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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Its freezing at night. Let her sleep with you. Problem solved :) No idea otherwise , all my doors are scratched. I thought of glueing sandpaper to them once so I won't have to trim nails :laugh: My house so I don't care.
  2. Thing with that purple suit is that it makes me look at you instead of the dog. Fabulous colour.
  3. :laugh: Love that. Re the photos in the first post. I like the winner. I want to feed the other dog. Watching Tv tonight the programme was about weight. Seems that thin does not mean healthy which is a concept many people don't understand. Health & fitness are not indicated by weight. Standards do vary from country to country. The winning dog is not fat, maybe heavier boned than some.
  4. Not being able to let them on the lounge or sleep on my bed for the first 6 months or so. Not safe for my tiny breed.
  5. You may be worrying over nothing. Poppy may be fine & act as though she has lived her whole life with you after a day or so. Bring her bed with you & any toys & then keep her in a warm part of the house near you all, feed her something nice & hopefully she will love you all. These little dogs feel the cold & tough or independent is not usually how one would describe them. Dogs are so fickle & easy to get round usually. I have obtained several older dogs in a lifetime & unless they have come from a bad situation, which Poppy has not, they settle in soon without anything special. Warm, comfy, food, love just about does it. She will be fine
  6. Sometimes I wonder were people always so crazy ? Meaning her & the crazies causing the trouble too. People are becoming more seriously mentally unbalanced I am sure or is it that we realise it more now ? I think that she did start out with good intentions but then became a bit weird however not right that she gets hassled to the point of being frightened. No excuse for that.
  7. As you now have the dog & want to keep her I think its best to drop this whole matter in case it backfires & you lose the dog. Strange things can happen & you are dealing with deceit somewhere along the line. It must be making you angry & frustrated but I doubt you are going to get any satisfaction or make it better for any other dogs by investigating any further.
  8. No never. Maybe its something to do with Queensland
  9. Maybe they had cancer, motor nuerone disease or something severe & drastic, maybe they lost their home & possesions in a fire. Maybe they had a mental breakdown of some kind. There could be many reasons that they have not mentioned. Who knows ? Happy ending to what may not have been.
  10. Put something in front of it until she loses interest. Small bedside table, brick, tack a piece of thin board over it or come up with some idea to block it for now.
  11. No, not as an entitlement. Of course if you are going to work & your pet suddenly dies an employer would be unreasonable to expect you to come into work on that day as though nothing has happened but they shouldn't pay you for it as an extra If you have so many days paid leave it can be counted as one of them. If pet is to be PTS I think this should be arranged on a day off.
  12. & the white one should be called Sooty :laugh:
  13. Love that on the back belly up photo :) its a familiar pose around here too. Looking good.
  14. There is no shortage of unwanted poodles and it took 3 months to find the wonderful home she's now in, with another little Toy Poodle (she loved playing with my dogs). Not too many enquiries on her but a few from homes that had no idea about the breed or the grooming requirements. There is a shortage of unwanted poodles here in South Australia. I am always getting calls from people who would like an older dog. Many have been looking for months & sometimes call me back to tell me they have settled on a cross breed as they couldn't find one. They get snapped up in days here. Rescues & pounds hardly ever get purebred poodles in here.
  15. This makes me want to cry. What is so hard about keeping a dog clean & tidy. You are an angel I hope she turns out to be one too.
  16. I can't seem to find an online store that stocks Hills Dental Dry. I can only find T/D. Can you point me in the right direction please Christina. I get it from Pets Domain here in SA or Grand Champion used to order it in for me. Try phoning Hills & ask them about obtaining it closer to home phone 1800 679 932.
  17. I use the Hills dental dry but its not TD from the vet its from the pet shop. Its big pieces even though mine are toys they manage it fine. I mix a couple of them in with normal size dry. No stomach upsets at all but I can't say it stops tartar build up completely. Oldies here have needed a dental sometimes. Some get it no matter what or despite all the things you do for prevention.
  18. Normal shampoo may do it, if not put some dish washing liquid on just that part, rub in & rinse as usual. Should work.
  19. So sad when you lose a puppy Apart from losing a mummy dog its the hardest part of breeding. You have been coping wonderfully well & I know you will get some joy & much fun from your remaining puppies.
  20. Try some Yakult from the supermarket. Cheaper probiotic, safe & its good. Half a day should be fine short term. Think it says on the Dentastix not to give daily. Sounds dietary not illness.
  21. Apart from offering the man any expenses incurred I would also tell of him of any steps you make to contain, train & ensure this won't ever recur & offer to contact him to show him proof that you have done this. Otherwise he may think you are just saying this until the dog does it again to someone else because people do that. Frightening for him especially with a young child.
  22. Well its obviously not life threatening but if it were my dog I would have been at any vet way before now. Googling & asking on forums will give no clue to what is wrong but may create a lot of panic, worry & trouble over wrong diagnosis. The dog needs to see a vet.
  23. Glad all went well & smoothly It wasn't that scary was it :laugh: Your dog should cope fine with the few pups. No experience re the lip I can only say if it is going to cause anything more than a minor problem let her go sooner rather than later & do the kind thing for her sake. If you hang on it is so much more upsetting for you when you know them for long rather than a day or so even though it is always sad.
  24. Teats swollen or enlarged. Try squeezing gently to see if any comes out.
  25. They may well be registered. Registered with the council to breed dogs. I have looked at a site today in total disgust. There are at least 15 stupid named cross breeds & they proudly state they are registered breeders. Registered with the council to allow this & registered as a business. You now know the right questions to ask but do still visit any breeder & ensure that you meet the dog family & are happy with the conditions the dogs & pups are reared in & the care & condition of the dogs. You need to feel comfortable & confident with the person. Good luck. Post photos of your new baby soon :)
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