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Everything posted by poodle3081

  1. Both Dyers originate from China and are essentially the same. Would not recommend them for professional use as they are only a single motor and the power specifications are wrong. If they were 2800watts then they would be illegal in Australia. The maximum power of any appliance in Australia is 2400 watts. If these appliances were used in Australia and caused an electrical fire your insurance would not cover you as rhe nameplate states 2800 W. If you need clarification contact the electrical regulator in your state.
  2. There are no problems in cutting the hose to the length you want. Most dryer hoses screw into the fittings. Ideally it would be good if you could cut it in half and then you have a spare hose.
  3. The Double K takes the standard A5 blades and would be the most powerful clipper available to drive them. Many people use them to clip horses and they are popular with some dog groomers as well. They tend to polarise opinion with dog groomers as some love them and would not use anything else, and then there are those that cannot handle the cable. There is a knack to using them for dog grooming. They are ideal for horses as they are super quiet and they don't blow hair everywhere as there is no fan in the handpiece.
  4. I’ve worked in the pet grooming servicing industry a few years back and it was impossible to get any clear consensus on products used by professional groomers regarding blades, clippers or scissors. There are those that claim ceramic blades are superior and then others that state they are rubbish. Many blades come from the same factory and only branded differently yet they are viewed differently by end users. All blades will vary when new as the sharpening process is a variable operation and they are not usually tested after factory sharpening. This often leads to a particular user getting a set against a brand when they get one that is not that sharp when new.
  5. You need to compare apples with apples with regard to dryer performance. How many motors has the dryer got? Where is it made? You will pay a lot less for a dryer made in China but you risk longevity and also the availability of parts and after sales service.
  6. Looking at the awards, photos and grooming trophies on the walls in their shop today and it looks like they have achieved alot in their careers. in europe and america aswell Oh... the whispers make sense now, heh. Unfortunately the grooming industry can be quite unkind to others, especially if they are successful/have their master groomers certs. Ignore what I said before. *feels like an idiot* I have observed over the years the disparaging comments about individuals and businesses on forums and have known many to be untrue. It is difficult for the business or individual to defend themselves as the person making the comments writes under a pseudonym. Recently in WA a forum was forced to identify the person behind the pseudonym and they were successfully sued for $30000 for defamation. This will put pressure on forum administrators as the case in WA appears to be the tip of the iceberg.
  7. Know both Nicki and Melanie as professional groomers and can vouch for both.
  8. I know another that swears by the product. It is expensive but it appears to work.
  9. Courses such as Box Hill's are not designed to turn out accomplished groomers as they give a well rounded course of study covering animal health, business and other basics to form a foundation for a successful career. I think you would find any formal study does not turn out students that can hit the ground running and be fully competent. It could be said that those learning in a salon environment lack the holistic training that formal training offers.
  10. IMO the Andis blades are slightly better.
  11. Try a new product called Comfortis. It is administered orally and according to reports is effective.
  12. Aibel dryer is made in China. They try to tell you they are made in the USA but they are made in China. http://www.aibel.com.cn/en/contact/ The problem in the future is parts and service
  13. The blade 30-15-10 is fitted to the Wahl vibrating arm clipper and it may not be suitable for the coat type you have. Get Colin (nicestman) to look at it and see how you go, but you may require a more powerfull rotary motor clipper.
  14. Have worked for Clipper World in the past and they had excellent customer service principles and Feather Edge also has a an excellent name with professional groomers.
  15. I recommend the Wahl KM as it is reasonably priced and the parts are readily available and moderately priced. The single speed suits most applications especially that of the home groomer or those with the smaller breeds.
  16. If they are blades for small animal clipping such as the A5 blades then the grinding gear used for shearing blades is not suitable as it will flat grind the blades.
  17. Clipper blade sharpening is a specialist art and requires accurate machining down to fine tolerances. Blades used for shearing and horse clipping are flat ground and the process of sharpening is relatively simple. Blades used for small animal clipping are hollow ground and these require a honing wheel that is machined to accurate specifications. Even experienced sharpeners will encounter problems with the quality of their work if their equipment is not maintained or the honing wheel is not machined correctly.
  18. What clipper to use is a personal preference as are scissors. In general stick with a known brand such as Wahl, Andis, Laube or Double K, all of these brands make a professional quality clipper and it will be supported by parts and service. In Australia very few groomers use Oster as they run hot and lack power.
  19. A lot of the modern treatments for both human and animals can have adverse side effects. Even the debate over child immunization due to deaths occurring in small children due to the vaccines highlights the danger of modern health treatments. Generally it is a balance as to how much benefit is derived from the treatment and what the associated risk is. A dog with a flea infestation has a miserable life, and most dogs in Australia would not be managed as and maintained to the level as many of the show dogs referred to here on DOL, and therefore will have fleas.
  20. The issue I have with these types of forums is that they are not the place to resolve personal issues. To give an opinion on what groomer you use or what brand etc is fine, but for example, when a member goes on about a particular Vet by naming them and describing an incident that went wrong or a disputed bill, then the other party does not have the right of reply. The problem with disputes is that there are two sides to the story and both parties usually believe they are right. I alerted a grooming supply business in Brisbane last year that had information posted on this site that was of a malicious nature. As it turned out it was a disgruntled employee and the supplier initiated legal action and the post was removed from DOL by the administrator.
  21. Yes I have done work for them in servicing and remain good friends to this day.
  22. Luckypup- I contacted Clipper World today and alerted them to your comments. Needless to say they were angry and considering what action they should take. You claim “ I think im being misinterpreted ALOT!” Then how would you interpret the following statements you made? “completely DESTROYED a few of my friends scissors, didn’t own up to it, and didn’t fix or replace them”! “Gary knew he had stuffed up and got Anne to tell me” Clipper World has no knowledge of any customer that claimed their scissors had been destroyed, and if it were the case then they would definitely replace the scissor. Secondly Gary has never made a comment or stated that he stuffed up. He did say to me that occasionally a client will bring a scissor or blade in that is corroded or excessively worn, and tells them that the blade or scissor cannot be restored to as new condition.
  23. I know the staff at Clipper World, and find it hard to believe that they would not fix a problem if they were responsible for it. Check with your friend the details as I used them for sharpening and found it to be excellent. I also know the staff there, and the same thing has happened to me with my more expensive thinners that are meant to be sharpened in a certain way and they said they would try their best, and Gary knew he had stuffed up and got Anne to tell me. Dont get me wrong, they are an amazing family, i just wouldnt use them for any sharpening services. Bit confusing. Firstly it was your friends now yours? I have worked in the sharpening industry and scissors sold to unsuspecting groomers as expensive are usually made in Pakistan and have a lovely finish but will not last. What make of scissor is it? they did mine and stuffed then but also did my friends as well, so i know they arent really any good for scissors... my scissors were Osters...and Osters are very good quality Modern Oster scissors are not German quality and are similar to the range Wahl recently sold then discontinued. The Wahl were made in Pakistan and came in a velvet box and sold for over $100. The Oster are similar to these. Price is not an indicator of quality. Clipper World sharpen high end hairdressing scissor usually made in Germany or Japan, and I know a hairdressing wholesaler who uses them for the quality of the workmanship.
  24. I know the staff at Clipper World, and find it hard to believe that they would not fix a problem if they were responsible for it. Check with your friend the details as I used them for sharpening and found it to be excellent. I also know the staff there, and the same thing has happened to me with my more expensive thinners that are meant to be sharpened in a certain way and they said they would try their best, and Gary knew he had stuffed up and got Anne to tell me. Dont get me wrong, they are an amazing family, i just wouldnt use them for any sharpening services. Bit confusing. Firstly it was your friends now yours? I have worked in the sharpening industry and scissors sold to unsuspecting groomers as expensive are usually made in Pakistan and have a lovely finish but will not last. What make of scissor is it?
  25. I know the staff at Clipper World, and find it hard to believe that they would not fix a problem if they were responsible for it. Check with your friend the details as I used them for sharpening and found it to be excellent.
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