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  1. Something a bit different. 2m x 1m x 800mm Has a divider Works well, no problems Made from materials found in the shed 10 minutes to erect or dismantle, 12 bolts with butterfly nuts
  2. A 'working line' Kelpie in a pet home will not be a happy chappy, unless you are really physically active
  3. "faverate" ??????????????????????
  4. Use your Google translator if your German is not up to speed.
  5. Try this link; all sizes & plenty of patches http://www.doxlock-shop.com/
  6. I was reading another thread about puppy socialisation where the author brought up attendance at a puppy pre-school as the first step in developing social skills in a puppy. I am however concerned about putting a pup at risk of infection when mixing with other pups that have had just their first vaccination. I also have a concern about the risk of a pup picking up an infection at a vet surgery. Any opinions, anyone?
  7. IMO it's a nonsense. I was speaking to a puppy owner on the weekend who paid $1500 for a limited register pup with the assurance if later he wanted to transfer to main register there would be no problem. That transfer only took place after he parted with another $500. There are plenty of examples out there like that where the breeders are not 'up front' with the buyers. There are no implied guarantees of show quality pups with Main Register registration, so what's the problem?
  8. Be aware of the fact that there have been some nasty accidents with kongs.
  9. You need experienced professional help. So does your dog
  10. I'm looking for a capable trainer in the ACT that can assist an inexperienced enthusiast with a young high drive dog. Any assistance in that direction would be appreciated
  11. Leather leads & salt water [or any water for that matter] don't go well together
  12. I find this interesting. You've bought the pup & now you want someone to train the pup! What's wrong with you taking your pup to an obedience club? I admit that some are better than others, but it's the owners that need the training & not the pup.
  13. cold whole carrots. They get addicted to them.
  14. Obviously a lot of thought went into the buying of this puppy
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