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Everything posted by sandra77

  1. Hi Deelee2, I have no advice on your new cat situation, but I would like to let you know that it was the advice from your thread about loose lead walking that got my girl for finally walk on a loose lead too. I never thought it would be possible. Thanks for posting that question, and to the people who gave her advice as it was your tips that really helped me. sandra
  2. I really have no advice I just wanted to say that you have nice nails... I am jealous, I wish I could grow my nails! sandra
  3. I cant understand how the check chain would stay around the top of her neck. Wouldn't the minute it goes loose it would slip down to its usual position? Anyway I have looked up on the net and seen the link that the previous poster has suggested. I am still doing the sit if she pulls method... I was just wondering how long will it be before I see some improvements? I am walking her now in a place with less distractions, throwing a ball before going on walks to tire her out a little. This morning I tried the stick thing that another poster suggested bingo, I got her attention, well not me but the stick did. She is a fan of the stick.... to chase to chew to destroy to fetch etc etc. It kind of worked cos she was heeling if the stick was beside me. I will be taking her to obedience starting this week. But with the information I have just given is there something else I could have missed or am not doing right? Thanks for the tips so far Sandra
  4. Oops sorry for that. Off top do some research Sandra
  5. I have just moved from out of town, large yard, to into town and a small yard. And I think it is best that I take my 1 year old Weim for daily walks (for her and for me ). Trouble is she is soo excited during our walks she constantly pulls on the lead. This is a real pain in the rear and I am really dreading the time when I have to walk her. My hands are so sore after wards. This is what I have tried so far... making her sit every time she pulls ont he flat collar, using only check chain, this leads to her having a really red neck, using a check chain and a flat collar, she still gets a red neck. I am under the impression that she should be able to differentiate that she is using the check chain for obedience, the flat collar for general walks, the harness for tracking etc etc. She is fine to heal during obedience. Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas? I really want to eventually go for runs but I think I will fall over her or something. She has gotten a little better since we have started going for walks but not much. Thanks again Sandra
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