Iam new here
Ive been on the net most of the day searching for information on different treatments for Epilepsy.My 4yr old Norfolk terrier X Fox terrier(Eddie) has been diagnosed with it.First seizure was 18mth ago then the 2nd was August this year.Bloods were taken and all came back normal.He has had 5 seizures to date each approx 3 weeks apart.
Iam hoping there will be someone here that i bounce my ideas and thoughts off,or who can share their experiences with me on this.
Iam am a member of a forum for horse lovers(as i have them too) and know these forums can be quiet helpful and a lot can be learnt.
However I am about to head home from work now(great time to post LOL) so i will be checking for any reply post first thing tomorrw morn so please help if you can
Hope to hear from you all soon
Cheers Megs