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Everything posted by Christina

  1. Same here they had 300 square metres with trees & a hen house 3 foot off the ground with a ladder up to it. Whole thing was a disaster. The chickens were happy, had unclipped wings so they could fly in case of need & the 2 gold spangled hamburgs slept in a tree. Got them at point of lay, expensive, & I could never get near them. The 2 Isa Browns I got that a man used to get from the chicken farm when they got rid of them both died after about 8 months, old age I think. Got 2 more. They were so friendly. One got a cancer/growth on its eye & another got fly blown. Despite my constant treatment it didn't last long, obviously I didn't catch it quickly enough or something. Cried my eyes out when they died, felt a hopeless owner so caught the Hamburgs & gave them to friends. Sometimes its easier to go to the shop & buy free range. Was for me. In all honesty it wouldn't give me much joy as an owner to see them in the small coup. They are so happy wandering & digging even though the mess they make is unbelievable.
  2. Because it suits them & they want the pup. Not falling for the marketing crap at all. I have a friend that shows & breeds pedigree cats & the justification for buying a x bred pet shop pup was so ridiculous & hypercritical If someone said the same re buying x bred cat from pet shop you would have heard the ranting interstate. There is no figuring out people.
  3. I wouldn't take the other dogs to the vet either. Sometimes I cry on the way although I try not to, other times I can't cry but come out afterwards & vomit. Not fair on the other dogs, they know something is wrong & my legs shake although I try to stop it, they would all sense my mood. Most dogs would. Over many years I have had to have a few put down due to cancer & a couple of other things. To be honest its so quick & stress free for them its over before you can count to 3. If I could choose a way to go that would be it. its so hard but the kindest way when they are starting to suffer.
  4. Not a problem & I don't think you need to tell them all you are on anothers list but you do need to tell them if you get a puppy & not mess them about once they offer you a puppy. I also can't see any problem wanting a specific colour either it doesn't mean the breeder won't match pup to your lifestyle or suitability at all. As a breeder I ask for black or chocolate when I get a new breeding puppy. I wouldn't be interested in breeding or owning blue or silvers if I was offered the most amazing puppy. The other thing is that if you stick with one breeder unless you are after a show or breed dog & want that line you may be waiting years if they don't get the sex or colour you want.
  5. There are several ways to fly puppies. Animal Transport have an office in every state. Wayrod here on the forum organises animal transport or you can book the pups on the plane yourself & take them & put them on the flight yourself. Depending where they are going to. Virgin airlines will let you book them but I think Quantas may make you use an agent now, not 100% sure so phone & ask. Dogtainers is the other one but they are so expensive compared to others & I have no idea why.
  6. Long haired Chihuahua. Not sure about likes changing in childhood. I got my first poodle at age 12 & here I am still loving & owning them. Chihuahuas always fascinated me too being the smallest dog. Temperament wise 1 was a dream dog & the other was a horrid little bastard, well loved but only way to describe him.
  7. I have kept a couple of Chihuahuas with a Great Dane & with a Doberman although I didn't have the big dogs at the same time. I had Toy Poodles too. You have to be very careful when they are puppies because they are so tiny & fragile & that's with people & children not only the dogs but once they are grown up they are agile little dogs who soon learn not to get squashed or trod on. Obviously the big dogs must have 100% sound temperament. I always seperated mine if I was going out, you can never be too careful.
  8. Its not the crates that are cruel its the people who lock dogs in them for long periods of time that are cruel although some are more stupid than deliberately cruel for thinking this is ok.
  9. The exact details don't really matter the fact is that 2 dogs that were not under control attacked for no reasonable cause & caused injury. It must have been extremely frightening & its lucky that there were other people around to help. It could have been so much worse if there were only the 2 of them with 2 dogs as well. Glenelg is a high population area with many tourists & families using the beach & facilities so I would imagine they will come down hard on the dogs & owners. ETA Realise it was at Somerton Park, still close & busy area
  10. Just reading that you went for a walk was scary. Its really bad here in SA too. My lot were on the lounge for so long that I poked them to see if they moved. Glad your dog was ok.
  11. Remember the good times & try forget the end. Too sad.
  12. Does he understand exactly that you want him to stop ? No use shouting if he doesn't know why you are doing it. I use the word Quiet & clap my hands to get attention. Maybe try getting a sports whistle & blowing it to get his attention when he barks & then say the word you intend to use that means shut up now. He may not connect that your noise means his has to stop. In certain situations it is so hard to get them to stop. Does he bark at any other time ? Maybe use that time with only the 2 of you there to teach him exactly what it is you want him to do.
  13. OMG I have never spent amounts like that on a puppy in my life. Lots of soft blankets around at present for around $5 each. Coles, Reject shop, Foodland etc, they are everywhere. Unless you want something ultra fancy or leather you can pick up a collar & lead for under $10 in variety stores & there is lots to choose from. Pet shops charge 5 times as much for the exact same thing. Big plastic dog beds are only $25 in most variety stores too. You don't have to crate but if you prefer a pen 2 packs of Bunnings compost panels, that is 8 panels total will give you a nice size pen for around $52. Plus $4 for garden ties to join it up. The breeder will have given the puppy one vaccine, so unless it was done at 6 weeks & useless, many wait until 8 weeks so pup should need one more not 2 or 3. Cost varies from vet to vet so phone around. Should be about $35 to $40. Desexing is variable to so phone around, prices may vary up to $150 depending which vet. Buy worming stuff online or in fodder stores, you save heaps for the same brands. I have never added up food, emergency vet costs or insurance so no idea.
  14. The AFP should be very embarrassed at how unprofessional its officers have been shown to be in this instance, and how lacking in good judgement. That is understating it in the extreme. Police are supposed to be psychologically assessed before they even train for the job so obviously there is a big fail in the testing here. There are not merely lacking in good judgement they are cruel, sadistic bullies who must have a screw loose because any normal person would not want to torture or watch any animal having this done. They need to lose their jobs & have some kind of counselling/assessment done or is this accepted as normal/human behaviour in society. Seems to be getting more common. What is wrong with people.
  15. So do the RSPCA prosecute in this kind of cruelty matter ?
  16. If she is a registered breeder with the canine association in WA will they cancel her membership ? ETA she deserves first prize for moronic stupidity.
  17. Cheap As Chips have heaps of dog coats & pajamas I have been in there today. I only looked at a couple of small dog things but there were all sizes of all sorts priced from $5 for the knitted coats in all sizes ( I can make them but for $5 for a bigger dog it wouldn't buy the wool ) to pj's & flash coats with hoods at about $10 or $12. Worth a look or a phone call to enquire. I was in the Munno Para store.
  18. Big congratulations You are obviously over the moon
  19. Putting it quite simply some dogs are a bit nuts & you may never know why because they can't speak. If they could they may not know why either. May be genetic. Experts, behaviourists, vets & anyone else can only be guided by what they have learned,experienced & what they personally believe in & that can be so variable. The only way to find out if medication works is to try it. It may not make the dog feel better but may make it dopey & more manageable. My personal experience for 16 years with an aggressive & unpredictable small dog( my daughters ) in the past was to not walk him near others, put him away when we had visitors, feed him alone, let the vet muzzle him when needed & sometimes we gave him tranquil paste if he was going through a bad phase. Have to say that sometimes the dog was fine then he could just turn funny & snarl, curl his lips or bite & we tried & couldn't find any trigger, connection or cause despite trying. He never bit me the boss but was tempted a few times. He was fine with the other dogs in the household. Have to say despite being well loved if he had been my dog I think I would have PTS. Sometimes you can't fix it you can only manage it as best you can. Easier & somewhat less risky with a small dog than a big one though not nice.
  20. I wouldn't use the type on the left that just slips through the ring, too easy to pull tight quick & accidently. The type on the right is much better. You can set it to the tightness you want to & it won't alter. You can get really thin ones without the beads for about $5. I the puppy with the almost black face. Don't you just want to keep them all.
  21. As above. Smut to me means dirty & to some people it doesn't mean anything. Tan is fine.
  22. As posted not always possible for a variety of reasons but regarding dogs I have bred my view is that I put them on the earth deliberately therefore if they can't be cared for in the home I placed them in I must be responsible for them. The thought of any dog I bred going into Rspca, Awl, pound etc would break my heart. My heart breaks for them all in there but I can't be responsible for them all.
  23. Very cute babies :) I assume you are using an extremely thin & light show lead ? I find it easier to hold the lead up in the air, sort of above the back of their neck so they can't get to it & chew it. If they won't walk or sit down I just stand still & usually they get bored & start to wander, then praise heaps to encourage. They all mess about but do get used to it after a few short goes. Another show breeder told me to try standing pups at the back of the table to start with, not the front. Position/stand them with the back feet right on the edge & gently let them feel that there is nothing behind them. This way they should not step backwards but do be careful just in case
  24. Whoah that's a bit drastic I took a guess the dog may be cold & all dogs love sleeping in your bed but we don't know that she didn't have a ton of bedding, heat pad or heating on really. Some dogs scratch doors instead of barking for what they want, annoying habit not distress although I think in this case 2 days in a new home the dog wants out to find home & would probably do the same thing no matter where she was initially. Bec asked for help, she doesn't dislike the dog.
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