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Everything posted by Christina

  1. I think my GSP has mites and my 2 shihtzus and I am itching as well, have had him to the vet twice done scrapings, treating for allergies ,changed food, still the same ,but when you said soaked with frontline, what did you mean ? you get the drops for neck ? is that it ? I used Advocate , my vet recommended, I use to always use frontline and no fleas here for ages, I am at my wits end with this skin thing, really its been going on for months, thinking its also plant related (wandering Jew) but have tried to get rid of all that Long shot but maybe its the Advocate or Frontline that is causing the problem. Once I got a kitten from interstate. Took her out of the carry cage at home & my son who was sat next to me had an instant asthma attack & I got huge welts & hives. Kitten had been sprayed with Frontline just before being put in the carry cage to beard the plane. Washed her, much to her disgust. End of problem.
  2. Generally I think all male dogs not to be used for breeding should be desexed. 1. Because dogs are dogs. They will pee on anything they can, hump & do anything to get to a bitch on heat & hormones can cause problem behaviours. 2. Because people are morons. Not everyone but an amazing amount. They let dogs roam loose, a lot, they think a dog has to have sex, its not a man without its testicles, they can't train it not to hump & pee, its a real man dog if it gets a female pregnant. Little dogs can be desexed young, better wait a bit for bigger dogs probably. My toy breed are desexed at about 10 weeks due to high demand for poodle crosses & puppy farming being rife for this breed. No problems reported so far for the last 8 years or so.
  3. As above. So sad for you
  4. Each to their own but I could abort this late in the pregnancy. During the last 3 weeks I give my girls 3 small meals a day & leave puppy dry out all the time. Canned food, home cooked stew, some egg or fish sometimes & a sprinkle of grated cheese on one meal. If the dog is lean & hasn't been particularly well nourished I wouldn't worry about her getting too fat during pregnancy, its more important that she is well nourished & she is hardly likely to suffer great obesity at this stage. Any excess fat will soon go when she is feeding puppies & running around playing with them all over the place in a few short weeks. I would be more worried about her being thin, stressed with all the moving, strange people & messing about & not eating. Fat is the least of the worries. Hope all works out well for her & the puppies.
  5. It may well be the correct address. The only way to find out for sure is to go there. As suggested take someone with you. It would be better if you could sort it out without going through courts etc. You can only give it a try first. Good luck.
  6. Not sure if all states are the same but here we can do a back to back mating as long as the bitch is rested & not bred the next season. Check the rules in the Code of Ethics. If there is a mistake or accidental mating you can apply to register the litter & explain but there is generally a higher fee of some sort. They will find out if you register the litter or if someone reports it. Otherwise they may not find out. The first step is to check the code or phone & ask. It may be that no rule has been broken.
  7. I breed toy poodles & they are never fussy eaters. When they leave home they will eat anything & everything. I would stop the milk & cheese now & mix in some of what you want them to eat with only a little of what they like best to get them used to variety. I also only leave wet food for a few minutes & then remove if uneaten but I do leave dry food down all the time. I can't let mine go hungry as they have little weight to start with. If you are happy feeding them raw meat & cooked chicken as long as they have some dry food that is fine. They don't have to have barf, vegies or tucker time. Usually if you mix everything up & warm it a little pups wolf down everything. I have never had a fussy eater.
  8. Think this is one you play by ear as with human babies. Try not doing the feed & if she is hungry she should let you know. As you are weighing her so often you will know soon if she drops weight & needs the other feed. Try her without tube feeds & see how she goes. I would feed 6 times a day & guess she can drink water by herself now. If she won't drink water you would have to give her some in a bottle. best of luck.
  9. Walk you dogs somewhere else unless this happens right outside your gate & is unavoidable. In that case try going out without your dogs & asking the guy from a distance if he can exercise more control somehow. Maybe he is trying but is clueless as to what to do. Maybe start taking a stick with you. A wooden broom handle cut to length with a big nail in the end may make you feel braver or get a taser if you can
  10. How tragic I have heard of this happening at Singapore with other people too so I guess it is best to try & choose an alternative route than through Singapore if possible & try & choose a cool time. I thought that once the pup was handed over it was the responsibility of the airline staff that were flying it as the agent used doesn't accompany the dog ? Which airline was responsible for the dog left at Sydney ? I thought the staff here in Australia were well trained with animals flying on their planes within the country.
  11. I always knew Victoria was an insane state & I do really love rabbits but
  12. I guess the point is would you trust a total stranger with this pup ? There are some very weird people out there. Although it may sound harsh unless you can keep this puppy yourself I would euthanise. Its a worry letting healthy pups go & having faith & trust in people that they will be good homes.
  13. Obviously the person would have to get some legal advice. We can only guess here. The dogs obviously caused the accident as they came from behind the lady, headphones or not its difficult to avoid that however not sure suing the owners would work as it was an off lead park. Maybe the council has a public liability policy that could be claimed from ? Its not a question that can be answered here.
  14. How sad to have come this far & then something is wrong Maybe if its not too bad & she can survive with good quality of life you may be best keeping her. Hope its not too bad at the vet check.
  15. Oh so you are in the mood to stir the pot again :laugh: Interesting photo.
  16. There was a thread here once, can't recall how long ago, where someone had a pup sent interstate or overseas by a breeder & said breeder stated testicles were down & when puppy arrived they had disappeared. About the same age too. Almost everyones advice here was to return the pup but the person didn't & a few weeks later they dropped down again & everything was perfectly normal. Was all very strange. I don't know how to search for the topic but someone will if you ask in off topic.
  17. No idea but you could try Having a look here http://lawyersforcompanionanimals.com.au/ May help ?
  18. No, mine are so tiny I am scared that if they get into trouble I can't get in their mouths. Have given pigs ear at about 6 weeks but the pigs ear is bigger then the pups head. Quite funny to watch them.
  19. What an odd perception. Badge of honour Of course for some there is no chance, depending on the problem, & its kinder to let them go But there is nothing wrong with giving a helping hand for a short time to see. One reason for poor health in breeds may be that when a breeder has a problem, as I did with that kitten & litter mates, is that they do not desex the parents or even the baby with the problem & continue to breed on from them. That cats mother was never bred from again & neither was her father. The cat herself is desexed too. My take on this is that if the parent has trouble conceiving, whelping or caring for the litter after one or two tries what is the point of breeding from the animal but many breeders do carry on however I can see the point of helping one that is already born if possible.
  20. The vet gave this little one a shot & some fluid when she went right downhill & said take her home & try if you wish but she will die. Down to 50 grams 5 days & nights of hourly & 2 hourly feeds 24/7 almost gave up & then she bounced back. Never knew what went wrong 9 years later here she is. Still with me & never had a problem with anything. Sometimes miracles happen :)
  21. Sometimes an animal does need a helping hand to get going & often there is a happy result. Its difficult to be so hard hearted as to practise survival of the fittest, never intervene however you have intervened for quite a while now & not being able to eat & feed is not a little problem & the prognosis for this puppy does not sound good. It may be the kindest thing to euthanise now. Its heartbreaking but sometimes for the best. I have intervened successfully in the past with great results but never for a problem like this one & with this scenario I would PTS I am almost sure its the pits sometimes.
  22. Very dangerous advice. In my breed they never go over their due date without it being due to a major problem. Primary inertia can happen in any breed so if they are not in labour by the due date they should be monitored by a vet and have a caesar at the first sign of puppy distress. It is always safest to ensure that you actually know if they are pregnant or not by ultrasound or x-ray. With modern vet practices, guesswork and risking bitches should be a thing of the past. Its not dangerous at all to not rush to the vet if they don't give birth exactly on the first day 63 days after the 1st mating. 63 to 65 days is a common time frame for almost all breeds & that is an average guide not a set in stone day. Your particular line of dogs may always do this but not everyones dogs or indeed all dogs of a specific breed whelp precisely to date. For some dogs traveling back & forth to the vets, going in there, being handled & examined etc may be so stressful if they are that close to the day that its not worth putting them through it unless there is a problem or sensible reason to think so. They may start to give birth in a crate in the car & be so stressed. Over many years mine have whelped at 59 days, which was alarming but she did that with 3 litters & all was well, through to 67 days for others & all was well too. Ultra sound is fine if one must know but is not always reliable in numbers & they can absorb. Xray is only for a really need to do IMO. Everyone does is differently but I can't see danger in going over 63 days. It is common & normal. Many vets wouldn't even say come in if it was day 64 & nothing was wrong.
  23. It may be confusing that the temperature is not posted in centigrade however conversion shows that the dog does not have a high temperature & is within the normal range so there is no reason to be in a panic. As the dog seems to be acting normal, is not ill, & the owner is not an idiot & was merely asking if others have experienced a phantom I can't see the cause of great concern here.
  24. Yes if they are friends & have always done it. May be time to move the male away into another room though. She will not want him or any other animals around when whelping & may get snappy & protective.
  25. If she is not showing any signs of distress you can leave her for another couple of days without any worry. There is nothing dangerous happening so nothing to rush to the vets for. In my small breed I never see nipples getting bigger until they are full of milk after the birth & cannot squeeze milk out of them either but all is always perfectly normal. Signs are usually she will start digging her nest either in the birth bed you have hopefully given her or if she doesn't want to have them there on your bed, where you are, lounge or where she feels like. She will appear restless & start to pant as though she is too warm. If only one puppy in there to go over time is not unusual. Its not always problematic having a single pup either. If you are still concerned by Friday & nothing occurs maybe pop her in a vets for an ultrasound but she may return to normal if not pregnant when the 9 weeks are up.
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