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Everything posted by Seita

  1. I'd recommend crate training as well, keep pup inside for the first few weeks/months get them used to sleeping in the crate and then you can move the crate outside to a sheltered spot and pup will be fine like that. My girl has always been inside with her crate but when I visit my parents or the inlaws the crate gets rugged up and she gets locked in there like usual only the crate is outside... doesn't seem to worry her. She loves her crate, she's currently curled up fast asleep in hers at the moment (it sits in the lounge room) and the door is wide open.
  2. OI K9!!! Your week is well and truely up, we want a date!!! .... Seriously
  3. Hurry up with the date K9force! We're (ok I'm) getting impatient!
  4. I will be able to confirm or discredit this after tonight as I get to meet the infamous Erny!
  5. It sounds like they're referring to live animals/wildlife though to me.They allow e-collars and bark collars on ebay so why not a prong? can go up to 71cm(person i got it from had a bullmastif)but you just remove the links to suit Odd, but I guess they make the rules. I think the collar may be too big for my girl! I've got one that goes pretty big too but am looking for a smaller size!
  6. Congrats BorderLover! It's nice to see a few different names up on the results pages of caroline and robyn's website!!!
  7. So it's not that it's illegal to sell in NSW, rather it goes against e-bay's policies and therefore they won't allow you to sell it. What size is it cos I'm looking for a new one?
  8. It's best to have them desexed before having a cycle - less hassle for you, less risk of pregnancy among other things. There is conflicting information about how old a dog should be before getting it desexed, the general rule has always been around 6 months but heaps of breeders are now desexing before pups go to their new homes although with a small dog like yours that may be different. Hopefully someone else will jump on here and offer you some advice on whats best for your breed. Well done for being responsible and having her desexed!!
  9. Well Done!!!! That's a great score! Yes you are right, novice sweepstakes is next... although if you are entering a sweepstakes CCD trial you can enter the novice sweepstakes class as well and if you get that, then you can forget about the rest of CCD!
  10. Gosh I can be stupid sometimes! I don't know why I didn't think of that! I've been sitting here thinking about how I could make solid panels for the jump to use instead of bars!! ;) Thanks DD!!! ETA: I just went and tried that and works a treat! Thanks again!!
  11. I think it all depends on the temperment of the dog - pick the pup with the best temperment for what you want regardless of it's sex and train it appropriately (ie - match the method with the temperment) and you'll have a great dog.
  12. I'm currently training my dog in preparation for Open and the little B***H is testing me on the retrieve over the jump on a daily basis! Today for example she ran to the jump, stopped at looked at me. Then on another attempt went over it but came back around it. Or there are days she goes under (I'm using a bar at the moment cos I don't have a solid at home) or through the middle of the two bars!!!
  13. Hi BorderLover! There is no difference between a CCD trial and a CCD sweepstakes, most sweepstakes trials run a CCD trial at the same time as any judge can judge it regardless of whether they are a trainee or not. I was a bit confused when I started trialling again at the start of this year but a few different judges cleared it up for me!
  14. A clicker is great for marking and targeting certain behaviours and they often are very practical for people who are learning how to target behaviours. Other benefits are that it gives the same sound every time, which the dog picks up very quickly. I don't use them because I like having my hands free for training so I use the same principle but instead of a click I use the word 'yes' to mark behaviours. They need to be coupled with a reward of some sort and that reward will depend on what turns your dog on, whether that be food, toys, a game or praise - there is no right answer to what the best reward is, it completely depends on what your dog *thinks* the best reward is. For my current dog it's a game of tug, for the dog before her is was verbal and physical praise, and the dog before that it was food all the way.
  15. I had planned on going to that seminar with Uta but work got in the way. Sounds like you had a great time, wish I could have gone!
  16. I think the reason behind only being allowed to use english lies with the fact that our commands are supposed to be one word and if you give commands in another language the judge can't tell whether you are using one word or not. But as I've said so far I haven't come across any problems for using another language - just tell the judge before you start and it should be ok.
  17. - the updates to your TID program - why my dog suddenly has a short fuse with other dogs and how to stop it! - e collar work
  18. RottyLover01 - last I heard we were looking at around September/October (I think) but it does depend on Steve's availability and the availability of the venue we're looking at. As for where, I believe we've decided on camp tailwaggers down on the Gold Coast, but nothing is final yet!
  19. Steve should be headed up this way later this year... now that we've sorted out a venue I think its just figuring out dates, but again ROM's the one to contact about it cos I left it in her hands!!!
  20. I train in two languages - German for my drive work and english for general obedience. I also do ANKC trials and as long as you clear it with the judge first and they're ok with it then there is no problems. So far I haven't met any judges with issues about my use of german but some have asked specifically what my commands are.
  21. I'm in, but i need to know a time pretty soon as I'm doing the roster for that week at the moment so I gotta make sure I don't roster myself on accidentally!!!
  22. The lead is very useful and just explain to people that you don't want him jumping on you or them and to teach him that they can't pat him until he is calm. I have a 2 year old who tends to launch herself at people quite unexpectedly and I took her to a bbq on the weekend where there were maybe 20-30 people and many who wanted to pat her. I told every single person that she could only get pats if she was sitting and calm and guess what she was sooo well behaved all night! When my girl was young I used to take her out to parks etc where there were plenty of people and just ask anyone who wanted to pat her to ignore her because I was training her to not get so excited around people. I know it sounds a little rude but I'd rather offend a few people then instead of heaps of people later when she's completely unmanageable and jumps all over everyone! It may be sociallly awkward at the moment but it pays off when the dog is older and is well behaved.
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