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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Not much advice, you have much already. Do what seems to settle mum the best. I found Animalac was easier to mix than other milk substitutes & seemed to go down well. Also gave that to mum. Cows milk is not good for dogs or cats. I paint a toenail on pups & kittens as mum doesn't lick or clean toenails usually. Using a different colour for each one I then put a blob of each colour on paper & keep any needed notes next to each colour. Needs re painting every 3 or 4 days. Good luck. Hope it all gets better by the day. So stressful when things go wrong.
  2. I think you only have two real choices; 1. Do an "Aha No" when he does it, and positive reinforce with a treat when he drinks correctly from the bowl and try to train it out. 2. Get a raised water dish or bucket for him to drink from. Little puppy + bucket = What if he got in it & it didn't tip over & he couldn't get out ? Try a heavier bowl with a flat bottom that covers a larger area. 2 of my siamese cats kept doing this & I found a square plastic food storage container minus the lid was a better shape & more stable. Once they realised it wouldn't tip they stopped trying. Pup is only playing & having fun. Just a phase.
  3. Fantastic outcome. Pleased all is well for you & Reba & babes. I cannot imagine how scared & worried you must have been
  4. Our family dog when I was young lived to 19 years of age. Not blind or deaf, quite active, never had any health problem or needed vet treatment in his life until the end. Developed sudden, severe illness which turned out to a be a tumour on the liver from memory or similar. He was a medium size mongrel.
  5. 10 stone dog that she can't control Maybe her not being able to have children has sent her crazy ?
  6. If there was an award for absolutely f**king stupid this would win it. I would like to see the all people who are involved in all dog legislation to have a temperament test & psychiatric evaluation. Haven't they got anything better to waste money on than all this dog legislation
  7. Great pics. Love them all. The dogs are fine sleeping on the floor as long as they have access to soft beds, which they will probably prefer when its cold again. Mine are all splatted out all over the house on the tiles too. The oldest is 12 soon & hard floors haven't done his joints any harm or any other old dog in the past. Its not like they are slung out on concrete with no bedding. That's a whole different scenario.
  8. Hopefully you have got him the treatment he needs to get well. Not a good reward for being a good neighbour. You must be so worried
  9. :laugh: me too & me. So hope it all goes well.
  10. Not so sure on this one. Poodles are said to be super intelligent but I find teaching toys anything for the 1st 6 months a bit difficult because they are so silly, want to play a lot, their way, & are not food motivated. My only experience with a working bred was taking a ex neighbours blue heeler to the oval for an hour to train as the dog was ignored, tied up & untrained. I felt sorry for it. 5 months old & that was all it had known imagine my shock & delight when within that hour he was walking on the lead as though he had done it all his life, did a sit every time once he understood & by the end of a week was amazing with all sorts. I found him a new place & they let him go. Made my poodles look like idiots although they weren't. So was he the smart dog by obeying me Or were mine the smart ones by trying to do what they wanted & trying to train me ? Intelligence is shown in different ways.
  11. No idea why she did this out of the blue. Do not let her off lead in dog parks anymore or anywhere there is likely to be any other dogs is my advice. If she shows any sign of aggression towards your own dog take her for a vet check. The only time in her life my doberman snapped my chihuahua or any of my other dogs was when she was 10 years old. She had a bit of a cough but it turned out she had cancer. Not saying your dog has cancer but they may act out of the ordinary if they are not well. Sometimes you don't know why a dog turns nasty but you can't let them loose in public once they do.
  12. Forecast for Wednesday is 34 degrees so not as bad in comparison to the last few days. Be careful of car overheating. 5 days before xmas mine did it & blew the head at 9 in the morning New/recon motor $1,960 First time I have gone out in extreme heat for 20 years, thinking so early it wont get hot yet. Wrong. Its 37 degrees under my pergola already today.
  13. hate it. Another revolting & boring day hiding inside with all cats & dogs. Cancelled my medical appointment for this afternoon. Trying to console myself with the fact that I have air con & don't have to go out at all but its not working. Off to wallow in self pity. 45 degrees or so is not fun.
  14. Hope all this applies to pet shops in the council area too. May stop them selling kittens & puppies if they all have to be desexed too. Seems like not enough people objected to these proposals. Maybe most approve ?
  15. No one really knows what happened in this particular sad event however I see where you are coming from. Hate it when I hear people with children saying our dog is 100% reliable it takes anything from the children. Pulling its ears, tail, hanging around it neck etc. The dog shouldn't have to take anything & any dog will bite given enough reason or pain. Why don't they teach or discipline their children that a dog is not to be treated this way instead of euthanising the dog when it reacts ? The degree of attack should be considered. A sharp bite if dog is tormented is forgivable, mauling is not. Very sad & tragic event for all concerned whatever happened to cause it.
  16. I think its good that she did this but maybe would have been better to try by suing specifically for false advertising using a lawyer. Maybe if she had won more the pet shops would stop selling these dogs by guessing or using look alike tactics to make them appear to be more than mongrels & the vets would be more careful in stating breed & have to put mongrel on the vet certificate. The pet shops would be more careful in sourcing litters & have to go out to the place where they were bred too. More work for them & no interstate job lots flown in. The good part is that she kept the dog as a pet so obviously cared for it despite the intention on buying. Seeing it from a different prospective I know but its a valid view IMO.
  17. Same here. Never needed although sometimes they leave the end piece of the thread used a little bit too long & it can stick in them when they position themselves in certain ways. I always cut the ends a little shorter so they don't stab. Its quite hard the thread.
  18. Considering the things that can be put into human food including the colouring, preservatives & artificial flavourings which are quite legal I doubt there will be too much fuss or outcry over what goes into dog food. Dogs get fat because they are being fed too much of whatever their diet is, they are inactive due to old age or other health problem or sometimes desexing may be a factor.
  19. He is trying to say I can't believe what she is wearing today :laugh: No idea. Only got one who does that & it means I want to go out to the toilet.
  20. Had no idea they could get this. Thought it was a human parasite thing & didn't cross species. Judge Judy this afternoon. The silly young lady bought a pup from a breeder. Breeder said it had Mange which was not an illness & easy to clear up with some kind of wash treatment. Lady took it to the vet who diagnosed scabies. Treatment & isolation at home away from carpets & furnishings. Took on payment scheme & signed a contract of no return. She lost vet fees. He lost payments owing. Weird situation.
  21. You do realise that you will want to keep him now :) Its always so hard to let them go when they have battled & won. Great news.
  22. 2 soft poos doesn't make an illness or warrant giving her anything. Maybe try some steamed chicken, no skin, & rice for the next few feeds & then if it doesn't settle see the vet. They need a full fresh course of antibiotic, if that's whats needed & giving stuff to stop the runs can do the opposite & block them completely. Could be you are overly nervous because she was ill before.
  23. Not sure if its the usual or a requirement for showing for Boxers to have dew claws removed. However if there is no good reason I can't see the point in removing them. Its a whole joint not just a nail thats removed. As a Boxer is a short coated dog the owners can see if the dew claw need trimming & its no big deal to do that. Unless there is a particular worry about anything I think its safer & less upsetting for the bitch to leave them to settle & have the first vet check when you are ready for vaccination etc. Getting them all in & out of the car, into the surgery, near other dogs, cats etc & having strange people handle them is not the best unless you have to do it. Know what to look for, weigh pups every day & keep a chart, check frequently that every pup feeds & that none are pushed to one side alone. I know a few dogs that have had a dew claw removed when older at desexing time. Its no big deal or much different except that it may need a stitch & it is a bit harder to keep older dogs clean & out of any dirt while it heals. Its a quick process while they are knocked out anyway, doesn't seem to bother them & heals up fast. Good luck with your first litter. Its a bit scary but so exciting.
  24. Yes take your puppy to work with you. Great for you both. The Bunnings compost panels are great if you don't like the crate. I use 2 packs inside & more outside & make a big playpen joining them with the plastic garden tie things as I am not a fan of small crates & don't consider a 4 foot long crate big enough for any decent play or exercise for a puppy of any breed. The only thing to consider & test out is if your puppy can climb it in the corner & get over the top. I have had a couple of my tiny babies do it at about week 4. Toy poodles weighing about 500 grams at the time For those rare ones I do have some 4 X 3 foot enclosed crates however they have removable ends so I can join 2 or 3 up & make a nice long run as soon as they are big enough not to stick their tiny heads through & get stuck. Some pups are really clever at climbing. You can put a smaller carry/car cage inside the playpen with the door left open as a place for puppy to have a sleep or hide in. Photos soon please :)
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