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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Can you get someone to make her a pair of doggy pajamas with long legs in warm fleecy fabric. Try the sewing thread or Etsy & do search. People make all sorts of weird & wonderful things on there
  2. Some good advice & obviously depends on the dogs. I can only add that never under estimate what a dog may do to get to a bitch or even the other way around. My toy poodle cleared a 4 foot room divider to get to the boy. Some dogs have even been known to crash through windows.
  3. Treat your home & spray all your grounds with Coopex or similar product from fodder store then wash your dogs in some Martha Gardeners Wool Wash diluted & go through them with a flea comb after. Dab some on cotton wool & wipe inside the ears in case any fleas crawl in there when you shampoo. Repeat the next day. I have used this on really young dumped kittens & puppies as I was worried about strong chemicals on them. You can also rub some fennel on them afterwards. Flea deterrent, wont kill them but makes them smell nice.
  4. Nothing that can be done about that. Once a pup leaves the breeder & it is entire with or without papers, limited or mains, any dog can be bred from. A stat dec or form of contract may intimidate & deter some people not to or to desex but that's about it.
  5. Wonder if they realised who she actually was when she went in as it doesn't sound like she waiting for 15 hours or so like many people.
  6. Dachshund, Chinese Crested, Miniature Pincer, short coated Chihuahua, Manchester Terrier, Cairn Terrier so many breeds to choose from. Depends what she likes in looks & nature really.
  7. Maybe its his eyesight & not his brain that is going. If he can't see properly & light & shadows are confusing him that may be what is the problem.
  8. When I had 4 cats sleeping on my bed after they were desexed I put silky/satin type doona covers on & pillow cases. The hair doesn't stick to them at all. They are not terribly expensive to buy if you look out for sales & specials. That way the hair goes on the floor so your mum won't see it on the bedding & you can have the dog on your bed & everyone is happy :)
  9. Why would she be fine if she were a toy breed ? If one of my toy poodles lived like this it would break their heart, they would get depressed & they are not couch potatoes either. I meant the size of the kennel ! Of course the situation is horrid for any dog; the description was meant to show the total lack of understanding of a dog's needs. Oh, obviously I read it as you meant it would be ok the dog being kept that way if it was a toy breed. Now what else can I misinterpret ? :laugh:
  10. Why would she be fine if she were a toy breed ? If one of my toy poodles lived like this it would break their heart, they would get depressed & they are not couch potatoes either.
  11. Think you need more information about what is wrong, what symptoms the dog has that made the owner take it to the vet & what the medication is. A simple blood test would reveal if the pup was lacking in calcium.
  12. If you are prepared to send to a groomer & pick up a brush for a few short minutes every day what about a Miniature Poodle. Nice size for children. People orientated. Have to be part of the family. Intelligent & easy to train. Playful. Won't shed. Like other dogs & cats. Poodles love everything as long as they are nice to them.
  13. if you insinuate in a any way that they are not caring for their dog it is just going to annoy & offend them. Obviously they think this is an ok way to keep a dog. No way should you pay them to let their dog come over to you. I doubt they would bother getting another dog & would still offer them $50 to sell & say you all love her. Sounds like they're not that bothered anyway.
  14. No point in allowing free access as that means your dogs can get in their yard which I assume you don't want. They are not going to do anything different re care no matter what as they think this is an acceptable way to keep a dog. I would ask them if you can have her. Offer to buy her, money talks sometimes, even if its only $50. Say your dogs love her & she likes being there & you have fallen in love with her so you would be so happy to own her. No comments on their neglect, it may get their backs up. Good luck.
  15. Mine are not in my will but children know what to do. I had a phone call from a lady who got a pup from me 2 years ago. Sad. She has cancer & asked if she could leave the dog to me in her will & his little companion friend. Slow cancer so hopefully she will outlive them but of course I said yes & promised I would care for them if anything happens. Seems this is not unusual.
  16. OMG Bet your husband or partner never nags or critisises you. Love you & I don't even know you. Are you a writer ?
  17. Why don't you just remove the crate completely. Why do they need to sleep in a crate ? If you let them sleep where they want, in the lounge with the door shut or where ever then at least they are loose if another fight breaks out & can move away from each other. They may never fight again but I would never be shutting them in a crate again.
  18. Going against the general opinion here but I don't think giving her anything special or different is going to make any difference or trying to show her how. She either really can't lap, which is doubtful as she has eaten, although liquid may take a bit more practise, or she isn't hungry enough to help herself. Yesterday I put food down for 3 week old puppies & today was hot & mum wasn't inclined to go in with them when they whined so I put a shallow dish of cold water in there & they all drank. No showing them how, helping them or anything & these are tiny toy poodles. I would put a tiny selection of 3 or 4 foods down & some water & then leave her alone to help herself or not. She will not die or dehydrate for say 10 hours or so & usually a healthy puppy will not starve. She probably hates feed times & you probably stress if she doesn't have something very often so its been a hard & horrid time for both of you. Its hard not to fuss but I would try the above. Maybe food is such a nightmare issue now. Hope your next post is better news. Its all so stressful when it goes wrong
  19. Its all sort of getting a bit like doing Bonsai on animals really
  20. Just remembered that when I moved in here 10 years ago i used masses of Yates Once A Year Pathweeder to get rid of a Kikuyi ? lawn as nothing else would shift it. As a precaution I got some star pickets & a cheap roll of chicken wire & partitioned it off for a while. Better safe than sorry. Cheap & easy for peace of mind.
  21. Above just about sums it up & that is why eventually people will lose their rights & freedom of choice & the nanny state will step in again & make dog owning more complex & impossible. Because too many people won't be responsible owners.
  22. If this is what the issue is, the dogs, you don't need to ask questions of everyone. You need to ask your friends outright exactly what it is. You may be suprised, it could be something like welfare issues & nothing to do with type etc. Then decide what to do.
  23. No idea how you deal with it but if they do get offended there is not much you can do about it anyway. It is also very unpredictable as to whether someone will get offended or not. There is no point in getting the dog you don't want so a breeder doesn't get offended. Why they dislike the other breeders & how close friends are you may have to be taken into account. If someone did something I considered awful to one of my close friends I wouldn't care how good their dogs were I would steer clear, it may reflect their ethics, but if they were only acquaintances & it was minor or petty I would ignore it all & do what I wanted. No easy way with this one.
  24. So of course its never good when they are cleaning up after pups & one avoids face to face great to see you greetings & sneaky face licks that they manage occasionally but this is so bad today I wondered did the septic tank need cleaning out again & then realised it was Angies breath from a metre away. Her pups are 21 days old & her teeth aren't bad. In the week I gave her a roo tail bone & yesterday a dog chew stick but can't give them every day. So is there anything harmless I can give her ? mint, mouthwash F10 :laugh: or do I just have to try & keep my distance until they toilet independently. She does like to get very close to me when not with them unfortunately for me & I don't like to hurt her feelings by moving her so I edge away sneakily & she edges back to me. Not watching TV much in that room.
  25. How odd. Then there is the opposite view where some, usually men, hate them without them & even go to the extreme & having fake inserts put in.
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