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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Lets hope there are none of those huge pythons there that would fancy a warm, sleeping small puppy as a nice snack Sleeping inside on your bed or in your room sounds good to me. She may pee where you go. Can't do any harm to try it.
  2. Guess you have lost a friend that you didn't really need or like so much. Shame for the girls though. Awkward them being friends in this situation. More sensible not to leave a dog in the front yard unless the gate is locked from inside or padlocked.
  3. :laugh: yes well that's what I was thinking when I carefully worded a response. The lap dogs we will be left with will all be mongrel lap dogs too.
  4. There is more than only the temperament to be considered when breeding a dog. So are they suggesting that any dog that passes their test & is deemed friendly is fit for breeding ? If so, as it seems, how bloody ridiculous is that. Is this the stage in all this when we all put our objections in ?
  5. That's nice for her & hopefully she will soon have some more.
  6. Appauling ? Oh dear that rather makes that sentence irrelevant. :) Which is totally off topic & nothing to do with the matter in this discussion. Honestly with what is going on re the laws & rules being brought in that will affect registered breeders so badly I think it is best to stop worrying about docked tails & consider if the whole dog of all breeds will even exist in the future. Importing dogs will be a thing of the past unless you are a licensed puppy farm you will be lucky to be allowed to breed or even own an entire dog.
  7. I Ive been sent a recipe for white vinegar , boric acid, rubbing alchol & distiled water a I would skip the rubbing alcohol. Anything containing alcohol can really sting sensitive parts of the skin & inside ear is sensitive.
  8. Why can't people just accept that it is not legal to chop portions of the tail off healthy dogs, or any other body part. Guess it would be hard to prove if someone deliberately broke or injured a tail. One could assume if it was a regular occurrence but if this is enough to prosecute I don't know ? If people want to show imports from other countries they have to choose a puppy & say do not dock the tail. Its not complicated. If they already have a dog here that is docked they can still breed from it but not show. There are actually far more stupid & unfair rules in the dog world than this. Some people are very sick & will do all sorts of awful things so it may be true that this has happened. If it is only once it is one time too many.
  9. I didn't think black stuff coming out of the ears was standard ? Half white vinegar, half water is as good as anything & doesn't sting or irritate. A little boracic acid powder in the ear about once a week or before a bath can be helpful too. Get at Whelping Supplies on here.
  10. Hopefully it won't come back & was just one of those things.
  11. If you want your dog desexed asap, & if there is any chance of the boys getting to her by accident I can see why, it is a very quick operation which requires them to be knocked out for a short period of time. If she has been fine so far with anaesthetic I can't see why there would be any problems now. I can't see that this will make any difference to her legs healing if she is pretty much mended now anyway. Its a simple, routine operation these days however even if they will do her in season I really would not.
  12. No big meaty bones for my tiny babes, they would be bigger than them :laugh: One of the things that you have to be aware of with smaller breeds is can you get into their mouth if something gets stuck ? Its hard enough to dislodge anything from a mouth but when they are miniscule its impossible if they start to choke. I find they are keen to start eating at an early age the difference is what you actually feed. Also have to be careful they can't drown in the water bowl & use something quite shallow.
  13. Yes. My absolutely minute, tiny toy poodles will wolf down Puppy Pal at 3 weeks. Every time You don't have to give them the crap forever but the texture & smell seems to always be right. Once they get the knack of actually eating you can add other things & then knock it out altogether. I never give milk of any kind, they only get that from mum.
  14. As above. I have seen threads that would terrify me if it was my dog from the suggestions & guesses that get posted. The vet is probably just being cautious & doing the right thing re a diagnosis. Wait & see & then panic if its bad. Hopefully it's not.
  15. I prefer this self colour. It is lovely.
  16. Lots of articles & opinions on the rare colours but where are all the photos ? I want to see some more. Here is my Irish St Patrick Leprechaun Poodle.
  17. Vet check first. Generally if a dog hasn't got a problem or dirt there is no need to be cleaning the ears with anything. Half white vinegar, half warm water is as good as anything if you have to clean. Boracic acid powder will dry the ear. Antiseptic. You can order it from Whelping supplies on here. Or try simple first & get some ZSC powder from the chemist. It is only Zinc, Starch & Corn, bit like talc, & although for babies & adults many use it in the dogs ears before plucking the hair out. Harmless & dries inside the ear. Using anything too strong can aggravate.
  18. Annoying as it is better that they advertise & find homes for all these animals than do the alternative. That is shot at the back of a paddock, drowned, dumped at a pound or merely dumped anywhere. Reporting to administration on a site is not going to fix the problem. What may help, but won't prevent some being bred in the first place, is to insist that everyone has the same rules re microchip, health tests & all the other things that registered breeders have to follow. The number of give away cats & dogs on that site is heartbreaking but at least its better that they try to re home rather than 1 to 14 days at a pound & then death. The site suits a useful purpose in some ways when you consider the whole picture.
  19. You have a very cute mongrel, Heinz 57 or Bitsa, as they say here in Australia. He could be a mix of 20 breeds & you will never know & could guess until the cows came home. As long as you have a loving friend for life it doesn't matter. Funny I was watching a TV programme about Romania this afternoon,
  20. Sometimes things go a bit nuts on a forum :) Phone the canine association in Queensland & ask if the pups paperwork is in & how long they think it will take to get to you. Then if they ask What Pup ? Start worrying. All may be well & in order.
  21. Let puppy sleep with you. He is only a baby & will be safe & warm & love you Anything could happen to him outside alone.
  22. There is no point in licensing. It will be a revenue raiser & won't make any difference. Licensed or not some people will still work the same way. Unless someone is stood behind them how do they know what is going on ? Sometimes accidents can happen so I guess it depends on whether it was just one of those small things like a dog suddenly moving & getting a nick or the sheer stupidity & neglect mentioned in these published cases. Anyone with half a brain would know this was wrong, the same as leaving the dog on the table restrained as posted in link above. How is licensing going to stop it ? & the methods of discipline sometimes used. Dogs can't talk & no one is going to do anything wrong during an inspection. If the City & Guilds is a 3 year course, like it was when I did hairdressing a lifetime ago, that would certainly raise the standard of handling & haircut & may encourage common sense. Of which lack of is really the issue & a license doesn't fix that. No more useless animal laws that do not work please
  23. If I cut my dogs nail to the quick ( which I never have fortunately ) I would forgive them for biting me When you hurt an animal its a natural reaction, not the same as aggression for no particular reason, & cutting to the quick really hurts a lot. Not like a minor bump.
  24. Kirty there are so many different things it may or may not be I think that worrying about what is guessed at on a forum is actually worse. You can now worry about things you may not have even considered. As frustrating as it is leave it to the vets. Sometimes it takes a while & lots of tests to get a diagnosis & sometimes you don't find out what it was but certain treatments like an antibiotic or steroid seem to work for whatever reason. All you can do is have her carefully monitored & comfortable as possible & see what evolves next. Hope it all turns out ok. So distressing when they are ill.
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