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  1. I know I'm a bit late in replying but thanks to all for the kind words and thoughts, I still miss my little boy and still expect him to come up to me when I open the door or have him appear from under the trailer. Iris is slowly getting use to life without her brother, especially since he use to groom her left side as she found it really hard without her back leg.
  2. Thanks guys. He really was a one in a million for me. He loved water and when he was a kitten often would hop into the shower with me. Now I just have to get use to having him buried in the garden right outside my front door (that'll take some getting use to)
  3. It was a darn tick. He was fine yesterday and there was no sign of any illness or anything. But this afternoon, he was found dead by my neighbour in their front yard with a massive tick on his neck. I miss my baby boy already. Goodbye my little cuddly man.
  4. Thanks guys. I have a small bar sized freezer half filled with dog meat and of course I can't use it all before it starts to smell, so frozen treats etc are a better idea for me (plus I have that dreaded problem called 'ants') I'll try them with some frozen necks tomorrow morning and see how they go. I need to make room for the 'doggy block'
  5. I remember someone saying last summer that they use to make an "iceblock" for their dogs which pretty much was an ice cream bucket fileld chicken or beef stock and some chicken necks in it. I'm thinking of making one for my two (staffy and cocker spaniel) as the days are getting hotter and was wondering if the frozen or half thawed chicken necks in something like this could cause harm to the dogs throats when they chew them? Also, is it okay to give them frozen necks and meat bones in this warmer weather?
  6. I bought mince (as in premium mince) from there and was shocked to see that the use by date was the following day (I was there on a Saturday) but I bought it as it was the last one there. I was even more shocked to see that when I was breaking it up to cook it that the outside was that lovely mince colour and the middle was definately off colour. My dog seemed to love it though, but from now on I get it from the butcher where it's a lovely colour and I know it's prepared every day.
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