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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Who did the experiment & on how many pups ? How was the test conducted ? Unless a puppy is obviously really timid & one desperately needs to try something I think this is a sales pitch. How would one know that a positive experience was more positive ? More tail wagging after the stuff is used ? One may as well use a sedative if safe & no one would do that just in case. Leaving home & learning about the world outside is a normal experience with some stress & not all of it bad, excitement is a kind of stress. Most pups are fine. This seems to imply a problem needs treating before or when there is no problem. Just my opinion maybe others think its a good idea.
  2. My 11 year old slept with me the other night as its so cold. He puked at 3.30am. No idea why, not usual.Got up & changed the bed. I couldn't sleep with even a tiny bit of sick there. Poo, never but quite a few cats have given birth on my bed.
  3. Not quite accurate. Legally they have to hold the dog for a set period of time. Varies from place to place. You can request that your name is put down for the dog however they can destroy the dog if they choose to & have no legal obligation to contact you & offer you the dog.
  4. You would have to consult a vet on this, cause & what you can do about it. Something as simple as phenergan may help but with pups feeding you need expert advice before trying anything. Yes an allergy can suddenly develop & be intense even to things that normally are not a concern, for any reason or no apparent reason. The allergy may also remain permanently once it starts. It also may go & never come back. Poor dog, it sounds awful.
  5. Its not breaking the law of the land its breaking Dogs Victoria rules. My question relates to whether the intent of breeding from a dog sold with clear indication of not for breeding could actually be challenged in a court if the breeder should choose to try & do so. In theory. This is the part that seems to be confusing everyone.
  6. Of course, bad example there. I know limited registration papers does not stop the breeding of dogs & only desexing physically can, it is the intent I am querying. Limited registration papers clearly mean not for breeding or showing. The Intent & meaning of the limited registration pedigree is quite clear. I wonder if a good lawyer could win a case in civil court based on the intent & purpose of the dogs as they were sold. Guess its never been done.
  7. My question isn't to do with desexing contracts. I also know that the dogs pups can't be advertised as with registered papers. It the intent I am wondering if a civil case could be made from ? So I guess this would come from how much is a dog considered property only. Example. Suppose a person was suing a vet because they desexed their prize winning stud due to a mix up at the clinic. I assume they could sue for potential of lost litters, especially if the dog was a proven stud dog ? So if the intent was clearly that the breeder sold the dogs as a limited pedigree non breeding pet pair & then they were sold on as a breeding pair could a case be made regarding breaking the Intent part as the interpretation is that this is the part that was misrepresentated. Not the legality of breeding a dog.
  8. Just curious as to whether this could be successful ? There was an ad on the net for a pair of breeding dogs. The ad stated breeding pair, limited pedigree. If the advertiser was not the breeder could the breeder sue if they became aware that the pair of dogs they had sold on limited registration were being used this way or does the limited pedigree, non breeding, restrictions only have any validity with registering bodies ? I do realise that many pedigree dog on limited are bred from but has anyone actually tried to do anything about this through a court. Would they have a valid case if they did ?
  9. All the above may not even be valid anymore after the new dog law reviews. Rosettas reply makes the point more IMO maybe also ask what would they do if the pups had deformity or some genetic fault or disease as they can't health test the parents & know nothing about their ancestry & can't find out. May hit home. Hard one even adults ignore all advice.
  10. The snuggle pads are very small so you will need to use 2. Wheat bags stay warm just as long & are no colder than a cold plastic snuggle pad, actually they are a bit warmer ending up like a pillow & normal temperature. Be careful. I overheated mine & it blew up & the gel leaked out, so funny but it scared me when it popped.
  11. A thick fleecy blanket under the crate will help stop cold coming up through the floor. Another blanket over the crate insulates & helps keep it warm inside. If you made wheat bag pillow to heat in the microwave would she chew it ? If not you could also make wheat bag sausage roll shape things like doorstops to fit the edges of the crate & heat them up at bedtime to make the crate warm all around. Sheepskin rug on the bottom plus light blankets. If she really hates pajamas she may struggle & get tangled up in them trying to get them off. I would never make a dog that hated them wear them. A bit of an initial kick up is fine but if they won't accept them quickly I wouldn't.
  12. It does seem ironic that according to todays news on TV America has voted No to tightened & reformed gun laws while here we won't even be able to breed pedigree dogs without risking criminal prosecution if we are not careful. Yes it will be easier to be a gun dealer soon. Its also ironic that Victoria has the most large scale puppy farms, one of the most notorious owned by the vet Ron Wells, who is still in business as far as I know, & they are making it legitimate for these farms to thrive. For some reason I am smelling self interested rats in all this because its not making sense & shows no knowledge of any hands on reality & psychology of dog & cat breeding & rearing. It seems based on revenue raising, university or office theory, the animal extremists & RSPCA etc plus public opinion from a public who create most of the problems by wanting instant gratification by buying a pet & a disposal available to cope with their mistakes. Am I seeing this in a cynical way ?
  13. Some great & novel ideas. Only viewed the first 4 pages as its dial up only here & slow. Loved the dog wallpaper in one room so that set me off googling poodle wallpaper. Suprised that someone makes it & lots of fabric too.
  14. Well I reiterate: Certainly, if I had gone to collect a child and the dog went on such a rampage, I would be meeting my obligation for Social Justice to the full extent. It was and is totally unacceptable. Also, if you want to be friends with the owner of the dog, then it is your duty to intervene. It is the moral and ethical thing to do I don't know what your defintion of 'friend' is or what your value system is either but I suspect it may be different to mine. My friends simply do not do things that they shouldn't. Therefore, if I am to be friends with the dysfunctional family, and as Catholic I am obligated to it, then I am duty bound to offer and provide assistance to the owner of the dog. Now this situation is extreme and totally unacceptable. It calls for an extraordinary response. It will take a superhuman effort to get the right result. Regards Ok I get it now. My value system is very different than yours. My friends are human & sometimes they do things they shouldn't. I allow a reasonable tolerance of differences, beliefs & religions but have some boundaries that if crossed would break the friendship of course. The situation is extreme & unacceptable & has now been reported & is being resolved however this will not make them ever become friends in the future. If friendship was ever a possibility this has quashed it for sure. Hope things get better for the poor dog & children. Scary stuff all round.
  15. Sleepy brain Tralee. Didn't mean for all those quotes to be in the post. Its the last bit that puzzled me. This sentence If you want to be friends with the owner of the dog its your duty to intervene. How would this make them friends ?
  16. I'm not sure dog was intent on doing serious damage - given no blood. But that doesn't matter, if the dog put its mouth on Alyosha's person - council do take that seriously. At least my council did when similar happened to me. Also, if you want to be friends with the owner of the dog, then it is your duty to intervene. Regards I don't understand that part ? They are not friends anyway so its irrelevant but reporting it will hardly make them friends. It would make friends fall our surely ?
  17. I have just had an idea. Maybe if no one was allowed to own more than 10 dogs there wouldn't be any commercial businesses as it wouldn't be a feasible money maker. May solve half the problems.
  18. Is there any possibility at all that the dog was reacting to you this way as it perceived you as a threat to the child ? I understand that it is out of control, untrained & aggressive but with all the yelling & hysteria it may have made the dog behave worse than it normally would. Its a no win situation to report it. No bite, no proof. Will cause trouble with son & family, but that may make them split up so could be good ? may take the dog away & PTS, maybe useless & won't make the family train it. Is there any way of thinking outside the square here & with your sons help finding some way for someone there to take it to dog training then at least it may stand a chance of some sort. Many feral, disfunctional families actually do have nice friendly dogs by some fluke. Hard decision for you.
  19. You're not kidding. This part below taken from the rules impressed me, not If sleeping areas are inside a place of residence and include carpeted areas, steam cleaning of carpets must be undertaken at least every 6 months. Its not illegal to have children living in a house where the carpets aren't steam cleaned You are not required by law to rotate their toys weekly or feed them a doctor approved diet either or exercise them for set amounts of time in certain ways either. Personally I think carpet manufacturing should be banned, they are filthy things but people are entitled to freedom of choice. The world has gone insane. Why are people accepting this crap ?
  20. It so horrible I can't read past minimum handling for pups & I can't see how this can be monitored at all. Some of its stupid. Why do food bowls need disinfecting ? Mine are washed in dishwashing liquid & rinsed. I don't want to put disinfectant on them. Why must everything be flea treated ? I haven't seen a flea on mine in 20 years so why should I have to use chemicals. Pups to be taken out of the whelping box/area & handled for such short times. Adults to be taken out of pens for a very short time daily Anyone who keeps them penned up & confined so much isn't likely to take them out anyway & who checks ? Doesn't matter much for the small hobby breeder where dogs are part of the family. We are all doing it wrong & will all be gone soon. Dogs are being seen & treated completely as a commercial venture. I hope all other states do not follow Victoria. We will soon find out.
  21. Usually I can tell the difference even when they are all the same colour but have been caught on a few kittens. I don't like collars, even paper ones so with the pups I shave a little piece off somewhere like under one armpit or shave a belly higher up & mark it down on some paper with the microchip number, if needed. With kittens I put a different shade of nail polish on the back toes of one paw & record which is which. Needs renewing every couple of days though. A microchip scanner is easier though. I recently borrowed one to find out which of 2 similar kittens had which chip & while messing about scanning everything in the place I discovered one microchip was missing from another kitten that had been chipped a week prior. Lucky fluke really.
  22. As above. Best advice. The more you post the worse its sounding & people are maybe seeing it the wrong way. Its either their nature or cultural for some people to bargain, barter or make sure their money is well spent. It doesn't mean they will be a bad owner, always go with the cheapest or skimp on the dogs care. Its just not appreciated by breeders naturally because a dog is not an object & it does not come across well seeming to devalue the baby they love. Time to be quiet now & phone the breeder if you really want this puppy.
  23. Harsh clipping, any kind of clipping or haircut will not affect the way a coat grows back. The hair follicle where the hair grows from are deep under the skin. Clippers & scissors do not touch or alter the hair follicle in any way so growth when it occurs is normal. No repair is needed as it hasn't been damaged. If it wasn't silky in the first place that's merely the way her coat is & nothing to do with clipping.
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