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Everything posted by Seita

  1. I paid for my place and didn't receive the email Have they been in crates before? If not it might be better for you to tether then than crate them. But I do have a wire crate that you can borrow if you think they wil be ok. It's a medium one, sorry can't help with a large one. OH AND ONLY ONE SLEEP TO GO!!!!
  2. Camptailwaggers are always run on QLD time as they are just over the border. Thanks Maree - I get myself confused about time alot!!! On another note... Steve, Ella may not be up to doing a demo on Friday. She is having a tooth out today so it will depend on how she is coping on Friday but knowing her she'll give it her best shot!
  3. My dog is exactly the same, it is the one thing stopping me from trialing at this point. I need the reassurance that someone is going grab the offending dog and have them under control in a flash. I don't think it's fair to say that dogs like ours shouldn't compete. What if our dogs are the ones with the good stays who don't break them and then end up having another dog interfer with our dog..... Why don't stewarts get their butts there pronto? I know when I am stewarding I watch the dogs like a hawk and if they start to wiggle then I am already getting a leash ready if needed. For the morst part dogs change position or follow their handler which is why I keep competing. Ella will ignore another dog when she has been told to work (including stays) but if a dog did come up to her she would get nervous but most likely stay. It's only if a dog was very very persistent that I think there would be a problem. I refuse to let this stop me competing because the chances of this happening are pretty slim. She stays beside dogs that she ordinarily doesn't like without any problems and ignores dogs that drop or sit up or wander off.... I don't think it's fair on our dogs to be told we should be competing either SAS! There is one dog up here in QLD who is notorious for going over to greet other dogs, most of the judges/stewards know this and are ready for him. Even though I've been lucky enough never to be beside this dog in groups I won't let it stop me because I trust that the judges/stewards will catch him in time due to his consistency with doing this!!! The dog I watched on Saturday night was the first dog I've seen do this in the last two years aside from the other dog I just mentioned.
  4. Yep get her checked out by a vet... a holistic vet or chiro might be good in case she's put something out. And yes Jane Harper is the person that I would recommend here in QLD... I really need to ask her for commissions!!!
  5. sorry is it 9:30 QLD time or 9:30 NSW time that it starts??? Just cos I am likely to get confused!! OH AND 2 MORE SLEEPS TO GO!!!!
  6. To be the devil's advocate here just a bit, it is also my opinion that a dog that can't be trusted to stay shouldn't be trialled either. I see some dogs that do it every single trial and I just don't get why it keeps getting entered if it can't stay still.
  7. Get her vet checked, there might be something that is causing her pain which might explain her reactions. I would also recommend a behaviourist over a trainer, as to me that sounds like your puppy might be scared rather than agressive in which case correcting her is more likely to make the problem worse. Note that without a qualified person seeing her you can't determine what's causing this, this is just my thoughts based on the information you have given. It's impossible to diagnose something like this over the internet. If you tell us where you are located someone might be able to suggest a good behaviourist for you.
  8. Camp tailwaggers is a pretty magical place! The training arena/area is set high up on a hill with amazing views over the tweed region and the ocean and it catches a really good breeze! And yes I remember freezing in November too so bring a jumper just in case!! ETA: Link for http://www.camptailwaggers.com.au/ in case anyone hasn't got it!
  9. :D can you tell I'm excited! Only 3 sleeps to go.
  10. Dogs breaking stays and going over to other dogs is one of my biggest fears! My girl is very reactive and really doesn't like other dogs being in her space, I am always worried that if another dog comes up to her and pesters her she might have a go at it. I withdrew her from stays on Saturday night and was soo glad I did, the dog she would have been next too broke the sit stay and went over to greet every other dog doing the stays, it just worries me soo much!
  11. Ella has never broken a sit stay... drops on the other hand have not been our strong point this year!! My last BC girl dropped in MANY MANY sit stays in Open but never in novice.
  12. Well seeing as we are starting to review our wishes for this year and there aren't too many competitions left for the year I thought we should start our goals/wishlist for next year! I had my last trial for the year on Saturday so it's time to think about goals for next year! I had a quiet year this year, mostly because Ella had 6 months out for a litter and then I was lazy getting her out trialling again. We also took another 2 months off after the state titles to tidy some problem areas up. I am aiming for a bigger year next year seeing as this one has been a bit slow! So my hopes are for our UD title and be well an truely on the way to OC, I don't know if we'll get both next year but if I can get UD out of the way and a start on the OC legs! My other goal for Ella is get the allusive 200 in Open, I don't think I'll get one in UD any time soon but I know Ella is capable of one in Open! And the final goal for me is to enroll in the trainee judges program here in QLD and get a start on my judging licences! So how about everyone else? eta: change title a bit as it was confusing me!!
  13. excellent!!! She'll probably be on her best behaviour on Friday though!
  14. four sleeps to go!! Steve I think I broke my dog, can you repair her on friday please?
  15. Seeing as this has been revived - thanks Troy!! My goals for 2009 were: ... we didn't quite make up the requirements for the gold dumbbell award here in QLD (5 quals over 190 during the year) but that was due to laziness on my behalf, I think we only did 6 trials in total! We will be ready to trial in UD early next year so I think I achieved that goal ish! How did everyone else go??
  16. Curled right up over her back and wagging! I had to actually train her to carry it down for showing because she would get too excited and carry up it. When she is relaxed it's down though.
  17. Well after chatting with the OC last night at a trial it looks like we might be making some changes at our club. I have been told that I will have to ability to run a class in the way I want to as long as the required things are taught. It looks like we'll be making some positive changes to the manual to try and make classes more interesting and exciting so that's a good thing. I love the ideas so far and will definitely be including some of them in my suggestions to the club on things we can change and adjust.
  18. Aww what's wrong with Blaize?? I'll take her!!
  19. Ness, I think we all go through phases where we don't enjoy it anymore. I've taken a few breaks from it for a year or so at a time when I've been over it. I found that every time I took a break, after a few months I would be itching to get back out there again! Maybe a break from it might be good?
  20. I feel your pain Ness! Sometimes I wonder why we do this to ourselves?!
  21. So no iced coffees for you tonight? Or did Kenzie drink them and is as a result now sick?? I learnt a new lesson tonight too! One should not wipe the hair out of their face after giving a drop signal with the same hand as the signal (in heel work)! Ella went to lie down and then sat up because my hand went down to give the command and then came back up in one smooth motion to move the hair out of my face! Whoops!!
  22. well no brag from me tonight If I had of done the groups she would have been on 167 with a 0 for the change of positions (missed the sit command). Now we go into some serious training for UD!
  23. Good call Ptolomy!!! I like that, what do you think ness? Reckon it's a fair trade??
  24. that's right LP - my summer homework is to get our UD training finished so we can get out there and have some fun! Ness - can't wait for Kenzie to start trialling I'll bet she's gonna be one to watch!
  25. LOL! If she does really well I reckon you are going to be sick from all the iced coffees!!
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