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Everything posted by Seita

  1. I didn't take time off with Ella but I was only working part time and at night mostly so my OH would come home within a few hours of my leaving so she was never really on her own for longer than a few hours at first. If I'm still in the same industry when I get my next dog I'm going to do nights for a few weeks after getting pup so I have time during the day with pup and then it's on it's own for a few hours till OH gets home - works really well. I'm in in a 9-5job then I think I'll probably pick pup up on Friday night/Sat morning and take maybe a few days off the following week (if not the whole week) and use that time to get pup use to being on it's own for longer periods of time.
  2. Well done!!! As for getting the title sorted out - get a hold of a title application form, you should be able to download them from your state's canine body website. Fill in the details as requested and send it off with the applicable fee. Here in Qld you need to send the official pedigree and have to write all the details about the trials but you don't send in the certificates. I don't know if it's the same in other states but the application form will probably explain all you need to know!
  3. Ok got some videos up now. As I can't ever seem to get anyone to do a proper video of my trials I have bits and pieces from this last trial! The heel work: The Change of position: Unfortunately that's all I got from yesterday's trial due to my Dad getting muddled about which buttons to press when (despite a demo and very detailed instructions - press once to start and once to stop)!!!! But I did a ring run out last weekend and got a friend to video that for me, so here is a full run out which I think is pretty similar work to what she did yesterday:
  4. Same as most other people's replies goes for me. I go every few weeks for distraction training. I occaisonally jump into a class for a few minutes as the distractions of doing a heel pattern with 10 other dogs nearby is heaps better than most other places! I also do the occasional ring run out at club as well. I train all new things at home and only work on them at club when my dog is at proofing stage.
  5. Thanks guys! I'm pretty thrilled with my girl! I worked out her averages, and from her four trials she has an average score of 191... I'm pretty happy with that. Now for that 200! Whateva - sweepstakes are trials that are usually judged by trainee judges for them to get practice. Here in QLD all novice competitors are required to complete at least one sweepstakes with a score of 150 or more before they can compete in proper trials. I think it's a bit of a pointless rule, especially now that we have CCD but it's not really such a big thing. I guess one of the main reasons they have this rule is to ensure people are at a decent level before they commence trialling properly. Ptolomy - I want to polish up her heel work a little, also polish her stand for exams/stays etc as she regularly moves a foot, and the two biggest things are teach her how to hit the brakes for the drop on recall and some more proofing on the retrieve over the jump, she is retrieving over a 200mm jump currently but I need to get the height up and teach her to always return over the jump regardless of where I've thrown the dumbbell to! She does everything but it just needs work... the recall is probably going to be the hardest thing though.
  6. Ella finished her CD title today with a score of 193 and 2nd place!!! I'm soo proud of this little girl, she's gone through CCD in 3 straight trials and now Novice as well in 4 straight trials (one sweepstakes). We're now going to take a few months off to polish our open work and we'll be back in the ring around August!!!
  7. DogDude, She's looking pretty good!!!! One thing I might mention is that now is a great time to stop watching her, if you want to trial you'll get docked heaps of points for watching her all the time - it's the thing I get pinged for the most!!! It's so hard not to watch them but if you start training yourself early then you should be out of the habit before you start trialling, unlike me who has to go into a trial ring with "DO NOT WATCH YOUR DOG" written on my hand!!!
  8. Thanks for that Monelite! I think there is a club up here in QLD that does accept other breeds as well or at least so I've been informed by a member of said club. But the club nearest to me gave me a downright NO when I enquired.
  9. Very nice! I love watching dogs that are obviously enjoying themselves alot!
  10. There is also Camp Tailwaggers or Coolangatta Pet Motel (same place), the owner there runs a puppy class.
  11. As little as possible! Living in Brisbane now means I can trial fairly regularly and only have to travel a max of about half an hour to get to a trial. When I used to live up in North QLD aside from my club's own trials (3 times a year) the closest other trials were about an hour away (also about 3-4 times a year) and after that it was Townsville (4 hours drive)... I even went all the way to Proserpine one year (6 hours drive), needless to say I never did that trial again! I would probably only travel for a fairly special trial these days as I just don't have the time to drive long distances!
  12. That's beautiful! You must be very proud of your son! Well done also to the club for being so welcoming to your son, I'm sure in years to come it will mean a lot to him. I also started training dogs at a young age (11/12, can't remember) and am soo thankful for how helpful and friendly the club I joined was... I'm sure it will be the same with your son and niece!!!
  13. I was wondering about the same thing the other day... maybe they haven't changed the criteria yet?
  14. Bumping this thread up again. I do not do Schutzhund, I'd like to but it would require changing breeds! But I have trained my Border Collie in obedience, schutzhund style. I think something that IPO/schutzhund clubs could to do further promote the sport is to allow breeds that aren't officially allowed to compete to train with the club, even if it is only in obedience or tracking. I recently inquired about joining a club in Brisbane but was informed that due to my dog's breed I wouldn't be able to. I personally would love to train with an IPO club as I have a high drive dog who works well using IPO type training methods... instead I have to train at a club that encourages the complete opposite - inhibiting the dog's drive rather than encouraging it. Perhaps IPO/Schutzhund clubs should become less selective about breeds but definitely remain very selective about the actual handlers/members.
  15. Ella and I had our third novice trial last night and yet again qualified! We scored 186 and won the ring which is funny as the last trial we scored 190 and only managed third!!! Silly me however looked at my dog THE ENTIRE way through the trial so got pinged a lot for that... Note to self: DO NOT look at dog!!! :rolleyes: This is her second leg now (needed to do a sweepstakes first) so 2 weeks until our next trial and hopefully we'll have our title!!!
  16. Heel her along a fence or wall etc so that when you stop she can't be anything other than straight as she's got you on one side and the wall/fence on the other.
  17. Seita

    Poo Everywhere

    I have a girl who does that too... actually my last girl did it as well but my boy never did. Maybe it's a girl thing?
  18. Currently one with sole focus on Obedience with the occasional dabble into the show ring.. but I've trained and handled a max of 3 dogs in agility and 2 in obedience at the same time, BUT I had more time then. I'd be flat out with more than one at the moment but next year hopefully things will slow down and I am considering a second dog in the next year or three.
  19. Dog: Ella Breed: Border Collie Age: 2 Vaccinations had: C4/5 (can't remember) at 8wks, C5 at 12 wks, C5 at 12 months Titre Results: My vet has a different sort of test which gives your a numerical result between 1 and 6. 1-3 being zero to low immunity with vaccination recommended and 4-6 being sufficient to very high immunity vaccination not required. My girl has a 5 and 6 for parvo and hepatitis and a 4 for distemper. She will be retested in about 10 months to check on the distemper.
  20. THanks for your comments guys!!! Honestly, if you have a dog with drive there is NO better way to train your dog... I am just soo thrilled with how well my girl is going. I always knew she'd be great but with Steve's methods she's more than great!!! Shoemonster - you'll definitely learn alot at the seminar... I am soooo envious that I can't go!!! Dogdude - keep us updated on your training!!!
  21. Well we had our first "real" trial in Novice last night and got our first leg towards our title!!! ;) We ended up with 190 due to a slight moment of forgetfulness during the heel work which cost us 7 points but I was still pretty thrilled with Ella's work! The judge commented that she was a 200 score dog of the future, both after our individual work out in the ring and then again during presentations. Unfortunately no video again because my videographer (aka other half) did something silly with the camera and it didn't record!!!
  22. Bumping this up because I just took my girl to Animal Options at Ormeau and was very happy with the service. The titre and a full health check cost $65 and the girls at reception were very nice. Rowan (the vet) doesn't say much but is very nice and was soo calm and relaxed with Ella, I was impressed cos Ella is very hyper most of the time but he seemed to calm her right down and she just stood there for him without much encouragement needed. Very happy with this clinic, especially seeing as all other clinics wanted to charge like $150+ for the same thing. Plus they do the titre testing on site so you get your result back the same day, I'm just waiting for their call now.
  23. K9: of course not! I only play to win! K9: Very welcome, have had some great feedback from a few of the people there. K9: PICTURES PEOPLE! Well done on the sweepstakes too! K9: ok thats leaves 7 I still need to perfect lol... K9: lol, maybe they can now... Rom you need to jump in the car with Seita & get yourself to the "Take the guesswork out tour", I have a lot of new additions to my training in drive work that will really surprise you.... I'm still toying with the idea of flying down for it but not sure where I'm going to get the $500 or so that I need to do that! Maybe someone can sponsor me? Hey is there any rich person out there who wants to sponsor me to go to this seminar?? Any takers? Yes we may have some developments for you there Steve, give us a bit of time and we'll let you know! ;)
  24. Look at that Steve, 3 (out of what 10?) attendees all doing well in obedience after that one workshop!!!
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