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Everything posted by Seita

  1. He doesn't like it but doesn't growl at me. He will attempt to take his food away if I approach him while he's eating but if I call him he will come away from the food. I think it must be a game to him, especially considering he went to the effort to bring his bone next to the teddy bear despite the bone and the teddy being at other ends of his pen. I just wonder why he does it? Check with K9 for advice, you should be able to take any food off* him, with him showing NO*aggression signs whatsoever, you really need to get onto this ASAP. Sorry where did I say he showed any sign of aggression? He doesn't like me taking food away but he doesn't show any sort of aggressive tendancies when I do. Just this morning I pulled a half eaten bone out of his mouth without a single hassle. Again I never said it was cute, I said it was weird and was curious about why he does it. He hasn't shown any signs of food aggression towards me or my partner or my other dog so you guys need to stop jumping to conclusions. I have discussed this with a respected professional and have been informed that plenty of puppies do this during their ranking/shaping developement phase which is what he's entering into now.
  2. Thanks! That's the plan but not sure I'll achieve it this year! I've got 6 trials left for the year.... I guess we'll see! 6 trials ................I wish, we have only three left Seita....... do you know a Qld judge John Robken???? And that doesn't include the double trial I didn't enter this weekend or the trials that are further out of town (like 6 hours drive away). I know the name but can't tell you anything about him sorry!
  3. Thanks! That's the plan but not sure I'll achieve it this year! I've got 6 trials left for the year.... I guess we'll see!
  4. I can't help you sorry! Ella came pre-trained I think. I never ever did any training for this, I just thought one day I'd see what happens if I asked her to drop while she was coming in to me and she did it first time round! I remember someone once suggesting that you put the reinforcer (tug in Ella's case) behind the dog before you call them but I can't quite remember what the reasons were anymore. With my last 2 dogs I started with asking them to drop when there were sniffing around nearby or playing with a toy or doing anything at a distance from me and then started adding it to short recalls etc etc
  5. - video from last night.And a photo of Ella with the spoils of her UD career so far:
  6. I'm back from Logan's trial with excellent news!!! Ella got her 3rd pass tonight and her title with 185/200!!!! Now I just need to get her to tidy up a bit so I can get some scores in the 190s!
  7. the wine room is the place to be Should be great fun!! And i'm sure the workshop will be good too Oh God! I'm seriously doubting my decision to share a room with Miss Wine-oh-holic here!!! On another note, how many bottles should I bring..... ?
  8. Sounds exactly like what most of our QLD judges do as well for their heel patterns, even in UD! It's always nice when someone uses something different!
  9. He doesn't like it but doesn't growl at me. He will attempt to take his food away if I approach him while he's eating but if I call him he will come away from the food. I think it must be a game to him, especially considering he went to the effort to bring his bone next to the teddy bear despite the bone and the teddy being at other ends of his pen. I just wonder why he does it?
  10. Same conclusion I came to but couldn't figure it out either. This morning he hasn't made a single noise while eating (no teddy today) and the other toys I gave him this morning (kong and a rubber squeeker) don't have the same effect.
  11. I noticed that my puppy Mack was making lots of noise when he is out in his pen eating bones etc. So I spied on him and he stands there with his bone and his stuffed teddy bear nearby and as he eats he keeps growling at the teddy and then after a little while will jump on the teddy grabbing it and barking at it, then he keeps eating and does it all over again. It's like he's "warning" the teddy to keep away from his food. I decided to experiement with him this morning and put his bone down quite some distance from the teddy, thinking he'd simply eat it and not worry about the teddy. But no he carried the bone to the teddy and kept up with the warning and growling. I've now taken the teddy away from him and he seemed to quieten down this morning. I thought it was a strange thing for him to do and wondered if anyone has experienced anything like this or has any idea on why he's doing it?
  12. We had a VIC judge for UD/Open/Novice and his heel pattern was nothing like your QLD ones Eg. fast pace in Open was just one short straight line, no positions at all! But then again, his heel pattern was identical in Novice to his Open one, so he didn't adjust the "difficulty" on the level he was judging. So it looks like it's only QLD judges, not just WA judges who do a "short" heeling pattern. You guys need to move! ;) Yeah I trialled under a judge from the ACT on Saturday night and his heel pattern was a lot shorter than our QLD ones... it's interesting and I guess I'll find out why all the QLD judges have such long patterns when I go through my judges training!
  13. Really lovely work! Well done Ptolomy! But wow what a short heel pattern in comparison to what our QLD judges give us! We get all 3 positions in all 3 paces! It's not fair!!
  14. I turn slowly in training too but then she stays on my leg. She seems to get more excited than usual about her articles at trials. I'm going to experiment this week at training with someone else doing everything like a steward/judge would in a trial and see if I can mimick my handling during trials to see if I can get her to slow down just a bit. She's just a problem child this girl!
  15. It was in slow pace and completely my fault. Wrong footwork and she sort of hesitated but didn't manage to sit. She ended up with 23 for signals so I'm happy with that! WOOHOOO. You are on a run now. Will we see you next week at Logan? I'll be there with bells on Kath! I think she may have her title by the end of the year so not missing any trials! Now I Just need her to stop making mistakes that cost us substantials and we'll start seeing scores in the 190s rather than the 180s! Actually I do have a slight problem. On the about turn for articles, she always turns too quickly and ends up crooked despite the fact that I turn quite slowly in the hopes of keeping her on my leg. She doesn't do it when I'm training this on my own and rarely does it in training when I do a mock trial set up... only seems to do it in trials, has anyone got suggestions to stop her doing it cos it bugs me and is costing us points!
  16. Ella got another Quallie in UD tonight at Gold Coast!!! She ended up on 183 and 2nd place with a substantial for missing a sit (whoops!)!!! Only one more for her title!!!
  17. I really wanted to go but I'm trialling on Saturday! :rolleyes:
  18. I SOO agree!!! Whenever it's wet and I've got a class to instruct I hope that no one turns up... but inevitably a few always do and it's just like you say! The most injured that I've ever been and still competed was the day after having had the fingernail on my thumb removed so it was still really painful and I had to throw my dumbbell with that hand. I looked soo stupid with my big white bandage around my thumb trying to throw this dumbbell!
  19. Not that dedicated any more! I used to be really really dedicated and remember once turning up at training and I was the ONLY actual student (with a few instructors). Thankfully (or unfortunately) my current club grounds get really really boggy and flooded when it rains heavily so we tend to call training off if it's still raining or has been raining a lot during the day. But I did rock up at a trial in the pouring rain the other day and will do so again! And I do occasionally go out and train in the rain to ensure my dog doesn't get too complacent but I'd rather it not rain, especially when it's a bit cold as well! LOL
  20. Ooooh - I'm intrigued Do share Me too! Please tell!!!
  21. Well I did a double trial today (my club's trial) and unfortunately no passes. Ella has clearly been reading up on the 101 ways to blow directed jumping! In the first trial she took the wrong jump the first time but got it right the second time and managed to get 169 and 2nd place with just that one 0. In the later trial she shot past the box and sat somewhere behind it and then went to do the same thing the second time but I told her off and sent her to the box and then she lost the plot and started looking around as if searching for her seek back. Everything else was really nice though. Fingers crossed for next week's trial!
  22. North side of Brisbane, probably about 30-45 minutes drive from Durack (where the DogsQld grounds are). Fairly easy to find as it's right on a major road. When are you looking at going there?
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