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Everything posted by Seita

  1. I am in the same boat as you but I have an adult dog so haven't really worried too much about her with the pool. But with a puppy I'd probably be a bit more careful. I guess the question is whether you want to let you dog in the pool or not. If you are going to let it in then teach it how to get in and out and swim etc. If you aren't going to let the dog use the pool maybe you could set up a run or fence off an area of the backyard away from the pool where you can put the dog when you're out? I'm looking at getting a new puppy soon and will be having a pen set up for it when I'm out as I don't want my dogs to use the pool.
  2. And the way to use toys is exactly the way you would use food! When you want to reward the dog you just toss him the toy or whatever instead of the treat. Works the same way! Oh and if you read any things about clicker training they usually say food but you can use a toy just as easily.
  3. Does anyone train there or know when they start up again?
  4. You could work on scent stuff - scent discrimination or seek back type things. I can't think of anything else sorry! That's what I've been working on while its hot!!
  5. Wow, way to go!! I'd be deliriously happy with that!! Oh I am!! I think those were actually my goals for 2008, well CCD and CD definitely were... I can't remember if I wanted CDX as well!
  6. Well I had a bumper year this year (CCD, CD and CDX in straight passes) so am not going to be greedy in 09. I would like to get her gold dumbbell and be ready for UD by the end of the year - I'll be content with that.
  7. I'm in QLD so it's not often cold so i definitely prefer the gazebos - I try to avoid competing when it's cold, I tend to hibernate instead! If you are going to get a gazebo definitely go with a quality brand like oztrail. I bought a cheapie (actually not that cheap but cheaper than the oztrails) and after 6 uses it's broken. I can fix it up but it would have been nice for it to last longer.
  8. 1 - hesitated at first but after a second command did a perfect fetch 2 - I forgot the signal and just said a strange word and she still took off toward the item 3 - hesitated at first (probably because I'd just been telling her off for going after the item!) but did a perfect recall after a second command
  9. OOHHH I WANT ONE TOO!!!!! Pretty please??? I've been wanting to make one myself but can't figure out where to get the fire hose from!!!
  10. Midol - where do you get the fire hose from cos I need to make myself some tugs too! Glad to hear that you guys are still raving about the workshop! I was braindead until I fell asleep last night because of it - a total zombie at work yesterday!
  11. Ok I actually tried this and I was slightly wrong in my guess of what Ella (CDX border collie) would do. She sat and watched me for about 35 seconds and then looked away for a second or two but then straight back at me.
  12. Well I decided to give this a shot and she recalled beautifully, came around the front and sat but had her body perpendicular to me rather than front on and looked up at me! I tried it a second time for good measure with the exact same result, really nice fast recall absolutely nothing different to normal except she didn't bother swinging her bum around! Oh and Ella is a CDX titled dog. Gosh Ptolomy, do you not have anything better to do than challenge us all the time???!!!
  13. Awww my baby! :rolleyes: Anyway, thanks for coming along guys. I hope you all got something out of it - I certainly did! It was a fantastic weekend and I'm looking forward to getting Steve up again in a year or two! Good luck with your training everyone!
  14. I don't own a stop watch but I've been training for this (among other stuff) and I'm fairly confident that she'd give me a good long minute or more but would only break eye contact for a moment before looking at me again!
  15. I highly recommend the innotek fences! It's the only thing that keeps my dog in her yard!
  16. QLD time sorry guys!!! I never remember about the time differences! I washed my girl yesterday, it's been over 6 weeks since her last show and she was soo badly on the nose that I couldn't bear to have her inside with me any longer - I certainly didn't want to subject any of you to that!!!
  17. Numbers at this stage are 12 Saturday and 14 Sunday plus Steve and Myself. Although there are still some tentatives!
  18. Ok, I have to change what I said about multiple dogs. Only one per handler at the workshops but you can bring another one if it's just going to be in the yard etc. Everyone should have received the info letter and disclaimer by now so I'll see you all on the weekend!!
  19. Yes you can bring multiple dogs! Info letter coming out soon...
  20. wow you guys have been busy!!! Only a week left to go now!!!
  21. There's a large offleash area right near the training area and each of the cabins have a small fenced yard so for those people bringing dogs who may not cope being crated/leashed all day we can probably arrange for some to be loose in the various yards at least for some of the time! Midol - feel free to bring tugs and stuff as we may do a hands on bit when we get to drive training on the Sunday afternoon. I'll be bringing my tug etc - it doesn't take up much space so why not!
  22. Ok in answer to all the questions: As far as I know there is no restrictions about vaccinations etc. The training area is well away from the boarding kennel and we're a private group and we haven't stated that we need vaccinations. Just don't bring a dog with kennel cough ok guys!!! What to bring: Yourself and your dog A crate or something similar may be a good idea as well Those who are staying in cabins have all linen etc provided so no need to bring anything Those camping will need to bring tents and sleeping gear Bring whatever you feel comfortable with for handling your dog, if you use a harness or a halti or a prong it doesn't matter. We aren't setting any restrictions about this! Umm... lets see what else... a notebook and pen might be a good idea to take notes as there will be alot of information and you'll probably find yourself having difficulty remembering alot of what was said a few weeks after the workshop (I know I did last time I attended one). No need to bring: Chairs as there are heaps! Or food as all meals are provided. You will need to have breakfast before you come on Saturday as we're not providing that and if you're coming on Sunday only then the same goes. There is no catering provided for the Saturday evening session except for continuous tea and coffee but as far as I know there isn't anyone who's only coming for that session. As for where the workshop will be: Saturday and Sunday full day sessions will be held under the mega shed thing, so we'll be in shade all day. If we do need to use the grassed area it won't be for long. The Saturday night will probably be inside where all the meals are taken. And lastly, bring a good attitude and an open mind and be prepared to have some fun!! Ok, hope I covered everything. I probably won't be online much between now and the workshop due to moving house and having no internet connection from tomorrow for about two weeks. Keep the questions etc coming and I will get to them just a little slower than I have been of late! Only 2 weeks to go now guys!!
  23. K9: absolutely & exactly! She has done a wonderful job! :p Ditto!!!! Awww shucks ;) thanks guys but I haven't really done that much!
  24. Ok! A last minute reminder to all those who still need to book or pay, if you pay before tomorrow you will receive a 10% discount on the workshop costs after that it goes back to the normal costs!
  25. At this stage I have 11 people confirmed for both days with a few others in the pipelines.
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