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Everything posted by girl05

  1. Hi, Is your dog okay now? Did you find out what was wrong?
  2. Hi Morgan, I was hesitant and worried when she gave him the heartworm injection as he only normally has 2 vaccinations done at once.I asked her if he would be okay and she said yes he should be.She told me its best to get it done now so his protected against heartworm. I think the new vet today gave him antibiotics incase he is in pain. This is what he gave- Norocarp Inj 50mg 20ml(injection) 1 Baytril Injection 5% 50ml 3 Rimadyl 20mg tabs (tablets for me to give 1/2 a tab a day) 3 Baytril 50mg tablets (for me to give 1/2 a tablet a day) I asked if he would be alright from the injections and he said yes as they are different to what vaccines have in them. Does anyone know anything about those medications? Thanks
  3. Hi,thanks! Yes I'm relieved that I found a new vet who was concerned about my dogs condition. I am definatelt NOT returning to the original vet,I will never go there again for anything especially after how I was brushed off and not taken seriously.I am disgusted with them. Yeah I was thinking about writing a letter, though for now I just want to focus on my dog hopefully getting better then I'll do something about that. Thanks, I hope he will be fine,even though its difficult I just need to try and keep him hydrated. I'll give another update tommorow.
  4. Slightly stating the obvious here - but this is simply not good enough! Really hope your dog will be OK Thanks:) I hope so too!
  5. Maltest cross shitzu Update-Just came back from the new vet,(this vet was very good and concerned) vet reckons my dog picked up a virus from the rspca vet clinic. Vet gave my dog some antibiotics, in tablets and also gave him an injection,If my dog isn't better tommorow vet said he will have to put my dog on a drip:( I'm so worried, hopefully he will be okay.I managed to get a little bit of food into him this afternoon. Also he said my dog is a bit dehydrated:(
  6. Perhaps they were just cysts? My dog had a small lump on his face,it was getting latger and I was very worried, then when I went to check on it again it wasn't there. The lump came back again and we got the vet to check it out, it was only a cyst. I was so relieved. That explains why it went away and came back. Hope your dog is ok.
  7. I agree, it isn't normal at all, and I got the impression that she thought I was overracting!! We are going to another vet this afternoon. We originally were told if we went in yesterday after vet hours that we had to pay $78 just for the vet to see the dog, so we went in and thats when the vet nurse said all the vets were in a meeting( even though we made prior arrangements to going there) and the girl at the front desk-vet nurse looked over him.I'm so frustrated.We went all that way for nothing, and my poor dog isn't any better. His was fine before we took him to the vet and now this happens..
  8. Hi, My dog got vaccinated on Monday , on Monday afternoon he ate, on Tuesday and on Wednesday didn't eat and vomited the food from Monday. He only drinks if we force water down his mouth with a spoon.We called the vets they said he should be fine and thats normal after a vaccination. We even took him back in and a vet nurse had a quick look over him and said he looks ok.. but his not eating or drinking, and it Friday, He never gets sick after vaccinations.For the first time he had a heartworm vacination and also he had his kennel cough vacinnation and normal vaccination(both which his had before) Thanks
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