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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Results & what they do are variable from place to place. Some will also work well with volunteers, fosters & rescuers & some won't do anything with them at all. I saw somewhere that staff often have stress/burn out/PTS disorders & no wonder. Its a tragic & heartbreaking job & basic staff don't make the big decisions. Sometimes they do a wonderful deed which is often offset by many stupid actions however what they have all lost sight off is that The problem is the dog & cat owners. They are the people taking the dogs & cats in or neglecting the dogs & cats. Its not breeders, pet shops, puppy farms really. If people didn't buy on a whim, have easy options if it went wrong & took responsibility there would be far less dogs & cats in there. Sometimes things go wrong. People die, get bad a bad illness or other life events where they can't care for their pet but that's not why most end up there. Its because I can't train it, cope with it, be bothered with it, make the kids behave with it, groom it, desex it, keep it on my own property, provide the right environment for it or be bothered to find a new home that suits it if mine doesn't. So yes they do a poor job because they are not tackling the cause & root of the problem. The owners.
  2. Ignorant about this breed too but my thought was a little Dachshund. I don't think they require long walks. If you like them check out the exercise needs.
  3. Thank goodness. What a dreadful & distressing experience for everyone & the dog.
  4. Yes that was puzzling me too. While it may not be ethically right to some the dog was humanely euthanised by a vet, which is more than some pound & welfare dogs get when the method used is shooting or gassing which seems to be legal & accepted. Neither the family or the vet deserve death threats over this. It was a private, family matter( not a public issue for discussion )that may not meet the approval of people but there was no cruelty involved. Many cats & dogs are euthanised daily for far more trivial matters than the owner died.
  5. It won't need any explanation soon. With the regulations & laws looming Australia will find out all about hybrid vigour & the lack of it as there will not be any pure bred dogs with a pedigree to check back on. There will be lots of mongrels with fancy names according to what they are guessed to look similar to. There will be lots of cross breeds with the potential to carry more genetic problems as each breed brings their own genetic faults into the mix therefore creating potential for more faults, not less. Oh why bother wasting your breath on this same old subject
  6. The question wasn't really about pig dogs in particular. It was about dogs being able to relate to a doll supposing to be a child & not having a person smell. I also think my little non aggressive toy poodles would be scared of that big doll coming towards them.
  7. Watching them use this on RSPCA animal rescue tonight & thought wouldn't the dogs know this was not a child as it doesn't smell like a person ? Is it an accurate representation of how a dog would be with children ? Could the dog think it was merely a big toy or strange object ? It looks like a human but it doesn't smell like one Dogs react according to what they smell, a lot. The doll would smell like a doll wouldn't it ?
  8. Never understood why Deefa was such a popular name until someone explained it to me. D for dog Hate it too. Stupid. Once considered calling my new stud boy Potty Bonkers as a pedigree name. It was the name of a small boutique I used to love & I thought it was quite apt for a stud dog, just what I wanted :laugh: but everyone else put me off it.
  9. After watching the Animal Liberations footage on the Steggles chicken farm last night on 60 minutes & seeing the Coles RSPCA approved chicken farm, neither of which is illegal, & almost giving up eating chicken but now definitely giving up eating chicken i don't want to know what goes on on huge rural properties. I can't cope with the stupidity, cruelty & greed that goes on with the human race. Some of the legal, mass produced food practises make the hobby dog breeding there is such a fuss about look like a very minor matter in the overall treatment of animals. Don't know quite what is right & what isn't anymore. Ethics & principals get into a blurred grey line at times.
  10. One of the things that often make small business successful is personal service & making shopping in your shop a pleasurable & enjoyable experience. That's not going to happen in this shop is it ? I give it 3 months to go broke & close up.
  11. No because the content of it is still limited to the views of particular participating parties & the editor. What if one was the infamous, hated gardener who thinks he is a dog expert & has convinced the media ? As an example of who may get involved. A well known cat food brand site has a section on how to let your cat outside safely Put a collar on it, have it microchipped, put a bell on the collar to protect the wildlife, keep it in at night. So goes the advice. I did contact them & point out that cats can get run over at any hour, can get attacked by dogs, poisoned & annoy the hell out of & be at risk of harm from cat hating neighbours & better advice is to keep indoors only with access to a safe outdoor run but there was no response. Common values & views can often be very dramatic & incorrect according to which media source has influenced people. Not sure how or even if this can be fixed.
  12. Roll it in some puff pastry. Bake in the oven. Put it on a plate, pick up a knife & fork & sit at the table as though you are about to eat it. Your dog will go crazy for it then :laugh: Easier to chuck it in the bin.
  13. No, wouldn't breed from her. Can it be repaired ?
  14. http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog-food-index-r.html Few shocks in here. Only read the info re Hills & Royal Canin. What do we pay all that money for ? Is it safe ? Gone right off using any dry food now. Whats the alternative apart from bones ? Chew/teeth wise.
  15. Hopefully she gets her dog back & if someone finds it I hope they won't take the $5000 reward. I couldn't I feel so sorry for her. The lack of microchip I also don't understand. Seems its nothing to do with size, its to do with having enough loose skin to insert it. I had a pup done last week that is only 880 grams. She was fine & never even flinched or squealed. She barely noticed. It was nothing horrendous at all. Knack of the vet too I would imagine. Same as when we have an injection or blood test. Some hurt & some don't.
  16. My advice is don't expect miracles & stop stressing. You are not doing anything wrong. The pup is in a strange place, has had to travel from somewhere or other, left her mum & litter mates & doesn't know you, the environment or where she is. Drastic stuff for a baby. Have patience, a pup doesn't house train in a day or even a week. People use all different kinds of ways to house train pups & they work. Main point is that pup understands what you want it to do & is capable of doing it. Takes time.
  17. This is what I would probably do too however I would pay the cash directly to the vet. I would also give a receipt & keep a copy stating what you have done & the conditions of this. Sometimes things can go awry later so you need this. Hope it all turns out ok.
  18. Could be something like a snake or lizard around the place too that they are not aware of. Not likely to be rats as they come out at night & dawn & dusk. They need to go out with her many times during the day & watch what is going on. My old boy does a funny pitched bark if anything is around in or out of the house. One day he was doing it in the back room which had a doggy door at that time. Took me ages to realise he was going nuts because there was a huge huntsman spider high up on the wall.
  19. When my 3 year old tipped a whole pot of coal tar & calamine cream on his head long ago & rubbed it in nothing removed it so the hospital suggested I shaved his head. Didn't & he looked like a toddler punk rocker with the spiked hairstyle for half a year:laugh: Would shaving your dog work ? If you could stand it. At least you would find out if the problem was in the skin or just the coat.
  20. That's wonderful but what if the pup hadn't breathed ? She may have ate it Good luck. Hope all continues to go well for the baby.
  21. Loosing all rights in regard to your privacy and property as soon as you have a bitch whelping on your property is much, much worse, in my opinion. I know I have said it before but we have enough laws in place for action to be taken in cases of puppy farming & cruelty & neglect. A warrant can be obtained to enter such premises as these & there are means for prosecution under current laws. What use is it restricting & licensing people who only have a few dogs & making ridiculous conditions that don't help the dogs that need help ? Registered with canine associations, registered with council or byb some people will never take good care of their dogs & others will regardless of anything. Have to add that I have looked at some photos now & can see the cause for concern. Sad.
  22. Its 8 weeks for sale by pet shop or breeder. 8 weeks for kittens in pet shops but 12 weeks for registered breeders (GCCSA or FASA) Private/byb's can sell at any age I think they are unregulated at present.
  23. This is part of the story in SA Magazine Lift Out I posted about here a few days ago. The whole article was some kind of jumbled thing that made no sense but did registered breeders no favours & seemed to support mass, council approved breeding & sales through pet shops with conditions. Haven't seen the photos but if its bad of course it should be closed. Goodness knows what stupid recommendations may come out of it all at the end of the day.
  24. Have you contacted a lawyer to ask if you can sue privately over this ?
  25. I also wanna know if anyone have any feedbacks on the aggression shown on the toy. Is it normal behavior? Its normal puppy behaviour. Let the puppy play. Your puppy will not be an aggressive dog because its doing this.
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