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Everything posted by Christina

  1. He is doing amazingly well considering his circumstances. If recently desexed it may take a while to break this habit or it may never stop so maybe continue with the belly band & try him without occasionally in time. Not much else you can do really.
  2. Yes there is a definite gender bias towards females. My female pups are always more in demand than males. This is so sad. Boys make great pets when desexed & are a little bit softer, more affectionate & less independent than girls. People do have stupid ideas. One lady said I like to give belly rubs & can't do that with a boy dog. Why not ? Another time I heard a grandmother telling a child looking in a pet shop window that you don't want that puppy. Its a boy & will be dirty & cock its leg up & wee all over everything & your toys . Another one said boys hump everything. There are so many stupid ideas & people with silly attitudes to boys. I love the boys & would prefer them as pets more than the girls.
  3. I would not let an 8 week old puppy loose with the resident 12 year old dog. If the dog was female that had her own pups in the past she may like it but otherwise I would be holding pup on my lap for interactions & only letting them on the floor for a minute or two & then putting puppy in a large & spacious joined up set of panel pens in view of older dog. Many older dogs get cranky faster & don't have the same tolerance so if things turn to aggression it can occur fast & an 8 week old puppy is soon damaged. Better safe than sorry. I would rather be too careful unless you are aware of & understand body language to an expert degree & even then its not foolproof. Also don't recommend leaving 8 week old puppy outside alone for 30 minutes unless you are certain it is all 100% puppy proof & snake proof. With dogs someone always has to be the boss & it has to be sorted out but In a few weeks your puppy will be sturdier, wiser & more used to being away from mum & litter mates so take it slowly. Your 12 year old dog has had peace for years & suddenly having a pesky pup come in & then being told off is a bit much too.
  4. Thats what I don't like. Looks like she has bitten something sour :laugh: Sort of ooh whats this. Both shots are good body wise. I chose 1 because she looks like a dog that is having a ball & softer expression. Its what you like best.
  5. Spring again & I know why they have the saying bird brained. Nests everywhere but yet again they have nested in this low tree. The dogs are obsessed by the cheeping babes & last year caught 3 babes on their 1st flight Not mauled just here comes the toy & I caught it, wags tail & drops it but they have ate a couple of dead unfeathered ones that dropped to the ground from the verandah nests. Yesterday I put a pen all the way around the tree & it was funny watching them. Hope the baby birds make it this year. I can see one lot & they are just feathered.
  6. i just stand there doing nothing when a dog does this. They get bored before you do & start to move. Then its all praise. Bit more complicated if dog struggles, rolls on ground, gets tangled thing etc but works if dog is ok with lead & only stands there.
  7. Buy a small air con for one room that you fit in a window. You can pick them up for around $250 new. Choose a room that a small air conditioner will cool sufficiently with a door that closes then at least you will have one comfortable room for when it gets roasting. You can take a small window out to insert it & fill in any surround with wood for now & store the pane of glass in a shed or safe place. Then if you decide to move house remove air con & put the pane of glass back in. Easy. You really do need air con in one room with our australian heatwaves even if its just a bedroom.
  8. have fun with him. Poodle puppies are so funny. Mine make me laugh a lot.
  9. Tattoo is optional not automatic if desexing is done by breeder or owner. No point in tattoo for a male, its obvious at a glance.
  10. No one on here can possibly make a diagnosis & it can be a bit like googling a symptom. By the time you have finished you are scared stiff that you are going to drop dead when all you typed in search was headaches or something You did the right thing getting her to the vet asap & you need to be guided by them unless you have no faith in them & then you would need a second opinion. It must have been so frightening for you & Feather. Hopefully it was just a one off thing so hard as it is try & relax tonight
  11. There are those for & against early desexing with pros & cons to both views. Dogs can get cancer/shortened life span from any number of causes not related to them being desexed at any age. I desex my tiny poodles at about 10 weeks old as they are in huge demand for puppy farm & cross breeding however seeing quite a few pups I have bred that are now adult I can't see that they are any leggier or much different than my breeding dogs except in some desexing does make them inclined to be a bit chunkier in build but some are not. I would only be concerned about early desex in very large breed dogs however the breeder you have chosen does early desex & trusts their decision. If you do not agree with this you must find another breeder.
  12. No idea about electric fencing, not a thing I would ever use. With the crate training & having a toddler I suggest you have a metal crate & build a playpen around/attached to it so puppy has room to move around & play. A metal crate, some metal compost panels from Bunnings & some plastic garden ties will join it altogether nicely. Crates are cheap from www.dealsdirect.com.au You can't keep a puppy in a little crate for long they need to run & play between sleeps & JRT are active little dogs. If you do this you don't have to worry about pup if you are out for a while too just ensure he isn't a climber. Some can scale the pen usually in the corners, they are quite clever about this. I felt so sad for some dogs on the tv programme Its me or the dog USA. They kept pups in crates for 70% of their time & thought this was ok Photos of your new baby ? :) ps soft crate not advisable. If toddler falls/trips on it it may cave in.
  13. Steal their mail if they post out consent forms. Forge signature if you have to approach them with forms. Joking as I cannot think of anything you can do. Maybe informally have a chat & ask for advice from your dog person who works for the council & explain the situation in advance. If you don't know what their procedure is phone your council & ask. You don't have to give your name & details. Maybe they only come out & look around in which case you may be ok. Some neighbours are a nightmare.
  14. Pack mentality can overtake everything when several dogs chase & it can turn from play to prey in a second no matter how good your dogs are usually. I am not currently breeding cats but when I did I never left my dogs alone with kittens despite how good they were. I always recommended to never leave a dog with a kitten when you go out or are not close by until the kitten is 6 months old & can jump out of the way correctly & defend itself with confidence. They leave command is invaluable in this & so many other situations.
  15. I think we may be jumping into the realms of fantasy here along with the dogs owner :) Unless you can see a receipt for this dog that states it cost $3000 I would not be believing any of it. No one leaves a dog that cost that much alone in an empty house or with a neighbour on a loose arrangement. Does she seem the type of person who would have $3000 to spend on a dog ? Its not sounding that way to me. I say call her bluff & offer low.
  16. I don't see how you can take the dog to the pound as abandoned when you have told her you will look after it & if she comes around for the dog she will be furious. The dog will not be microchipped but you can get that checked the vet nurse should do that for you & not charge for it. Her whole behaviour has been awful & not acceptable at all but yours wasn't the wisest either. Worm the dog, that is cheap & easy. Then I would phone her & tell her that you have got fond of the dog & offer her a reasonable sum for the kind of dog ? What breed ? Is it a recognised breed ? Any papers or proof ? Pedigree ? Purchase receipt ? If she says no then tell her you cannot continue to look after the dog for her & she must come & get it. If she does you must tell her that leaving it in a house where she doesn't live is not happening as you will report this. I think she will sell you the dog. Be tough, she is lying about the $3000.
  17. I was also thinking you had a clever dog that could read :) It may be that at some time or other she has had a nail clipped too short,which is extremely painful usually, & that may have made her nervous. I don't think its the end of the world to use mild sedation for doing this every now & then & is probably the kinder option for now. A dremel type thing may take longer than a quick snip so the only thing I can suggest to try is maybe out some cotton wool in her ears before you start & then maybe if she can't hear the buzzing noise she may not react as much. I do this with my young dogs when I first use the big blow dryer on them. Its hand dryer for a few months so they don't get blown up & away being so tiny :laugh: Instead of several people holding her put a collar & lead on & tie it with her head up so she cant get to her feet to the fence or something very solid then try her nails. Less stress than being held tight by many hands but do have someone on hand to help hold her for untying just in case she goes silly & struggles Worth a try.
  18. Get rid of the trainer & at this stage I wouldn't bother with another. Your dog has a good life, you are kind, you have raised 2 children & it sounds to me like you are tired with not being well & the puppy stage is just a bit much for you but its not a major drama & won't last forever. Have more confidence in your own ability & opinion :) you are not being stupid, cruel or unkind & many people world wide have got their dogs to an acceptable level of behaviour without a trainer. Everyone has their own way of training, there is no single right way, & what & how they want their dog to be & it varies so much from person to person.
  19. When I moved house after living there for 14 years with 5 dogs ( 2 older than yours ) there were no problems at all & the dogs were fine. I left them in the old house in one empty room Until everything was moved to the new house & unloaded & then went back in the car to get them. They were most interested exploring the new place.
  20. As a sufferer of extreme bad car sickness myself my childhood was a nightmare. I puked out of every car window we ever had & had to get off the bus before my destination ( not making it sometimes ) often as a teenager. It got less in my 20's & went when I started driving in my 30's. I can only advise that you always keep the car cool & have a window open. Hot car, no air could make me vomit before we got to the end of the road we lived on. Still makes me feel awful. Take your dog for very short trips around your block every day that way whether its a stress thing or actual car sickness your dog will get used to it in really short bursts & it may decrease.
  21. There is show training at SACA, at Two Wells & somewhere south that is advertised in the monthly canine journal. They are at night & weekly. May help. For the few minutes that your dog is in the ring you may as well do it yourself really. Watch the others & ask questions from experienced exhibitors. They are usually most helpful.
  22. Don't like the look of the hairless chinese crested with all that skin exposed & some tufts but I do like them when they have a full coat they look so nice with hair. Having said that there are probably some other dogs too as a group that are so variable example basset hound & afghan hound so I assume the question means similar in looks not in breed group ? I could love any dog really if it landed on me by some circumstance rather than choice regardless of looks & temperament as long as it wasn't killer psycho dog :laugh:
  23. I have never rewarded with treats or used a clicker, just verbal praise however the sit & then wait command is invaluable before being allowed through the front door & in many situations even if it does take ages & patience. Years ago I had my toy poodle in the car on the back seat. They were all trained to stay in the back & behave while I was driving & there were no harness/crate laws back then. It was rush hour & I pulled in a busy petrol station for fuel on a main road. A dog in a nearby car had its head out of the window doing its nut at my dog. I opened the door & my dog shot out I yelled sit. stay & automatically without thinking he just did it so I could pick him up & safely contain him in the car. Leave it is another good command. The one time mine saw a snake I also yelled leave it & sit & the damn thing went under the house while they all sat there. Doesn't work on cats though. 2 of mine pinched my fillet steak when I went to answer the door :) With 2 teenagers & what you are going through I am sure you have had plenty of practise being patient. He sounds a good dog.
  24. I also thought the above was applicable. I have never left loose dogs in my front yard however when living in the city I did have a beware of dog sign on back gates but not at the front. Beware of the dog doesn't say it is dangerous or vicious its only a thing usually to deter people. If a matter went to court I would think the outcome may vary according to the circumstances & the views of who is hearing the matter not a set in concrete ruling.
  25. There was a gate between the lounge & kitchen diner here when I bought the place. Made like picket fencing & varnished. Love it so handy but the dogs have scratched it heaps. If boys want to get girls they scratch it. If any dog in there wants to come out they scratch it. Given up trying to pretty it up & decided the aged wood look will have to do.
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