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Everything posted by Christina

  1. I believe its a combination of both genetics & environment. Also don't think there is any such thing as perfect temperament. What suits one person in a dog may not suit another. Obviously most people want a dog with a nice nature but I hope they never discover the answer to this precisely. Too open to misuse. There are previous threads on this.
  2. I can never understand why breeders send animals to these countries. Fine while they love the pet but what happens if they don't ? Its bad enough here for many. Battery hens are a prime example. No I am not racist & have sold to asian people living here. Its just the whole culture & the attitude towards animal life. I do understand that they have to eat things that in our culture we wouldn't & that they have to do things to make money & stay alive but its the callousness & total lack of empathy to living creatures suffering that is beyond me. I couldn't watch the video or even read to the end of the article
  3. How happy & relieved you must be feeling. Fantastic. A good omen hopefully.
  4. A sight for sore eyes hey > Tara also eats the eyes out of toys if she manages to get hold one one by mishap before I have removed them but I have always noticed in time to grab it off her otherwise I may have have had staring eye poo too. So funny :laugh:
  5. Not really. No one can diagnose on a forum & you need to ask the vet. However you could note down what she has eaten in the 24 hours prior to vomiting & watching if she nibbles at anything in the garden. You may see a pattern emerge. Which may be helpful & give a clue, or not.
  6. Okay. I get the picture now. Don't generally follow rescue stuff much as its all too dismal & so sadly lacking in South Australia. The one cat rescue I have heard of gets bad publicity & doesn't seem able to find homes for many. There are 2 other dog rescue groups that I know of & then Moorbrook. The RSPCA & AWL will euthanise before letting any rescue groups or breeders help. I honestly don't know what the solution is if she refuses help. Guess some people think any life is better than no life. Sad situation.
  7. After seeing the shelter on Today Tonight I am in 2 minds about some things. Why people cannot donate food is beyond my comprehension. Unlike money it can't be spent or eaten by humans or used in any way except for the animals so where is the harm ? Why can't the volunteers & local people who support the place fix things up a bit ? Everyone in country areas has some building materials spare around the place, even I have gyprock, wood, tin, tiles, wire & hardware stuff etc around & I am not much on DIY. The place could be made a lot nicer & more comfortable for the animals with some help & donated materials, it need not cost a fortune with some imagination & handy people. The womans heart seems in the right place & she is saving a lot of cats & dogs from euthanasia. She needs practical help not condemnation. Yes its a mess & substandard but could be made so much better. The people who are shouting about it all are not willing to pitch in & help are they ? The big mouth man needs to go.
  8. Fantastic. I am artistic & creative but draw like a 5 year old. Its a talent I so admire. Here is my Monique. If you would like to draw her I would be so happy.
  9. Things may settle down on their own. Someone has to be the boss & the younger dog may be back in her place soon without any intervention. Unless they are actually fighting & won't obey your commands to behave I wouldn't worry too much. Desexed Tara is boss over all 5 here but I tell her to stop or take away the biscuit she guards every day growling & she shuts up & behaves. Doesn't seem to cause any trouble when I am out.
  10. At around this age the younger bottom of the pack dog always has a go at challenging. Sometimes its a weak effort & sometimes its full on war. I would have thought desexing may actually either make it better or not alter anything. Which is the usual. Now I am interested to know How could it make it worse ? As I have never heard of this.
  11. She will be fine. Keep warm & quiet, if you can, for the next 24 hours. They don't normally come home groggy at all or show signs of pain. Problems with keeping teeth clean may or may not recur. No way of knowing except wait/see. Depends on if the tooth was merely damaged or if she is prone to lots of tartar build up recurring on the teeth all over. I can't see how any soft food can provide protection against recurrence If its dental dry there are many varieties around from Optimum in the supermarket to Hills, Advance etc at the vets & pet stores. I use a mix of a few. Soft foods for a couple of days & then leave some dry & see if she wants it. Wouldn't give bones for a week. When I have given mine that crappy canned food they have loved it & think its a treat :laugh: Won't do any harm for a couple of days. Millions of dogs worldwide survive it.
  12. :laugh: that comes when she starts being naughty. Dogs learn their name quicker than people learn names. Choose whatever you like & be nice to her. Dogs are smart.
  13. It does depend on the breed & the individual dog however nature can be an idiot. Someone enquiring for a puppy a few months ago asked the age of my mum to be. The reason was they were shocked after a call to someone else to be told the mother of expected pups was 12 Pregnancy is too much of a burden on a dog that age IMO. 6 is the oldest I have bred from however a little older seems acceptable as my breed often lives to 15 or more. With mine I prefer to breed a few litters when they are younger rather than leave many years between & then desex them. Proposed legislation for some states of limits of 10 years for a female & 6 years for a male seem stupid & doesn't make any sense, the other way round would be better & make more sense.
  14. Any possibility of contacting the breeder ? They may do a life time re home or assist. Won't be easy to find a home given the problems. Good luck.
  15. Ironic that they were hassling you aggressively & you had 2 off lead dogs with you. Obviously not scared or intimidated by your dogs. People are often so neurotic & stupid about dogs these days. Is easier to own a gun.
  16. You will not like Isobel at present because she has killed the guinea pig. Once I had a Doberman & she killed my rabbit. It put me off her for quite a few weeks & then I stopped seeing her as the evil bunny killer but never got another one. It may be best to re home Isobel & keep Hugo for now & see how it all goes. Someone else may love her, she may blossom under their care. Its the guilt that's getting you. You can't love her. No idea about this as I can love anything but it happens with some people. Going to a suitable & carefully selected home, with the condition that she comes back to you if it doesn't work out, is probably worth trying. Do a home visit or 2 with her first & then she will not be going to a strange place & you can reassure yourself its the right place for her.
  17. Buy some Nutrigel, its excellent stuff or some vitamins to add to her diet. As long as she is eating & you are providing a variety of choice there is not much else you can do. Pregnant dogs like pregnant people have their fads & go off things too. Healthy babies are born to many who eat what seems to be crap throughout the pregnancy.
  18. My toy poodle sired a litter at 10. All good, nice litter. He has turned 11 now but not tried him at this age. He certainly reacted strongly to my 2 girls on heat a few weeks ago & would have mated had I let him.
  19. When you are over this horrible scare it may be wise to consider finding a new vet that you are more comfortable with who can meet yours & your dogs needs. I would have been frantic in your situation. Hope your dog is better soon.
  20. They make a nice soft bed but are useless re the heating. I bought 3 & couldn't feel any heat so I removed the heating element pad things & laid them on the table & plugged them all in. They weren't even lukewarm to the touch 4 hours later. The wattage is too low to be of any use & they look like they were assembled by 8 years olds doing a class project. I wonder with the suspended heat lamps if the constant light from them affects the pups eyes ? Also does it bother the mother as they are used to sleeping in the dark & it would be needed more in the night ?
  21. I would also insist on a scan. Not likely but it can happen even with people. Things can accidently get left inside them. Something that hurts her when laying down may move when she stands up & not be so bad. Chance in a million but it is possible & the only way to find out is to scan her. Poor dog. Hope you can get some practical help. Something is not right.
  22. Well obviously its really hurting her to lie down. Its not normal for a dog to want to sleep standing up, so uncomfortable & that is not being a sook or wanting attention. Th small wound may be healing well & look ok but her insides may not be so good. If she is not lying down or more comfortable over the next day or so I would be seeking a 2nd opinion from a different vet. Competence doing surgery as well as individual dogs reactions can vary too.
  23. Being spoilt too much won't make her act this way. Mine are all ruined & kittens & puppies are even more so & they are never like your dog afterwards. Some dogs like some people don't deal with pain well, its a variable & personal thing. Get her checked again & if the vet says all is fine I would ask for more pain relief & keep her on it for a longer time than the usual.
  24. Never had any problem either in sending or receiving puppies or kittens.
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