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Everything posted by Christina

  1. No idea but how ridiculous anyway. How would it even be regulated as in what does large mean ? Are they going to have officers parading around with a ruler. It would be a great idea if some people were muzzled.
  2. No thank you. I don't want other states stupid rules re dogs by governing bodies, councils or anything else. Its just fine coping with the crap your own state has
  3. Brilliant name. Thank you. Goes nicely with my prefix too. Mum is fine. After hanging around home for last few days not wanting to leave her alone I was running out of stuff, most annoyingly soy for my coffee. Ran down to the garage quickly & got some soy & chicken & chips. Guess who abandoned her babies as soon as she got a whiff of food & was begging at the lounge door. Had to give her some before she would get back in with them :laugh: She has had another small feed too.
  4. My dog had her 1st 3 puppies with ease, as always, but no placentas came out. Unusual. Its her last litter & this hasn't occurred before. The 4th one came out & she looked a bit tired so while she was nibbling the cord I went to break the sac near its head. It broke & pup was still inside another sac Weird so I broke that sac & there was another sac. Feeling a bit of panic & puzzlement now I broke that sac & to my amazement puppy was in another sac with a stretched placenta over its head to its neck. My hands had black & green yuk on them. It stained & had to wash them twice to remove it. Freed pup from the lot expecting the worst & it was breathing & seemed strong & vigorous. Bit raspy, gurgly so I did a few swings with her & she seems fine & feeding now. How odd. Still missing 3 placentas. I sat with my dog the whole time so didn't miss them. She seems happy & relaxed with them all so guess its vets or oxytocin shot in the morning. Hopefully she will expel them before the morning.
  5. Can relate to that. A friend asked me to give their 4 year old a haircut. I pulled out a chair & said Sit to the child :laugh:
  6. As above. I think the term Other Half for a partner is far worse. Makes it sound like one is not a complete person without the other. Rather diminishing as opposed to term of affection.
  7. Good luck with the mating. Hope you get a nice litter. Baby photos are compulsary :) Mine are the opposite. Come in young & then every 4 to 6 months.
  8. Me too. However tube feeding would not be a good idea at this stage. Harsh as it sounds there would be no point or kindness in keeping him going & getting weight on if there is something wrong & he can never feed himself but by all means try the dropper or a tiny teat & observe what is occurring. At least that way you can see where the milk is going. Meanwhile back on the phone to the vet. Sometimes they miss things on tiny puppies. Best of luck with him.
  9. Yes go to a vet very soon. Bulldogs can have breathing problems more than some other breeds so a blocked or snuffly nose would be so uncomfortable for him. Dogs aren't supposed to have green mucus coming out of anywhere.
  10. Pleased all is well now Didn't comment as I haven't ever experienced milk coming out of the nose or cleft palate. Looking forward to baby pics :) & waiting for my own pups, due now. Its a worry when strange things happen.
  11. Someone can't even spell. Gentle sole ? Its not a shoe. I think its ridiculous & sends a message out there that cross breeding & tiny = big money. Look even the RSPCA charge $1000 for these little dogs so get breeding them. Sad thing too is that so many elderly people want a small dog because they are physically able to manage them better & they can't find them. Usually medium to large x breeds available so they miss out if small dogs are so costly as they can't afford them or won't pay that amount anyway for a mongrel.
  12. I'd say cut your loses & move on. Can't understand why its a good idea for various pups to be in a room all together & chairs there too. I would find a dog training place that is run in the open air on an oval & go without your dog to check it out first. One that has dogs of all ages. If it looks controlled, organised & orderly then you can join up the next week. They are usually only a few dollars, will get your dog used to being there with other dogs & get it trained as well. They normally only run for about 30 to 45 minutes which is long enough for a puppy.
  13. What about a square of fake grass with some plastic of some kind underneath if you can get him to use it ? I have made a few for mine using the lid of those large plastic storage containers upside down & lined with fake grass. Work well for my small dogs but you may have to be more inventive re a base for your big dog.
  14. Google her & her email address if you have it & phone number. If she has any dog ads or dealings online something may come up. Contact toy poodle society of victoria & ask if they have any knowledge of the name. Otherwise follow your gut instinct. Something has made you post this.
  15. Hate crating & never used to have any but someone left me some large 4 x 3 foot ones when I bought this house & I admit they do come in handy. I use them once a week for the dogs when they have their bones. They would kill each other over them so 30 mins to an hour with their own bone in the crate solves that problem. As I breed cats too & it gets too hot at this time of year for them to be in their runs they each have a large crate set up as their place & when it gets to extreme heat they can come inside in the air con & relax & sleep instead of entire males & females causing havoc running loose around the house 3 or 4 of them joined up makes a long run of 12 to 16 feet long for kittens to play in the lounge when they are too small to be let loose as well. Although I would never confine an animal for long or use them for confined house training they do help. Years ago they weren't popular or used much at all & we did manage fine.
  16. These will not safely contain a larger pup. My Whippet pup got over one in five minutes. Laundry's are full of chemicals if pups get a cupboard open and I do know of a pup that got onto a washing machine and then got its leg caught getting off. Not a safe long term place to leave a pup IMO. They can be overlapped slightly & joined in each square with cable ties & the ends trimmed off so they can't chew them. That makes them about 5.5 foot high. Some of my toy poodles can jump them too but not when they are put together that high. All the stuff can be taken out of cupboards, as you would be doing with a baby/toddler around the place. A large cardboard box can be placed on top of the washing machine at the edge to deter if you feel the pup may attempt to jump up, although unlikely. I put a row of them on top of wardrobes in my bedroom to make them appear too high for my siamese cats to jump on when they are pregnant as I don't want them up there. Lunatics :laugh: It works.
  17. There is no way I would leave a pup or dog outside in our summer. We are getting days that are 45 + degrees. Snakes, theft, accidents, other dogs getting in & the risk of dehydration or heatstroke too. Of course you can't leave a puppy in a crate for that long so it either has to be the laundry & make sure there is nothing in there unsafe or for puppy to wreck or make a larger room or passage or hallway puppy safe & leave her in there. You can get creative with metal panels, the compost panels from Bunnings. Sometimes I join them together to make them really high & screw 2 or 3 hooks into the side of a doorway to secure & partition part of the passageway off for pups to have a long run in safety. I would never go out & leave a puppy outside.
  18. Going to get shot for this but obviously it is better & common sense really to go to a registered breeder who does the relevant health tests for their particular breed. The money saved, if any, is minimal by going to a backyard breeder. However many years ago pups did leave mum at 6 weeks old, it was acceptable back then. They were not all vicious, maladjusted & problem dogs who had a host of problems. With bigger breeds who have large litters the mother dog often wants to be away from pups who are hassling her & trying to feed at 6 weeks old. Mastitis is not caused by neglect either. It can happen in any dog & even in human mothers. A common cause of the problems today are lack of mixing & socialisation & training because dogs are not welcome in so many places as opposed to where they can be taken & are welcome in most other countries. Of course the wisest course is to pass on the puppy & risk losing your deposit. Find a registered breeder who does the relevant health tests for your chosen breed & keeps pups for the 8 weeks advised. Then do a home visit & make sure you are happy with the parents, the condition of all the dogs & how they live & are raised. If you have any concerns or don't like anything say no thank you & try another breeder. It is that simple. Tye worry about the pups is not your concern but it sounds like she will care for them & find homes. Better for you to go elsewhere though.
  19. Don't they have laws against this ? Where are the RSPCA ? Its all about the money
  20. Same here. They are so good really & I never mind if they want to get under the covers. They have to keep warm too.
  21. This seems to be the reply you want to hear. For me personally I would not debark a dog if no one had complained. I also live rural on a half an acre. I don't let my dogs out alone in snake season & don't have kennels or anything around snakes could hide in or crawl under. Being a quiet & isolated area with not much outside activity my dogs also bark at anything outside that moves. A bird landing on the step is much cause for a good mad yapping session They understand the word quiet & will obey most the time but not always instantly depending on what the stimulant is. When I lived in the city my dogs were not like this. Too much trouble to bark at every sound I think. Training is possible but sounds like you are too overwhelmed with everything to try this. Guess you will debark if that is what you really want to do.
  22. Many excellent points there but I don't agree with all of it. As in part shown below The point is, everybody is doing the same thing so why not break down walls instead of reinforcing them at the behest of those who do not have your interests at heart? I don't think puppy farmers with 200 dogs in appalling conditions are doing the same as I am & I don't think I am doing the same as rescue places that get millions in donations & money from other sources that put thousands of healthy dogs down & play politics either. However overall it says a lot that is common sense & shows how ludicrous & phobic everyone has become over dogs.
  23. Doesn't bother everyone. I shave my legs & I cannot feel the hair growing back anymore than I can feel the hair on my head growing. Which is not at all of course. My poodles bodies are shaved with a number 10 every summer. They have pom poms on head, tail & ankle bracelets so they look poodley & they never itch or bother about it. They are quite relieved to get rid of their long winter semi show clip style & run & prance about when it first comes off with great glee as though saying look I am free. A dog doesn't care about its haircut only people do & only idiots leave their dogs out for long in extreme heat/full sun anyway. They can get cancer & sunburn on their noses, ears, eyes even with a long coat.
  24. May be a breed thing. My Poodles are total wimps at the slightest thing & every one I have ever owned in my life has been exactly the same.
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