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Everything posted by Christina

  1. So pleased that so many have homes. The end results for cats placed in these places is not generally a happy one. No matter what term is used basically most end up on the dead pile. I am going to tell anyone who phones me for an adult cat to go to your shop. Well done.
  2. The first thing to try is to say SIT in a very firm voice, despite feeling your voice won't even come out as a squeak. Most dogs know sit & may automatically do it without thinking. Then you back off slowly walking backwards saying good, stay. Worked for me when I went to see someone I hadn't seen for years, waltzed in their big property & shut the gate behind me not knowing they had replaced little friendly dog with 2 huge monster guards who both weighed more than I do. Worth a go.
  3. Mouse plague here at present & I have pedigree cats in the outside runs as well as my dogs. Go onto the Ratsack site & have a read. Secondary poisoning from the double strength is low risk because of the way it works. I have had to bait at the front of the house, they are in my car bigtime Those blocks can be quite toxic depending how much they eat. Big dog, small mouse, very low risk. Held in mouth mouse intact won't poison the dog.
  4. This is what I would do That's what I have always done too with tiny or old dogs around. I have tied the bedroom door handles together with rope too in case any little naughty one decided to go in there anyway.
  5. The saddest thing to me is when people won't let them go & they should. They keep the dog alive for themselves because they can't let them go when in reality the poor dog would probably say yes please it would be a relief if it could talk. The dog will not hurt at the end. You will. If it is staring you in the face & the dog has little quality of life be kind & say goodbye. Then try & remember the happy life you had together not the rotten, guilt ridden end. It is what I would want if it was allowed & I was in a bad way. Its probably one of the most horrible decision we ever have to make
  6. I think so. Cats don't seem to though.
  7. What about putting a soft muzzle on him when he is with your dog. I had a little one here with me short term & she did the same when my dogs came near me on the lounge. Told her NO & put her out a few times & she got the message. She was fine with the other dogs until I sat on that lounge. Hopefully you it can be fixed. Not a nice thing for your dog at all.
  8. No, it will poison her. Don't try that. Not for internal use.
  9. Have your say. Once. Then leave it. There is nothing at all you can do. There are lots of people around like this. Just maybe they may turn out to be great dog owners. None of us were born expert & expert is debatable anyway. You can't control other people as stupid as their decisions may be. Annoying isn't it. ETA Saw your post above. Great
  10. Its unlikely that you will get a pure breed ridgeback from the pound. They usually put a guess on the breeds depending what they think they look most like. Little fluffy dogs require daily grooming, clipping etc, don't like being alone much & won't be happy with a 45 minute run. Maybe a medium size mongrel that you like the look of with a little background information may be more suited. There are lots of dogs that have lots of different faces that need homes & the alternative is much worse for them being left in the pound so go & see if you can find a dog to fall in love with & save a life. Good luck.
  11. Hope he is ok. I would have been at the vet at 9am
  12. Go back to the vet or at least phone them. You are not supposed to stop it but its only a mild dose so may not do harm. Ask. It can affect the waterworks, I had to come off it for that reason one time. Made me go 17 times in 24 hours & they had no idea why & ran heaps of tests instantly. Stopped it & it stopped too. A few months later I had to have another short course & it was fine. A phone call for advise can ease your mind & no one here can advise you what is safe really.
  13. Growing up our dog always had a bowl of stew with us children. It had onion in it & we never even know back then it was toxic for dogs so if its a bigger dog I can't see a little bit doing too much harm. I also used to take him in the newsagents sometimes & he would beg at the counter until I bought him a tiny Mars Bar & gave it him. He died age 19. Also thought garlic was supposed to be toxic for them too but lots of dog biscuits have garlic in them.
  14. I want to know What exactly is the condition that has occurred ? Then we can all give better opinions to the question.
  15. Hope they don't do the cruel testing Iams did If they can make healthy dog food that tastes as nice as mars bars, snickers & twix its a winner IMO.
  16. Had to go back & look for this. Was not a very nice comment for you All sorts of people are on forums & sometimes some are harsh or extreme in their comments or views. Ignore them & weigh up the more & less personal balanced views. Hopefully something you see may help you & your dog.
  17. So much going on & so many things tried that will not give you a clue. You have been all over the place. Thing is your dog may be allergic to kangaroo or even sweet potato. Maybe even Calendula. I was allergic to Aloe Vera & it was advised for my skin complaint. You or even the vet have no idea. The blood tests do not always show an allergy but its a starting point & they may show something so its best to have them done & you may get some clue. You may not but try it. Stick to one food for a few days it won't harm him. Maybe beef & beef bones. Stop all chemicals including flea stuff. No chemicals around the floors either. Hot water with a little white vinegar in on hard surfaces & no carpet fresheners etc on carpets, only vacuum daily. Any commercial dry food is no help as it has all sorts in & you would never know what exact ingredient was the culprit if aggravating. Keep a diary & note reactions & introduce new things one at a time. Don't put anything on his feet at all. Its a slow methodical process of elimination if you have the patience. There is no quick fix to these type of things. Good luck.
  18. No experience with this but thinking maybe it is natures way of saying this dog is not for breeding. Maybe some contaminant somewhere has caused the sperm to mutate although you would never find out. There is all sorts in the air & environment now that we are not aware of.
  19. Best of luck. She is very cute :) & you won't believe this in your current state of exuberance but Its as exciting when its your 10th litter as it is when its your first. New life is so amazing, breathtaking & wonderful. I find it awesome every single time. Looking forward to hearing good news in a few weeks & seeing some photos.
  20. I have 6 dogs & can feed them all in the same room although sometimes I may not. What I do is wait until a puppy is at least 6 months old before it is fed with the adults. Any adult dog coming in is also fed seperate for the first few weeks too. All dogs are taught to sit for their food although I don't always make them do it once they are trained, only sometimes then to remind them. Food is placed at least a metre apart & I say each dogs name to come & get their bowl. Watch them at first & say No or Ah Ah or leave it, whatever the discipline word is that they understand if they go near each others. Dry food fed later in the day they will share in 3 bowls between them without a problem. After a few months they should be fine together. Never had a fight over food but bones/chews/pigs ears they would kill each other. Its each to a crate on their own & remove all signs of them after.
  21. Sounds like you do fine with all your other animals :) so do what you are comfortable with & enjoy your new puppy. We must have photos soon.
  22. Maybe its not the diet. Maybe they are looking in the wrong place. May be in the dogs environment. Flea treatments. Chemical used in the home. The carpet or carpet cleaner/freshener. Grass. Particular plant. Shampoo used. Fly spray. Perfume. Air freshener. Weed killer. Fertiliser. Any kind of garden spray/insecticide. Washing powder. Way to do it is to keep a daily diary & observe where dog goes or whats happening & when he scratches/breaks out to see if anything triggers it or any pattern or rhyme & reason seems to rear its head. May take months of observation. Cheap but time consuming & often the only way to find the cause.
  23. This annoys me somewhat. Don't pet people deserve a decent, healthy as possible, quality dog that looks like the breed should & whose health history is known & tested ? One doesn't have to do sports or show to have good knowledge & breed quality dogs. One must however take an interest, study, research & go to shows even as a spectator to know their breed. I learned more about the conformation of poodles by working in a groomers & seeing so many wet, shaved & feeling them than I would ever do at a show where they have tons of coat,specifically shaped, that can disguise many faults. My breed aren't ideally suited for sport & I don't enjoy showing them. I have done. The weather, the coat, the long traveling & they are much happier in a nice pet clip too. For my breed particularly a title may not mean a great dog but it does mean a great effort. I see so many bad & wrong poodles on main registration. Long bodies, short legs, short muzzles, wide faces, big round eyes& the dreaded luxating patella. Pet people deserve good dogs too & if they are limited register it doesn't mean the breeder is an idiot. I would never breed a dog like the pet I had 20 years ago & it was that poor darling disaster that made me determined to learn & breed better. I love poodles. I do show my cats in indoor venues with suitable heating or cooling according to weather & in their comfortable coat. I have no interest in adding to the gene pool of oodles, noodles, schnoodles shitty poos or whatever the current anything goes trend is so I am a bad breeder & desex pups & limited register. Rant over.
  24. His diet won't be making his feet turn out. Feet are supposed to be straight in poodles so if the turn out even slightly that is a fault. It is common. I wouldn't breed from a dog whose feet turn out but it won't affect him health wise in any way .
  25. Try & find it. They may have gone away & just left it. Hopefully it may be adjusting to new circumstances & be fine. That would distress most people I guess.
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