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Hi guys, I have been doing some research on the internet about anti barking devices. I saw an item that sets off a 130 decibel sound for up to 15meters. I spoke to the neighbours wih the other dog that barks and they are okay with using this device. I am just wondering if these things work or are they just a gimmick? What are the collars that let off a static electric shock like?
Thanks guys, some great ideas
Hi our new dog trigger has a bit of a barking problem with the next door neighbours dog. The fence is a slated type and they can see each other. We received a letter from another neighbour complaining about the noise they make during the day (does not happen at all during the night), they have threatened to go to council if it continues. Just wondering what is the best thing to do. Are the stop bark collar effective or are there alternatives?????? PS I shall be talking to both neighbours as well as I don't want this issue to cause angst amongst neighbours.
We have only had her for 2 weeks as she is adopted and we have started feeding her chicken frames, necks and premium kibble. She does cower sometimes and I think she was disciplined quite hard. She is also going through a false pregnency (milk and adopting my shoe as a pup) and has just been desexed!!!!!! I'm taking her to the vet on Saturday and ask about the anal glands stuff.
Hi last night I noticed my staffy licking her rear end (not her gentalia) and there was a strong metallic smell coming from her anus. Just wondering what could it be or its cause etc.
Feeding Chicken Carcasses To A "scoffer" ?
jet replied to raffikki's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
So excuse my ignorance but what would be a good balance if I was feeding frames 3 times a weeK, what would I feed for the other 4 days? -
Feeding Chicken Carcasses To A "scoffer" ?
jet replied to raffikki's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
So if I'm reading this right. When feeding a chicken frame on that day feed nothing else? Thanks -
Feeding Chicken Carcasses To A "scoffer" ?
jet replied to raffikki's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi guys, sorry to ask this in this thread, but I thought it was good place to ask. I have a 16kg (18 month old) staffy, who is walked everyday how many chicken frames a week should she be fed? Or better still does anyone just feed chicken frames everyday? -
Okay thanks for the info guys. I particularly like the pencil case goodies bag to play fetch. Very much appreciated
Hi, I recently rescued a 18month old female staffy and she is great. However, when I take her for a walk she displays fear of other dogs with aggression. I know this is probably due to a lack of socialisation as a puppy, but I am wanting to know if there is any technique/training that I can implement to stop this behaviour as I would like to take her to a dog park and get her to socialise with the other dogs. Also as an aside, she absolutely shows no interest in playing fetch, how can I get her interested in this? At the park she doesn't walk very far from me when she is off lead and to get her to run around I have to run with her and I am getting very fit, but very tired!!!
Alas I googled images of wandering jew and one has just started to creep into oor b/yard, I shall rip it out with pleasure ;)
Thanks guys. So the egg thing just crack it before hand? and the dog will eat the shell as well?
I feed my Staff pup science Diet, what can I add to make her coat nice and shiny
I feed her Science diet mixed with some Pal puppy (so its not to dry) and the odd chicken wing. I don't have a lawn but I do take her to the local park everyday.
Hi my pup Staff 15 weeks old and has started to develop a rash, I know this breed is prone to it. I am wondering what I can use to treat her as I I wish to avoid cortesone. She seems to get it after extended period on grass. I am also wondering if it may be her bed mat (it is made of wool) PS do puppies normally grow out of this? I am also wondering what I can do to get a nice glowing coat. Thanks Jet