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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Yes. I have had short bursts of having to take it myself in the last 2 years. After about 5 days it made me starving & also very hyperactive. Some people who are on it long term do get a lot fatter partly because of the drug & partly because they would eat more so probably the same with dogs. Maybe give him a little more because of hyperactivity but only a little more.
  2. What is included is standard in all desexing. At my vet fluids during the surgery is an extra cost but isn't needed in normal healthy young dogs. Prices for desexing are so variable by hundreds sometimes. There is no set charge.
  3. I have had several litters of just 1 pup & single kittens. They have never been really big, normal size, haven't needed ceasarians except for one cat that just didn't go into labour. Not had a problem with them being lazy, clumsy or unsociable. Actually I have found temperaments terrific probably because of all the extra fuss they get Mums are normal with them. Not a problem here.
  4. Google health food stores close to you & give the near ones a phone call & ask. Not a difficult thing to find, i've seen it around.
  5. That seems to be their personal submission on the 16th of January not what has been accepted to be made law. Others made submissions too but its not saying what they intend trying to pass. The figures given for euthanasia I am skeptical about. Very. It does not seperate what came in & was returned to owners & what was so ill it had to be euthanised, what was deemed unsuitable temp & what was up for re home & was euthanised because it wasn't quick enough & they needed the space. I don't think 74% of all unwanted dogs were found homes. Not the point I guess though. Any more recent info appreciated.
  6. Try this: http://companionanimalwelfaresociety.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Select-Committe-Submission-Amended-Final1.pdf ETA: It looks the same as you posted I think? Yes but I have it open now. Going to read & will come back after I finish. Thank you.
  7. Sorry I meant if one of you can open the file on your computer & then post the link of it when its opened I think it will show up on mine already opened.
  8. http://companionanimalwelfaresociety.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Select-Committe-Submission-Amended-Final1.pdf Can anyone open the above link & re paste so I can have a look ? My computer is dial up & will take forever & then I get a black screen with PDF. Thank you.
  9. The only way you can be sure your dog is safe is to use a mobile groomer & stand & watch while he is being done. Most dogs do not misbehave because the owner is there. Cancel the appointment. Its not impressive already so who knows what goes on behind closed doors.
  10. According to this months magazine there are 11 recommendations in the final report. Some for cats only. That is a huge reduction from the initial document. Dogs SA say they approve them all in principle but have concerns about registration & its effect on members & how it will be managed. Hopefully all the silly ones about carpet cleaning, disinfecting bowls & vets approving diets etc & RSPCA having access to all Dogs SA information on members have been removed but Does anyone know exactly what the 11 recommendations are ? Internet search has found the government site but I can't open PDF files on my computer.
  11. Yes I would also like to see something to promote pure bred dogs from registered breeders too. So much pedigree dog bashing & promoting cross breeds as being healthier & superior from RSPCA to pet shops & backyard designer stupid cross breeders. Some one needs to speak up for the pure bred, pedigree dog.
  12. Its a grey area according to specific conditions, tests available, health guarantee, what communication was between you both etc. Small claims court can be the way to go up to a certain amount if you consider the breeder should pay something. Yes dogs are considered property in law. Why don't you decide exactly what you want from the breeder first ? Then decide if it is worth asking or taking steps to receive some payment. Legally I don't know but if someone spent all that money on a pup I bred for something that may have been genetic or just appeared for no specific accident or wrong care I would be inclined to at least offer the full cost of the dog back to the person. Very lucky dog that you could afford the treatment & obviously you love your dog very much.
  13. While I understand many find it a problem having 2 pups together or 2 bitches I have to say its never been an issue for me. They still bond with me & people just fine & its as easy to train 2 as 1. Often had pups the same age & up to 5 bitches together without any hassles. Not so successful with 2 entire males together, Have to be careful with them but the 11 year old has always been a bossy dog with other dogs, not people.
  14. Your last sentence says the hardest part. Getting a prefix & registering is the easy part. Unfortunately when starting out the people you don't want puppies from are the ones most willing to sell to you & the other way around. Another option is to try & lease a bitch from a breeder that is interested in a litter from the girl but has too many dogs to keep her. However this can be a minefield of disasters & you must get all the advice possible on the terms of the lease, if they are reasonable, does it cover everything & is everything in writing. However it would give you a good idea of what it is like to breed a litter & all that is involved before you take the final step. Bulldogs are not the easiest dogs to breed by any means. Also it can often happen that the best bred dog with all the champions in its pedigree may not be the best breeder. Some just aren't. I have found this so much with my siamese & balinese cats especially. My view is that if an animal does not get pregnant easily & does not give birth easily then I do not breed from it again. However many breeders may disagree with that. Your heart is in the right place & you obviously want to do things properly so good luck. Some people start off just lucky & it all goes well. Others have a harder time despite going about it all the right way. Hope you are lucky.
  15. No that will make him feel more trapped, confined & locked in. May be needed if it is too cold like in the night but otherwise don't cover.
  16. I was going to suggest putting a pen around the crate or joined to it then if he needs to toilet he can at least go to the other end. Another alternative is to block off a dog safe room or area like a hallway with a gate or panel. We did used to live without crates.
  17. Acknowledging the fact that you are being in sympathy with Teebs & trying to be helpful the above is still a bloody big & completely wrong assumption to be jumping to. I have never looked at mums walking babies & dogs & thought they have had to come out in case they harm the dog or baby. I also hope no one ever looked at me & thought this. Its all going a bit off topic here. There really is no long term excuse to let your dog get in a mess. A week or 2 if there is illness but otherwise wouldn't you get someone else to do it if you couldn't ?
  18. Hopefully they will drop back down. I would think the vet would be telling the truth. Wait & see. The breeder obligations & what actually happens are 2 variable things. As a breeder I take back any animal the owner is not happy with no matter what the reason. I like to know my dogs are happy & settled in suitable homes & that the new owners are happy too. If there was no problem with the dog I would try to get the owner to pay the transport costs but would pay them myself if I was worried about the dog & where they may send it. It may work out for you yet. Haven't ever heard of this happening. Keep us posted.
  19. Hope things get better Teebs however how is the dog & your baby going to bond & get used to each other if the dog is outside most of the time ? The dog will resent the baby if its been pushed out for it. Maybe now its time to let them be friends. Dogs & babies do live under the same roof a lot & love each other. Maybe putting baby in her pushchair/pram & just a quick walk around the block with the dog will get you in practise managing both & lift yours & the dogs spirits too. Its not easy for everyone with a new baby & some mums really do it hard but the dog had no say in all this. Inside to outside all the time is a hard change & your dog has no idea why.
  20. It is a common perception & the RSPCA advice sheet on pedigree dogs is devastating & would put anyone off buying a pedigree or purebred dog. I was shocked when someone told me to look at it. Its a place many people would check too or google for info. The canine associations need to be more active promoting dogs like the cat associations. Here in SA the cat fancy have an ad in the Sunday paper giving the where, times & days of shows & their own phone number for people to call for info & advice on pedigree cats. It would be nice if the dog fancy would do the same. An ad is only about $18.
  21. I don't think this is right - not in SA anyway. Depending where you live - you can burn rubbish on your place - or not. Own more than two dogs, or not. Have horses or not. Have chooks or not. Build a granny flat - or not. Put solar panels on your front verandah or not. Park a car in the street - or not. etc etc. This is correct & thank goodness. At least we can choose to live in an area that suits our needs & is suited to them. Awful if it was all the same. Backyard burning is not ok in suburbia but very handy in the country. Keeping 10 dogs is not ok in a suburban house with neighbours close but is fine on acreage & roosters in suburbia would drive everyone crazy. I like SA organised the way it is & hope it doesn't change. It seems sensible to adapt the rules to suit the environment rather than just have a rule regardless of any sense.
  22. Hills Science Diet in turkey & rice firms them up but you need to take a stool sample for analysis really. Its amazing what can show up that you never suspect.
  23. No I got one & used it on my adult dogs. Used to being clipped regularly so they didn't even blink about the tiny whirring noise or slight vibration.
  24. Yes get a Beagle, don't exercise it & feed it treats so it gets fat, lazy & unhealthy Great advice. So many wonderful breeds of dogs & only a few get a mention.
  25. The quotes for vaccine & microchip were ridiculous. For basics like these the client can shop around although a regular vet you know & trust is better for ongoing health issues. Private business shouldn't be controlled on what it charges although prices can sometimes seem a shock it has to be dealt with if anything arises. Too much is controlled already.
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