one now but years ago they were a fun day out. I do think that breed clubs should only be for that breed, not cross bred. The idea of having a club is to promote the breed not mutate it.
  21. A persons occupation often has little relevance to their ethics & beliefs. One of the biggest & worst puppy farmers in Victoria is a vet. Many people working with animals, old people & children would suprise you by the way they treat the vunerable they work with & the attitudes they have. All sorts happen behind closed doors & it is not uncommon. This is more ignorant than cruel & irresponsible really.
  22. I wonder how many of these dogs in rescue were actually proven to be purebred through a pedigree ? Not a one I am guessing.
  23. As a cat breeder whose cats are always either indoors or in a safe outdoor enclosure & my pet cats always were before I ever bred or showed cats people like this really piss me right off. Its her stupid fault & you should not be responsible or help financially in any way. Stupid will probably let her cat out again, if it survives. One near me has lost 3 on the highway & 2 to snake bite. She cries & gets more darlings & lets them out again Hope the poor cat is ok. try not to feel bad.
  24. It is getting tougher. In the 90's sometime, forgot exactly, I got a permit for 5 in the Port Adelaide council area, before they joined with Enfield council. I had to submit written letters from my immediate neighbours either side but lived on a corner so only one there & from the person who lived behind me. No problem, they all wrote the letters. No visit from anyone. My block was about 700 square metres from memory. They were pretty relaxed about it. Had to pay for the permit every year. May have changed now, no idea.
  25. I know where the muzzles should be used. It all gets more & more ridiculous.
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