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I really believe that Eddie was a where of his surrounding when he had sz.Coz when i was patting him while he was having one he would duck his head when i would go to pat it.He use to like to be held.His back legs would stretch out behind him and i would wrap my arms around him while he was on his side.He'd relax abit but if i moved he'd tence back up.I use to just say to him "your ok" over and over again softly.When he came back he'd usually lick my face as if to say thanks mum.Then i would usually encourage him to get up and do something, like get a drink or go to the loo.He was a bit wobbly on it but within about 5 mins tops he was back to his ADHD self. Cheers Megs
Sheltie lover ...He was only 4yrs old,5 in september. They weren't expecting this .He was ment to have surgery first thing this morn.They now think that there was probably a lot of liver damage but they would not have known untill they took a liver bi-opsy during the op.So it was most likely for the best. To all you guys with epi pups and who are on PB,really watch their diet.Make sure their on LOW FAT. Megs
This morning at about 9am Eddie had a sudden heart attack and they were unable to revive him.They said that it was not expected and that he just crashed fast ,so hopefully he didn't feel anything. Thanks to all for you advice and well wishes and all the best to you and your epi pups. Sheena iam sorry to hear about boris. Megs
UPDATE.....Eddie is having surgery on monday.His Bile duct has become scared from the pancreatitis and bile is unable to flow from the gallbladder.They will be doing a liver bi-opsey to se if the liver has been damaged. hopefully at the end i'll have Eddie back Megs :D
Well since my last post Eddie did come home on the wednesday night but was back to the vets thursday arfternoon after becoming jaundice.Took him to a specialist at South Strathfeild ARH on friday for an ultrasound, he found his pancreas to be inflamed(his blood test still don't show he has pancreatitis).Apparently should be approx 8mm wide but was 2cm wide) and this is stopping the bile to flow properly and causing the jaundice.So now iam told it's just a weighting game for the inflamation to go down and keep him on fluids to flush and support his system.I visited him this morning he's quiet bright and happy.Hopefully we'll get some improvement soon. He wont be going back on PB if he gets thru this as specialist suspects that this may have helped cause this. He told me PB causes fat to store in the blood and cause these sorts of issues. hope he comes home soon i miss him soooo much Cheers Megs
If he stays steady today they'll let him home to night.He's drinking now and holding that down but still on the drip.He's not interested in the chicken their offering(but he's never like chicken LOL)but he's tend not to eat when he's unhappy.Went to see him last night and he was definately brighter that sunday morning(when i dropped him off)but still not right. The vet said he was brighter again this morning. Finger crossed i take him home he'll have a good sleep in his bed and feel a lot better. Cheers Megs
His epilepsy has nothing to do with whats going on now,as he never vomit before,during or after his fits.The vets a still believing it some sort of gastro up set wether being viral or bacterial or some blockage.X-rays this morning showd a thinkening in his small intestine that had moved from up near the stomache yeasterday.I have confidence in the vets where he is as they are very reputable in the area.I just have to let them do there best for him. Cheers Megs
Iam hoping to get a few idea from you guy s with epi pups here are my posts from Poor Eddie post earlier today.Sorry if i rambled i just very worried 1st post; I just had the worst weekend (and most expensive) in a long time. Got home from dinner sat night about 9pm to a very sick dog.He was vomiting and would't drink.As the night went on he got worse and started to tremble.Rang My vet emergency number an she told me to take him the 24hr vet Hospital.I did the mad dash at 3.30am they put him on a drip.I had to pick him back up at 9am and take him to my vet,with the blood samples they had taken.(this my vet and I do not understand)when the blood was finally tested he was suffering a bad case of gastro. The reason my vet wanted me to go to the 24hr vet hospital was to have a diagnosis made before morning and treatment started sooner rather that later.As she would not have access to labs till day time.I am pretty miffed as i paid $360 for him to be there from 4.30am till 9am and still no wiser as to what was wrong. So he's at the vets hopefully he can come home tonight all going right. Poor little fella he's had a rough few weeks( and i had a expensive few weeks ) Cheers Megs 2nd post; Vet just called.He's not a happy camper and his temp gone back up so there gonna take -rays now. 3rd post; Spoke to the vet again.They gave him a bit of chicken and he vomited it up.They can't see anything abnormal in the x-rays ,their leaving him a the drip overnight and seeing how he is tomorrow morning.They ruled out pancreatitis yesterday as his enzime(sp) levels were normal.His white blood count was very high so he's fighting something.Iam wondering if maybe an ulcer as he started Phenobarbitol for epilepsy 10 days before all this.I know he'd be so miserable being there .And iam still none the wiser as to whats wrong. They said yesterday the PB is not likley to be the cause this is just an as well problem Megs :rolleyes:
Eddie does it after eating his dinner.Especially if there's been gravy involved
EDDIE UPDATE!!!! Ed's been brighter over the last couple of days Thought i would share this funny story with you all..... My housemate has a cat and we keep his food on the kitchen table (we don't use it for ourselves)On monday night the housmate got home and let Ed in and went about her business.A little while later she heard a noise coming from the kitchen,so she went to investagate......There,she find Edward(his in trouble name) sitting on one of the chairs with his front feet in the table pulling at the table cloth trying to pull the cat food to him. He's gone from picky eater to thief in a week Megs Sheltie lover was so sad to hear about Annie
Hey sheltielover! Ed weighs 11kgs and he's on 25mg of pb twice a day. I got home from work yesterday and he was a little brighter.Although it only lasted an hour or so, then it was nap time.Hopefully things will subside in another week or so if not i'll speak to the vet.At the moment he's not even up to a walk.He loved going for his run in the park at the moment he strolls around a bit, then heads back towards home as if to say" i tired now mum". Thanks to all for you help will keep you posted. Cheers Megs
Thanks Staffy-lover,I hope it soon. Cheers Megs
Ed's been on Meds for 4 day now.Last night i started balling to a friend when she asked me how he was .I hate seeing him wobble a stagger about.Yesterday has been the worst day as well as this morning.He's not the hypo mate that tears up and down the hall way when i get home.And his eyes are dull,not bright and eager like they usually are.I really hope this passes soon becauses he's not happy and i don't want him be like this for ever. Cheers Megs
Eddie started on Pb on Wednesady night. I give it a 8.30 and 8.30.Ive moved to the Campbelltown area.
Hey guys!! sorry for the late reply finally had a day off work yeaterday.YAH! Eddie is a Norkfolk terrier x fox terrier (looks just like a rough coat J russell)He weighs 11kgs.The vet has started him on 25mg of PB morning and night.He's not his usual hypo self at the moment,he's happy just to have a snooze and i found his balance is a bit off too.I use Mortdale Vet hospital,I have moved out of that area and it's not real local but i can't find a vet i like in the new area so i'll keep with these guys till i do. Cheers Megs :rolleyes: