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Everything posted by Christina

  1. As above. Pity we can't put all this energy into having a National Paedophile Registry like they do in America. Much more danger to our children than dogs. There is also the issue of what qualifies a dog to go on it & who decides this ?
  2. Yes. Otherwise they would probably all get PTS. The man is a feral idiot but that may not mean he has ill treated or starved the pups or mums. From the couple of photos here they look fine. Not an uncommon thing except that he walked through the city with them all in a stupid way & went to the vets for their shots. Many of these idiots don't even bother with that. Given the mentality he didn't drown them at birth, dump them etc. I took a litter off an alcoholic years ago & sold them & kept the money to use to take mum & get her desexed, he wouldn't let me take the boy, needs man bits & all that crap. The moron did actually love the pups & cared for them in a haphazard but adequate way. Not good but there are worse things happen to dogs that are legal.
  3. Best of luck in the show ring. Hope you both enjoy it all. You have certainly put in a lot of effort to get there already.
  4. Any dog can develop cancer unfortunately. Sometimes it may be hereditary but other times its environmental & the luck of the draw. As in people. Choose a few breeds you like the look of with a personality type that you like & then research health issues from there. Some may have more issues than others but good breeding & testing whenever possible is a huge help in eliminating them. Not always 100% foolproof though. Some issues may be breed specific but others are not. Choosing a breed with a regular shaped head, nose & body type with legs in proportion is probably wiser than opting for anything a bit more unusual. Hopefully. Cancer is such a shocking & distressing disease that affects all our lives in some way.
  5. For Poodles no hair growing in the ears or between the foot pads underneath. Much pleasanter for the dog. They are absolutely perfect to me.
  6. Your dog knows what a crate is now & won't forget so no need for one to remind him. Much comfier in the coming hot weather to not crate too. My little poodles are allowed to sleep where they want once they are big enough not to injure themselves by jumping. Not worth spending a lot of money on beds however I have placed 2 of the hooded type beds ( used for cats usually ) on some sofas & they love snuggling in them. $9 each in Kmart & they are a nice black & white leopard print. Cheap As Chips, Go Lo, Sams & variety stores have a good choice & you can buy new as often as you feel like at their prices.
  7. People already know when they have a fat dog. They can see it. The same as when people are fat. Unless they are blind they know & don't want anyone telling them about it. Sometimes they don't care, sometimes they care & don't know how to fix it. Its not always easy & simple. Another reason why many dogs are overweight may not be due to tons of food & treats. Desexing is so common now & unfortunately it does make many dogs chunkier. Cutting down on their food is the only answer but how low can it be cut down. Some dogs are not overly energetic either by breed or by nature & may have other issues when older that affect energy. You are so likely to be told where to go making personal remarks to relative strangers & even by those you know. They don't want negative input.
  8. Never heard of this before so can't advise however I do think you need to consult a vet who specialises in this area. My vet is a repro specialist however I am sure someone will recommend one in your state who can help. What a strange thing this is.
  9. No. If they are really interested they will reply. Sometimes I give lots of info about the breed to people who aren't buying a pup from me. One person emailed about 5 times asking questions who had recently got a pup from interstate. When I said why not ask the breeder they said they did & breeder didn't respond helpfully. Mostly was about grooming & training for it. One to ask about leaving pup alone. Didn't mind as at least they were bothered about it & cared & its all for the good of the dog & the breed in the end.
  10. You are very kind. So many cats & kittens PTS in the shelters & pounds. Do be aware that mummy cat can come back on heat when the kittens are only a few days old. It may be longer but my breed are known for it. So do not let her go outside at all. Start to wean the kitten at about 3 weeks old & take mum away for about 15 minutes or she will just eat up all their food before they realise what it is. Then bring her back in & if they haven't eaten it she will & they will try & copy her. She can't be desexed until she stops feeding the kittens & then do it asap or she will get pregnant again instantly if given the opportunity.
  11. Not true. I breed cats & have had many litters. if you keep on top of the litter trays there is no reason for there to be any smell at all from cats & kittens. I also feed a mixed variety of foods so they are not fussy eaters. The only time it may be a problem is when entire males spray or sometimes females can do it too when on heat. So they need to be put in outside run for those times.
  12. Bath my poodles fortnightly most of the time. Use any human shampoo for dry hair that I use on myself sunsilk, pantene, palmolive etc. About a tablespoon diluted in a 2 litre jug of warm water. No skin problems with any of them at all & its only on them for half a minute & then they get a really thorough rinse. Never used any flea stuff or chemicals on them as I haven't seen a flea on my dogs for about 20 years. Guess its what suits the individual dog.
  13. Some of the questions can be intrusive & the answers & their acceptability can be a matter of personal preference on dog ownership, not always relevant. Fencing, other animals owned, can they afford any grooming etc are relevant. For the very few adult dogs I have placed in new homes I have suggested a home visit first explaining that it is for the dog to visit so that it is not going into a strange environment with a person it hasn't met before. Then I take the dog home & deliver it back a few days later so it doesn't have to leave home with a stranger. Obviously if the home wasn't suitable it gives chance for an excuse not to take the dog back. Which has never happened. Gives the prospective owner a chance to see the dog out of its environment too. This comes across as less intrusive than saying home inspection. While they do have to be careful & try & do the best for the dog some are over the top & miss out on good homes.
  14. One of my cats had a leg injury recently & had to be confined so she couldn't jump. I joined up 3 of the 4 foot long dog crates giving her a 12 foot long cage so she can walk & move without being crammed in a small space but she can't jump. May be worth trying for the dog when he is at work. He could even join up 4 if he has anywhere long enough to put them. www.dealsdirect.com.au sometimes have the crates for around $60. Have to check that they are the ones with removable things in the corners though or they can't be joined up into one big one.
  15. Only applicable in Victoria. Some of it is reasonable but some of it isn't. As below The proprietor must also provide a guarantee to the purchaser stating that if the animal is unacceptable for any reason that the animal can be returned within three days for a 75% refund of the purchase price or an offer of an animal of equal value with the same guarantee. It depends why the animal was found to be unacceptable & if it is in the best interests of another animal to be offered a home with the people. Example This puppy is unacceptable as my children are falling over it & it doesn't get out of the way. Then when they pick it up its snappy & tries to bite. Would I be replacing it with another puppy ? No way on earth Would I give then 75% refund ? I would give them 110% to get the puppy back. Naturally assuming they had kept quiet about the children & their behaviour before purchase which leads to the question Is there any obligation for the seller to enquire about the environment & home ? These laws really do need thinking through more.
  16. I also posted a similar question re known pedigree pure breeds in pounds. One problem seems to be that they guess the breed by look a like not pedigree so 15 poodles a year ( as an example ) may not actually be pure bred poodles. There is no way of knowing as few will submit pedigree papers with the dog or if they did they would not be disclosed & given to new owner. For other dogs I doubt that they ask where they got them from.
  17. Be thankful we don't live in the UK. My sister recently took her old cat to the vet. Consult was 90 pounds & the bill with some tablets was around 280 pounds Roughly double that for australian dollars. No tests or procedures. It was less than that here for my old dogs dental with full anaesthetic.
  18. Some good advice re getting him used to it all. I would also find an experienced & patient mobile groomer who will come to your home to do him & you stay with him throughout the process. He will feel more relaxed in his own home without the worry of going somewhere strange to goodness knows what end. Having you there may also help not hinder. Usually if a dog kicks up or is difficult most groomers will persist as long as its fairly safe to teach the dog it won't win this battle however for a dog that is this stressed I think it is best to go slowly & stop if it gets too much even if the dog is not completely done. By gradually doing a little more at a time & more often it will become accustomed to it even if never liking it. Force too much, too soon & it may even have a fit. I have seen this occur when its all been too much for a rare few. Slow & steady wins when they are this bad.
  19. If there was an agreement to hold these dogs until payment was made it is totally the pounds fault. Obviously there was inefficiency, bad or no communication between staff & its not good working practise to operate any place this way. A dog that had been there a day could have been put down with lack of communication. The circumstances are not relevant to the dogs being put down if the person had made arrangements & they accepted this arrangement. They made a huge mistake.
  20. Can't see a problem as long as its not because the owners can't be bothered with them. I have almost always kept animals in 2's when I wasn't breeding, cats, dogs, birds, mice, rabbits etc as I think its nice for them to have a friend of their own species as well as human companions. Never found it a problem re training, bonding etc & as for the separation thing why seperate unless one is injured or ill & then it just has to be dealt with as needed. Some people can't cope with one dog I agree but that is not because having 2 is difficult. Its the person not the 2 thing.
  21. Dublin buthers gets rabbits in too. Not sure about the price but they do bulk sales. They also have a shop on Whites Rd, Paralowie.
  22. I like my dogs on toast :laugh: Seriously I just love dogs & cats. Mine are always snuggly, cuddly types probably because I make them that way. My dogs are like my extra legs except when sleeping or exhausted but if a dog was independent & more aloof I would accept that that is just the nature of that dog. However never had one like that. I think I make them silly :)
  23. There is absolutely no reason why the dogs should smell because they have eaten cans of dog food. Until about 2 months ago I always did a big batch of dog stew with meat, chicken, ox heart etc & fresh vegetables & a little rice or pasta to thicken it & froze it in meal sized portions. Egg, cheese etc sometimes too. That was breakfast & later they free fed on various dry including different sized dental biscuits. Then I changed to canned food for breakfast. They love it. Not fussy eaters anyway though ever. They like everything except peas. Still get the dry food later too. My dog is the favourite & they get supercoat & optimum. Trying natures gift this week.They don't smell at all. Poos are normal, they haven't lost any condition & coats are fine & same as ever. Pal is the only one that is not good with them so obviously they don't get that again. Otherwise they are thriving. Millions of dogs world wide do survive it & they don't all smell awful because of it. Maybe the dogs are just smelly for another reason like anal glands, teeth, need a bath. Its always best to keep animals you are minding on their normal diet to avoid tummy upsets. They need some form of dry food as well as just soft food. Everyone has their own idea of diet.
  24. If they are breeding in the grass & soil you can use chemicals on your animals to the point of harm & they will not work. Advice as above. Go to a fodder store & they will advise you on a suitable product for your yard. Coopex is one & is not expensive. You just spray it all over or use a watering can. Mortein bombs for your house are available in the supermarket & are also inexpensive. My guess is that they are in your yard.
  25. My first thought on seeing this was What a prick :laugh:
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